A Late Breakfast

He smiled back. "What?" He asked, noticing a change.
"so, does that mean you have no-one to go with to the Yule Ball?" Larissa grin broadened.
Robert paused for a second before looking at her. "That's right. But its not for another few months" he said.
"I know." Larissa smiled, "But how would you feel about going with me- just as friends."
Robert was suprized and shocked. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair again, trying not to make the situation painful. "I, i dont know. I..i dont want you make you feel like you're, a back-up." He sighed again trying to find the right words. "I don't have a girlfriend, and ive just joined. Ive only just met you Laris." He looked into her eyes, "Maybe if.." It was his turn to blush a little.
He tried again, confident this time. "I dont know Larissa. I really like you. I don't even know if ive decided to go yet" he concluded, turning his concentration back to his toast.
Larissa smiled kindly.
"It's alright, just a thought."
She picked up some more toast, buttered it and popped it into her mouth.
Larissa took these sorts of things in her stride.
She had worse things to worry about- Like how her brother was going to meet her.
Libby saw Laris and Robert at the Slytherin table, and decided to join them. "Hiya!" she grinned at them. She noticed Larissa was looking disapointed, had he rejected her for somthing? She hoped not. "What's up?" she asked.
((Larissa was not looking dissapointed))

"Hi, Lib Libs." Larissa said suddenly holding her piece of toast between her teeth while rummaging for the letter in her bag.
She took it out and handed it to Libby.
"Read that, that's what's up."
He saw Libby and smiled, determind not to dejuice her. Why should he care what she thought of him? All he knew was that she had just ruined somthing important to him. He smiled at Larissa. "Hi Lib. Just, food" He said holding up his toast.
(shh lol)

Libby skimmed through the letter, her eyes became wider (what does it say lol??) She sat down and with one hand grabbed an apple.
Larissa looked at Robert and mouthed "thank you" for not telling Libby.
Then she smiled warmly.
((It says that Larissa's brother wants to meet her at Hogwarts in the forest.))
Libby stared at Larissa. "You're actually going to meet him!?" she said loudly, shocked. "Laris you can't, not after what happened to your dad. Im sorry" Her eyebrows crossed and Libby hugged her.
Robert nodding to Larissa and smiled.

Robert glanced over to Libby, and grabbed the letter off her. Skim reading it, he finally understood. Handing it back to Larissa, he waited while Lib asked her what she was doing.
"well.. Yes" Larissa said, stowing the note back in her bag, "He's still my brother."
"So..You're going to meet him? Cant you meet him, like some place other than the forest?"
Robert cupped his hand round one of Larissa's cheeks, turning her head towards him. He looked into her eyes, "You wouldn't" he dared seriously.
Larissa's expression was no longer a smile but serious.
"I would." She said to Robert.
"And Liberty," she said, turning her head to Libby, "I think people will notice him if we don't meet in the forest." She sighed and turned back to Robert.
Robert breathed in and stood up. "You're not going." he said simply. He turned and started to walk back out the hall.
Libby turned furious again. "You cant!!!" Looking up to Robert for help, she nodded at him, and watched as he left.
Larissa watched Robert go and sighed deeply.
"I need to.. get to the library." Larissa said coldly to Libby as she headed off to the girls bathroom.

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