A Good Night Cry

Eleona Bexley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4 Essence of a Dragons Heartstring
Eleona sniffled to herself and tried to hold in tears. Her throat was now burning and tingling, now stifling the sobs she wanted to emit. But she couldn't do that, her father always told her, don't show any sign of weakness, because then you'll become weak yourself. She sure as hell didn't want to be weak, so... She would just have to hold it in.
This was all Kai's fault. Wasn't it? Why did she even care in the first place?! He was nothing but a stupid rich boy... All he cared about was pleasing his father. But if that's all he was to Eleona, why did it hurt this much?
Hamza was looking at the view while he was at the north tower and saw someone who did not look like a happy camper. He stood up and started to walk towards the person. When he reached in from of the person, he realized it was a female student and someone he had met before, but he couldn't remember where. He then thought for about a minute and remembered that she was one of Maria's friends, Eleona. He then sat down on his feet and said, "Eleona? Is that you?"
She looked at the boy, realized who it was, and then began wiping her eyes feverishly. Putting on one of her fake signature smiles, she responded, "Oh... Hey Hamza..." She kept repeating to herself, 'Look happy, feel happy.' over and over, but her throat still stung, and her mouth became dry in an instant, "How's it goin'?"
Hamza looked at Eleona wiping her tears away, which gave him the signal that she was not having a good day at all. He then said, "I'm doing good, just kicking it back, relaxing and enjoying the view." Hamza wanted to solve Eleona's problem now since she was his girlfriend's friend, so he then said, "What seems to be the problem Eleona? People don't cry for nothing.
"Aw jeez, I thought I was doing a good job of covering it up..." Eleona muttered, then plut her knees to her chest, "See, I don't know if I already told you this but I was going to get married to this guy named Kai. And the thing is, he was really mean at first, but then I got to know him and then I thought, maybe... Just maybe he's a nice guy." She inhaled sharply, "And then I turn my back for two seconds, and he goes and hooks up with some chick in a corner. I don't even know why I care so much! He's nothing but a stupid jerk." Eleona felt a tear roll down her cheek, then wiped it away again, "I shouldn't even care about him."
Hamza laughed a little bit when she said she was trying to cover up her tears. He then said, "I can read people's faces very easily and can tell what mood they are in and what not." He then heard her say that she was having relationship troubles and said, "Kai? I've heard of him, I believe he is in Slytherin. A friend of mine is in Slytherin as well and he told me about him. He was flirting with another girl or he hooked up with her permanently and dumped you?" Hamza saw the tears go down her face again and then said, "Well, sometimes the best thing to do is to let things happen the way they do. I've always thought of things to be for the best. My thinking is that whenever something bad happens to a person, something good is hanging just around the corner to put a smile on your face."
"He was flirting with her, and then said how I'm basically nothing but another girl for his list... I kinda walked in on the two of them when he said it." Eleona smiled a bit at his inspirational wisdom and then cocked her head to the side, "Well what good could come from this?!" She let out a dry laugh and then cleared her throat, "I suppose that's true, but it doesn't make me feel any better."
"Eleona?" Kai raised an eyebrow and walked into the room, "...Is that you?" Being met with only silence, he frowned, "Eleona... I'm sorry. I really am." The truth was, he really was sorry. In fact he hadn't slept in two days from pure guilt, and he had the dark rings around his eyes to prove it. As much as he hated to admit it, Eleona had changed him, whether it was for the better or worse was strictly for opinion, but it had happened.
"I see, he was flirting with her. Well, you have to understand that there are a lot of girls at Hogwarts, maybe he was just talking to her and you took it as he was flirting? What you see with the human eyes aren't always true." said Hamza with a smile. He was glad to see that she understood his wisdom, but was puzzled when she said what good would come from this. He then turned to Eleona and said, "Well, maybe it's time for you to either give him another chance or to meet a new guy?"
Eleona ignored Kai coldly, then turned to her new friend, "You know I think you may be right. Maybe I do need a new guy... And trust me, it was flirting." She scowled a bit and bit her lip, "I'm just glad my dad isn't around to keep me from guys..." The girl let out a small chuckle, "You know, you are very wise beyond your years Hamza." She turned to Kai, "You know sometimes sorry doesn't cut it Kai."
Kai felt his stomach drop. This was weird. Usually when he dumped a girl, he would just move onto the next one... Why was his stomach bubbling, and why was there a sertain unfamiliar feeling in his chest?
Maybe a little...
A little bit...
He couldn't place his finger on it but the very idea of Eleona moving on so quickly infuriated him with the intensity of a burning flame, "Why not?!"
Hamza saw Kai coming from a distance and saw him talking to Eleona, but she completely ignored him. "Maybe you do need a new guy, maybe you don't, that's up to you. I suppose you can think of it as flirting, but that's a normal behavior amongst guys, trust me." said Hamza with a small chuckle. "That's a first someone telling me that I am wise beyond my years. I only speak the truth and everything just comes from my heart, that's all. Plus, I have all of my father's traits, his attitude, his behavior and what not." said Hamza. "Well, how about this. I've got a friend who is also in Slytherin whom maybe you can talk to and see if it may work out between you two? He's a very wealthy individual, very nice, polite, sometimes mean and what not, but overall, a great guy, plus, he's not the average Slytherin, and he's looking for a girl that he can spend time with. What do you think?"
Eleona smiled, "Yeah, I'd like that..." She faced Kai once more, feeling confident, yet still hurt. With her blue eyes flickering in pure anger she clenched her fist, "Because Nagasaki. You've said sorry to me once, and I said I would only give you one chance. And guess what? You blew it." Now feeling like she had done what she had to, it was almost as if a weight had been lifted off of her, and she was now finally free to do as she pleased.
Now defeated and scarred, Kai walked out without a word. Only knowing that he had messed up, and silently vowing to make it up to Eleona one day.
Hamza was glad to see that Eleona had agreed to meeting up with a friend of his to see how things to between him and her, to see if they make a connection or not. "Alright, I'll try to get a hold of him asap." Hamza actually felt sad for Kai, reason being that being dumped isn't always the best feeling, but he thought that Kai is a strong guy, he'll pull through.
Xavier decided to go to the North Tower with a buddy of his because he had no visited the North Tower yet. When Xavier got there, he liked the view and was talking with his buddy on some important matters. Xavier looked to his left and saw from a short distance whom seemed to be Hamza. He told his buddy that he would meet up with him later because he had to go meet someone else, so Xavier started to walk towards Hamza. Xavier reached Hamza and said, "What's up Hamza. How've you been?"
Eleona let out a sigh of sheer relief and made her signature grin, "Yo someone's here for you Hamza." She poked Hamza in the arm, now interested as a young child would be interested in pretty much anything shiny. She smiled, "Hiya!"

((OOC: Yeah by young child I mean me, but I'm not a young child anymore ;;))
((OOC: What? lol ))

Hamza was surprised to see Xavier here at North Tower. "Out of all the places, we ha to meet here huh Xavier?" said Hamza with a laugh. "I've been good, you know, just lurking here and there." said Hamza. Hamza was actually surprised at how fate was working for him. He had just told Eleona about Xavier and now he was in front of him. "Xavier, I'd like you to meet someone. Her name is Eleona Bexley and she is a First Year Hufflepuff student." Hamza got up and took Xavier by the arm to talk to him in his ear. "Look Xavier, you told me that you were looking for a girl, well, she just got out of a relationship and is now looking for another guy, so I told her about you and now she is interested. Go get her man, I honestly think she would be perfect for you. She is nice, loyal and overall a great person. Xavier agreed and then both started to go back to Eleona.

"Eleona, this is Xavier Littlefield, the guy I was telling you about." said Hamza with a smile. "Hey Eleona, I have to get going now, I've got meet someone else on a important subject, so I will talk to you later. I'll leave you two to talk to each other." said Hamza while waving good bye to Xavier and Eleona.
"Uh... Ok... See ya later Hamza!" Eleona waved. She looked Xaivier and scratched her head, "Nice to meet you..." There was no doubting he was attractive, and according to Hamza he was nice, so what was there to lose? Well... She could lose her pride, again. But oh well, what was life if she didn't take chances? Eleona then sat down on one of the stone ledges and sighed.
Xavier was scratching his head thinking what just happened. He thought Hamza had just hooked up him and Eleona to talk and he just ran off. Xavier then thought in his mind, I'm going to get him for this, this is such an awkward situation right now. He turns around and sees Eleona. "Uh.... hi there. My name is Xavier Littlefield. Quite an interesting introduction and a way to meet, don't you think?"
Eleona let out a small laugh, then rubbed her eyes a bit, "Yeah I'd have to agree with that." She paused, looked down at her feet, then thought of something to say, "So... Tell me about yourself?"
It was just then Eleona realized that this was going to be a very, very awkward conversation.
Xavier looked a little puzzled as to why Hamza did what he did. Of course he was trying to help him out, but like this? Xavier shook his head and looked towards Eleona. "About myself? Well, I come from a rich family, my father works in the muggle world and so does my mother, both are dentists and make plenty of money. I have 2 older brothers, whom are looking for jobs right now and graduated from Durmstrang not too long ago. Well, enough about me, do you mind sharing information about you?" Xavier was getting a bit comfortable with Eleona and that was a good sign for him.
Eleona smiled, "Well, I guess you can call my family rich. I have one little brother, and he's turning ten in a couple of weeks... Aside from that there's only my dad. He's a lawyer in the muggle world, he's not home much, and my mom kinda just isn't in the picture. One day she just left for no reason." She winced a bit remembering that horrible day, "I guess ever since then my dad has just been closed off. I choose not to dwell on it."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your family troubles. Everyone has problems, even I do. My uncles and I on my mother's side don't get along too well, seeing as I surpassed them in every way such as in power, studies, and what not. Like I said, everyone has troubles, but you have to learn to get over them." said Xavier with a serious face. "Hey, would you care for some Hot Coffee or Hot Chocolate?" said Xavier with a smile to Eleona.
"Some hot chocolate would be nice actually." Eleona grinned, noticing they were becoming comfortable with each other so easily, "I don't really like the taste of coffee too much, but it's great when you add a little sugar and then stir it with a cinnamon stick... I mean I suppose that would taste good with hot chocolate too... Oh jeez I think I'm rambling..." She let out a small, nervous laugh, "Sorry, I ramble a lot sometimes. It's a nervous habit."

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