A few...more people maybe?

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I have Sophia. She's not very interesting but it could be fun seeing as he's a DE and she's a muggle.
Leah: Sure, PM on Hades for ideas. :)
Melissa: lol! Funny! :p
Sophia: Considering how Hades can get, and how much muggle hating, that might not be a good idea.
I can offer Arianna up for random freaky stalking? :p
I'm not sure if Hades and Austin are related? I get confused with the family tree thing, but yeah. Maybe some Ari/Austin/Hades connection? Since Ari and Austin seem to already be friends.
I don't know, it's late at night, and I have a case of late-christmas insanity xD Ignore this if you want. :p
Alexis Richarde said:
Grandmother was italicized for a reason Kaitlyn :p Nina's grandmother isn't really her grandmother... Nina just thought she was for most of her life so that is how I refer to her as. Umm... for Hades, you can choose. I'm good for both. Although she wont like the kissing bit .

We probably will have to do this after Alexis' graduation because she is going to find some interesting things and likely will be free to do what ever.
Plot stealing, much? <_<

On a related note, you can stalk Antoinette. She's used to creepy stalkers now. =))
And she's the daughter of the British Minister of Magic, so if you want information...haha.
Lucinda Buckley said:
Alexis Richarde said:
Grandmother was italicized for a reason Kaitlyn :p Nina's grandmother isn't really her grandmother... Nina just thought she was for most of her life so that is how I refer to her as. Umm... for Hades, you can choose. I'm good for both. Although she wont like the kissing bit .

We probably will have to do this after Alexis' graduation because she is going to find some interesting things and likely will be free to do what ever.
Plot stealing, much? <_<

On a related note, you can stalk Antoinette. She's used to creepy stalkers now. =))
And she's the daughter of the British Minister of Magic, so if you want information...haha.
Um excuse me but Nina figured this out in her fourth year. Not now. So yeah I didn't steal any plots :correct:
Ari: Hades would highly enjoy freaking people out. If someone means a lot to someone in his family, he will test that. Any one of Austin's friends mean a lot to him, so that would be interesting. Next time Brightstone is open, or any of those places, I will be willing to have Hades set out. ^_^

Camilla: Oh wow, that would be interesting as well. :shifty: Anytime you wish for Hades to stalk Antoinette, just let me know. ^_^
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