a few adults

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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Hey all.
since i have been bak i have not actually RP'ed. so i thought i should post here. i don't want too many RP's just or or two to ease me back into it. here are my characters i am up for any suggestions.

Elvera Le Fey
early 30's owner of the inner eye
Elvera left th school to move to her house in england and bring up her twins. however upon morgans retirement she has decided to move back to nz and take over the inner eye. she is a kind motherly woman, happy to help anyone out. (and she has a knack of knowing what is coming), any kind of plots. other than romance. unfortunately that part of her heart is stone cold, and she will never fall in love again.

Selene le fey
the eldest of elvera's twin daughters, aged 4
no much is going on for her. i uses she is going to the local muggle primary school. i haven't used her before.

Tara sitara
mid 20's i think, co-owner of makutu dinette.
this girl sees the beauty in everything. she is great at cooking and to kindhearted for business. friends and customers would be great. but she already has a love life so unless you are emzies no plots that way

Leigh west
late 20's co-owner of makutu dinette
this is the business side of the joint. leigh makes a wicked coffee and is happy to chat but is less likely to let you have things for free. once again leigh has a love life already but anything else would be good.

Melody Wilde
early 20s, traveling violinist
melody has grown up a traveler and after loosing her parents, she is on her own traveling the world. she comes from Ireland, studied music and weather magic in switzland, but has recently fallen in love with the huge landscapes in scandinavia. but she can really be anywhere. she is basically up for anything. but be warned she has a few secrets of her own.

rhiannon mcgowan
19ish i think medical student.
after graduating hnz as head girl she finished her muggle schooling (she had been doing it by distance learning whilst in new Zealand) and is now studying medicine at the university of Tasmania

bridget McGowan
mid 30's, silversmith
bridget lives on the island of mull in Scotland where she runs her silver studio. in there she creates normal silver jewellery for mules and magic kind alike but she also had managed to bind charms into her work like amulets. she sells her work from her own workshop, the inner eye (mainly magic) and has recently expanded to a showroom in copenhagen (purly non magic) she is also able to do custom works. she can be up for anything. she has never married or had children but feel sort of responsible for her niece as she they are the only two in the family with magic.

if you have suggestions for any of my other characters let me know and we can discuss.
i'm up for Tara and Tessin to RP again if you wanted to do that?
sorry for the slow reply. i guess u am not quite 100% back apparently. :p
I like both ideas.
Maia. they should have a reunion. maybe the whole old gang (or whoever wants to) should get back together for a party.

Emzies: that sounds great. do you want to start it or do you want me to?
I could start it, but there's no telling how long that would take, since I'm without a laptop. So if you could start it that would be great! But if not I could get to it eventually ^_^ .
I can make a start. Do you have any ideas as to where it when it could be set?
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