Open A Different Method Of Location

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)
Yellow rose for @Lauren Davenport

With how tiring it was to search for people in such a large castle, Lysander had given up for some of his last few roses, and instead opted to write out a letter addressed to the recipients, and have his owl figure out where they were instead, since they seemed to magically know. He tied a yellow rose to Fuzzfeather's leg, and set him off inside the corridors while he ran along behind him, climbing stairs and turning corners until the white owl finally came to a halt, flying lazy circles above a girl on the fourth floor. "Hey, you!" He shouted, jogging up to her and holding out his arm for his owl to land. "I can't believe that worked! That's so cool. I have a rose to give to you!" He informed her, before fidgeting to untie the yellow flower from his bird's talons.​
Lauren had nothing with the rose deliveries. But it was there, she could not ignore it. She walked around the castle with no point but just having to do something. It wasn't like she was busy with lessons she didn't go to. Than Lauren saw something coming above her and kind of went into a defence mode. She didn't liked suprises. And when someone called her she didn't actually gave him a smile. '' What are you doing?" She first replied. A bit in defence mode already. But than he said he had a rose. A rose for her? From who would it be? ''A rose? For me?'' She than said a bit softer.
It took a moment to free the rose from Fuzzfeathers talons, and an extra few seconds for Lysander to try and subtly straighten out one of the leaves that had bent out of shape during the flight. "Yeah, this is for you. I think. Are you Lauren Davenport?" He asked, realising that his owl could have just flown to her because she had food in her pocket or something. "If you are, then here!" He continued, handing over the yellow flower.


You know you can always come to me? I have so many resources that could help.

Happy valentines day

The blonde hadn't expected a owl circeling above her. She would be paranoid of that, what if her father send her a letter or something. A howler? That would make a fool out of her. He asked if she was Lauren and she raised her eyebrow for a moment. She didn't trusted people and was sometimes still distant. Only Aonghas she trusted a bit. Actually thinking of telling him about her situation. '' I am her. But I don't even know you. Who are you?'' She than asked him with her arms over eachother. But than he handed over a rose. A yellow one with a note. And Lauren took it a bit doubtfull. And read the note of it. Resources? Why would he say that? Was he expecting something? Suddenly she felt stressfull and doubting again. She had to think of it really well again if she would talk to him. But perhaps it was better, than saying it to him and making him promise he would not tell it to anyone. What if he would do something out of himself.

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