A Coven

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Link Black

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Madderz MAIN
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Tallon
Well since Link sort of to young to be a D.E and its possibly to overcrowded anyways he's looking for anyone to join possibly a coven. Prefers those older than 16 and particular those who have knowledge of dark arts. He may lack somewhat in it, so if anyone older like to join, just be younger than 25 that be great. Link a loner he keeps to himself so I say the maximum of the coven would probably be six the most. If it those well maybe we could have ten just not to many, we probably need a name, and a home in where everyone would stay at, and we won't be refer as wizards but warlocks. Drumstrang students are welcome, just not a lot of them. Anyone interested just post here!
I'm interested. I think it's a great idea.. Sorta like DE but for wizards who are to young to be actual DE, but someday hope to be a real one.
Course I don't mind you being it =P thanks for your interest!
OH! Count me in if that's ok? I want Valen to dabble in the dark side.
Yes if you don't mind not being told what to do but Link will probably carry out most of the coven? So if you don't mind having to do that than yes! Maybe there be a lot plottage going on in and out of the coven ^^
I probably need one more other girl and and three to four guys now. I know I said six but I can push it up to eight not trying to make it ten just yet.
If her sister is joining then Valkory would probably join too.
She's interested in the dark arts side of thing. It might be fun for her to hang around with dark magic folk
Those two will do![[Green Brothers]] Thanks for being interested Hazel but because your young and its already going to be hard for the 16 year old to do magic I can't accept you in. Sorry tusk, the last two guys I want has to be non related and other role players besides the ones accepted =^)
If you have space, Alaian might want to. Hes a bit of a wimp who'd follow anyone for protection, just like Peter Pettigrew xD
Alright thanks for your interest I would accept the last three and pm you with a plot already in mind! Thanks a whole bunch!
Matter of fact pm the name you will be using, and we could use this part of the forum to come with names as well. Thanks again.
No lulz xD! For now they won't have any. Pm me if anyone has questions!
No I wanted to know any names suggestion for the coven. But a list would be fine, I rather discuss the name over pm, but here mind don't matter much.
well what would the coven be like? What are there aims etc? (This is Aaliyah and Tobias btw..ignore the fact im logged on as libby)
The chicken nugget coven ^_^ Or the Slightly Mad Dark Ones
I think I explain in the beginning Libz, my first post actually. And the plottage I have in mind don't want to spoil it out here now do we? Lol and nice name may go with the chicken nuggets ones :r fail xD!
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