Open A Corpse Bride

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Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (17)
Savannah had found this dress in the trash over the break. She'd managed to clean it up well. and the fact it was torn was pretty good. She had used make-up to make herself look a little more dead. She had really put in some effort and hoped that people would appreciate her costume. Savannah hoped that no one would actually think she'd got the dress from the trash. Savannah was moving around the hall slowly, just wondering how much of her time she was going to waste at it.
Vanity hadn't seen Friday anywhere yet, and she wasn't going to wait around with nothing to do. She looked around the Great Hall, a little impressed by how much it had changed and all the different activities. Vanity spotted a girl nearby in a black dress, and she paused. She had seen this girl with her brother quite a few times, which made her curious. Emery was nowhere to be seen, Vanity honestly doubted he even came to this event. This might be a good time to get to know her, it might help her make fun of Emery later. Vanity had no idea if this girl would know who she was, but she figured she'd find out soon enough. "What are you?" She asked the girl curiously.
Savannah was approached by a girl, someone that she was fairly sure that she'd been introduced to, or knew who she was. Though Savannah couldn't quite remember what she had been told. Savannah glanced at her, "I'm a corpse," she replied with a shrug. She didn't ask the other girl what she was, since it was very obvious what this girl was dressed as.
Vanity wrinkled her nose in disgust at the girl's words. She had thought maybe she was a ghost or something, which would at least be sort of pretty in a tragic way. A corpse was just gross. "Ew." She said. "Why?"
Ruto had missed out on attending the Halloween Feast last year, so she was looking forward to this one, despite not having bothered to put much effort into her costume. Her mother had taken her to a sad clothes shop in the holidays and she found a plain white dress with a matching bonnet, so she decided to just go as a doll. Dolls could be scary, right? As the Ravenclaw walked through the crowds at the Halloween Feast, she couldn't help but overhear a conversation that was happening not far from her. Savannah was one of her roommates, and so when the small first year insulted her quite creative costume, Roo couldn't help herself. "You do know this is a Halloween celebration, right? So it makes sense for some people's costumes to be 'ew'" she said, more matter-of-factly than with the intention to start an argument. "Not that your costume is 'ew' at all in my opinion. I quite like it." She smiled at Savannah, hoping the younger girl's words didn't offend her.
Savannah had been about to reply to the young girl with a biting remark, truly biting, when her roommate interrupted. She rolled her eyes, definitely not needing her roommate to defend her. She glanced at Roo or whatever and shrugged. "I don't care what you think," she said sharply, though lying a little as she was quite pleased to have gotten a compliment. "I do think it's a better costume than a cat, how lame," she said glancing back at the young girl.
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