A boyfriend

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Alexis Ziamian

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hi everyone ^_^

Alex is a 2nd year Gryffy (As you can see), and she is really sweet and kind. She is looking for a boyfriend, the same age or older but preferably not younger.
If anyone has any suitable characters, then please let me know :)

The trick is not to be picky.
But why do you need a boyfriend for Alexis right now?
She's 12 years old.

You'd be better off to advertise for a girlfriend for Alexis.
As Phoebe already said, not many boys, mostly girls.
(it's Alex/Claire here)

Well yeah, I know she's only 12 :p

I suppose so, anyway. But some people do have boyfriends at 12.

But still, I think I won't bother with that then :D
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