Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
It was summer and Elvera was enjoying one of the last few days she had before the girls were home from school. She missed the twins a lot. ever since they were very little she had dedicated most of her life to raising them. schooling them and looking after them. now they were at hogwarts she had come to a bit of a loss as to what to do. she had spent some time catching up on things that she wanted to do and needed to do such as a good spring clean of her house and a bit of redecoration. and visiting her family. and well she would see friends but she didn't have too many. she had spent a good few days in Scotland touring around and being shown the highlights and the highlands by her friend Bridget. but soon things started to slow and she had looked for work only to find that the shop her family had used to own was once again up for sale. she had put an offer in and bought it. now it was just a few days until the sale went through and Elvera was taking an afternoon to relax before she would be busy again. timing wouldn't be great. the school would be off the girls would come home and she would be busy with the shop. she was sure that Lena would enjoy it. but Heli, Heli would probably take the time to spend with morgan. helping her cook and make potions.
Elvera tried to put all of that from her mind as she walked into the park. the sunshine warm on her shoulders. it was a beautiful day and she had brought a book with her to read. it was an old novel she had found in a muggle second-hand bookshop. called I Morgana. telling stories of authority myth from the point of view of her favourite character, and, if the family legend was to be believed, a distant relative of hers. she put a blanket down under the shade of a tree and opened the book and started to read.
Lillian could hardly believe it had been almost a whole year since she had started as a teacher at Hogwarts. The time had flown, and now it was Christmas, and she was preparing to visit home for the holidays. It had become her custom, in the years she'd lived in New Zealand, but still she never got used to the juxtaposition of the British winter and kiwi summer. So she was making the most of the latter, deciding on this sunny day to take a stroll through the park. It would be good, if frustrating, to see her sister again, and her little nephew was growing up so fast.

Lillian strolled aimlessly, dwelling on family and the nature of time, enjoying the sunlight and the moment of peace. There was a woman sitting reading under a tree near where she passed, and Lillian nodded politely to her. "Beautiful morning." Normally she would have left it at that; Lillian valued her solitude and generally assumed other people would also like to be left alone, but then she caught sight of the cover of the book. "Is that Arthurian myths?" Those legends were very much an area of interest for Lillian, in addition to being among the things she taught. Perhaps she could meet someone with similar interests today.
Elvera looked up as a lady walked past and wished her a good morning. "Good morning, and an absolutely perfect one at that" she said. it was the right weather for being outside reading.She expected that the lady would walk on continuing to where she was going. the greeting had been friendly but more a pleasantry than a conversation starter. she was a little surprised when the lady stopped and looked at the book asking about it. "Yes, it is a muggle novel about my favourite character" she said. "are you a fan of the mythology too" she asked. she had never met anyone interested in Arthurian myths before. at least not from outside her family.
(So sorry for the delay, Lillian got rather sidelined by the Valentines rush)

Lillian smiled awkwardly, realising this was an odd way to start a conversation, but at least the woman seemed interested rather than annoyed. "Oh, interesting," she said, genuinely meaning it. Lillian hadn't really ever looked into the muggle versions of the myths, and she found herself curious about them now. "Yes, I am. I teach them, at Hogwarts, and I've always found them fascinating."

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