yellow rose

  1. Gwen Goodwin

    🌹 Rose Giving Loyal Letter

    After asking around, Gwen had heard that the next person on her list was also delivering roses. She was vaguely aware of the older Gryffindor boy, he was pretty cute and on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. So when Gwen spotted him, she put on a bright grin before approaching him, glad she had put...
  2. Gwen Goodwin

    🌹 Rose Giving Friendly Flowers

    Gwen was glad that she knew the first person on her list, she was Rosie's sister Aurora. Gwen had seen the two together, delivering roses, so she just had to catch them somewhere in between deliveries. When she spotte them in the first floor corridor, Gwen hurried forward, careful not to upset...
  3. Sadie Gates

    🌹 Rose Giving An Ambrosial Yellow Rose

    And again, Sadie was back to not knowing who her next delivery was. She decided to take a new window in another corridor and loudly shouted. "LOUIS ALCOTT! YELLOW ROSE FOR LOUIS!" She hoped that the boy won't have any problems with her shouting his name and that he was at least there. @Louis Alcott
  4. Sadie Gates

    🌹 Rose Giving Delightful Yellow

    And again, Sadie kinda knew who Juniper Zumwalt was, wasn't she the captain of Ravenclaw team? She totally was. And also the leader of SDA, would be awful not to know her. "Hey Juniper! I am Sadie and I have a rose for you!" Sadie excitedly approached the Ravenclaw team captain, knowing that it...
  5. Sadie Gates

    🌹 Rose Giving Adorable Yellow

    Sadie was absolutely back to her first plan, just calling names out. "Estella Fuentes! Is Estella Fuentes here?" She loudly shouted standing on the window, trying to get as much attention as she could. @Estella Fuentes
  6. Sadie Gates

    🌹 Rose Giving The Most Beautiful Yellow Heart

    Sadie was extremely excited for the rose deliveries. She loved communication, she loved Valentine's Day and she had no idea that they had this sort of event in the school and having the chance to sign up for it was the best thing to happen in the whole school year. She took the list of people...
  7. Timothy Black

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Of A Kind

    Tim had left only a one rose for Natalia Novak and to be honest, he was just wild guessing where the girl could be. He had no idea who she was but well, to say the least, he just hoped that his last rose will go amazing. "Hey, do you know where Natalia Novak is?" He asked the nearest girl in the...
  8. Timothy Black

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Dreams

    And again, Tim had no idea who Kasim was. He had been searching him for a long time asking around who he was and where to find him. Eventually he got to know that Kasim was from Hufflepuff and Tim decided to go around the place where he knew that Hufflepuff common room was and decided to ask...
  9. Timothy Black

    🌹 Rose Giving A Beautiful Yellow

    Tim had heard that the next person was one of the Ravenclaw prefects and where any Ravenclaw prefect could be found? Anywhere except for Library because Tim always found ways to come up with anything that didn't even make sense. He was at the great lawn just hoping that maybe Delilah could be...