yellow rose

  1. Peregrine Piper

    🌹 Rose Giving Nocturnal Hunting Ground

    yellow rose for @Terror Zhefarovich Peregrine had left a lot of her deliveries until later in the day, not out of any ill intent more that it was just hard to carve out enough time around classes earlier on. Peregrine had also spent a lot of the earlier part of the day looking up yearbooks and...
  2. Jasper Beese

    🌹 Rose Giving A rose for friendship

    Jasper was over halfway through his deliveries and knew the next person was a Ravenclaw. He headed to the Ravenclaw table during lunch time to find them, "Oh hi, I'm looking for Lucy." He asked someone at the table, "Which Lucy? Oh er, Lucy Montague." He hesitated and checked his list, of course...
  3. Hinata Edogawa

    🌹 Rose Giving since i'm already here

    Since Hina had already embarrassed herself thoroughly in front of Teddy, she had decided to just hunker down in the Great Hall for a bit. Besides, the rest of the roses she had to deliver were mostly for Gryffindors anyway, and since they lived on the Seventh Floor, it was just easier to wait...
  4. Teddy Pirrip

    🌹 Rose Giving Training rose

    Teddy had one last rose to deliver but he knew he would be seeing Miro at Quidditch training so held onto it until then. When Miro arrived Teddy gave him a big grin, "I have something for you!" He said cheerfully, reaching into his bag and taking out his last rose which was yellow. @Miro...
  5. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Name Based Intimidation

    yellow rose for @Terror Zhefarovich Merlin, thought Audrey as she wandered down to the dungeons. Wizards really did give their children weird names, didn't they? She was living proof of it, so she wouldn't dare say anything to anyone. But Terror, really? She supposed it projected a certain...
  6. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving A simple rose

    As Ruto looked at the next name on her list of rose deliveries, she had to rack her brain to try and think of where she remembered the name. She was part of one of the same clubs that Ruto was, however she couldn't think of which one. It meant that this delivery was going to be difficult. She...
  7. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving An unusual one indeed

    When Ruto saw the next name on her list, she smiled a little. She knew this name. She was a prominent member of the wild patch club. It was nice for Roo to read a name where she also knew the face. She decided to make her way outside for this delivery, as she assumed outside would probably be...
  8. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving Generosity, for what it's worth

    Ruto had thought it was a good idea to do one last rose delivery before she left Hogwarts. Besides, she needed a distraction from her classes, and being the queen of flowers as well, she thought it was perfect. She walked around the great hall with her basket of roses to deliver dangling from...
  9. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving A Rose, Not An Olive Branch

    yellow rose for @Veronica Walden-Cade It was a bit awkward delivering a rose to Veronica. Audrey didn't really dislike the girl, but she wasn't especially fond of her either - and she hadn't gone out of her way to interact with her much after snapping at her in the prefect's meeting. She had a...
  10. Jonah Edogawa

    🌹 Rose Giving who knew this was tiring

    Even after his nap, Jonah was still tired. He didn't even know why he was tired. He just was. But he still had one more delivery, and it was to that Slytherin who had been yelling at Eurydice last year during tug-of-war. He didn't really know where to find her, but he figured if he just sat at...
  11. Jonah Edogawa

    🌹 Rose Giving class together

    Jonah wondered if asking Sayuri or Lumos to hand a rose to a fellow Slytherin counted as him delivering the rose. He figured it didn't. But he and Ruth hadn't really spoken to each other. He just sort of knew she existed, though he wasn't sure if the same applied in reverse. He supposed that...
  12. Jonah Edogawa

    🌹 Rose Giving good thing we're classmates

    Jonah hadn't really spoken much to his classmates; he was already overwhelmed enough by the group that he "regularly" interacted with. He was content enough with his circle of friends, which mostly just consisted of Lumos, Felix, Will, and Nox. And added that he had quite a bit of family at...
  13. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Sucking Up With A Rose

    yellow rose for @Professor Angel Castillo Audrey thought sending roses to professors was kind of weird and embarrassing. Sure, she'd sent one to Professor Pirrip (and had been half tempted to pick a pink one just to see if it sent Teddy postal), but that was different. She wasn't sure how it...
  14. Eoghan Blyth

    🌹 Rose Giving rather not be here

    Eoghan had a scowl on his face as he walked through the dungeons, hoping the Slytherin he'd spoken to hadn't been lying or playing a joke. If it wasn't for Potions, the Ravenclaw wouldn't be in this dingy area of the castle at all, and he felt a little sorry for the students that had to hide out...
  15. Eoghan Blyth

    🌹 Rose Giving just a yellow

    Eoghan had surprised himself by quickly figuring out who his next delivery was to, but only because of his spectacular note taking during the Quidditch games for the paper. "Sofi?" He asked, approaching the redhead he recognized from the pitch. He had no doubt she'd have no idea who he was, but...
  16. Mania Athanasiou

    🌹 Rose Giving How about some sun after a dark lesson?

    Mania had the last rose with her for class as she sat all through the dark depths of History of Magic and as soon as the lesson was over she pounced at her fellow classmate. "Huw Carew! Wait DO NOT LEAVE YET HUW!" The Gryffindor yelled scrambling to her feet and after the boy, Merlin she should...
  17. Mania Athanasiou

    🌹 Rose Giving And it was called yellow

    Mania skipped down the Great Hall with a yellow rose singing a song she had heard her cousins play once, it was an old song from wayyy before she was even born but it fit the rose. "And all the roses you get, Yeah well this ones yellowwww" Well see it was supposed to be Yellow by Coldplunge or...
  18. Eoghan Blyth

    🌹 Rose Giving perfect for your house

    Eoghan was wandering up and down the table in the Great Hall, hoping that some students would have had the idea to make others' lives easier by making themselves easy to get hold of. At least he knew Marley was a prefect, so he could ignore those that weren't wearing a badge on their robes...
  19. Eoghan Blyth

    🌹 Rose Giving perfect recipe for tea

    It had been Felix that pointed him in the direction of his next recipient. After spending some time in the Great Hall, he'd been recalling those on his list of people to visit that morning when the Gryffindor had told him he knew one of them. Eoghan wasn't sure why this had to be so awkward to...
  20. Mania Athanasiou

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow, like the sun this place needs

    In Mania's head it was kind of funny that she was delivering a red rose into the depths of the castle and darkness of the dungeons. Maybe it'd be a much needed ray of sunshine for the student receiving it. She had recognized the surname as one of her fellow classmates also. Skipping down the...