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  1. January Parish

    Open Just For Me

    January had some pretty big feelings about living in New Zealand now. Not that she knew how to talk to her family about it. They all seemed so excited about it, or were pretending just like she was that everything was good. Well except for Junie but she was always painfully honest. She...
  2. Sofia Loris

    Open Obsidian Daycare Winter Wonderland Day ❄️

    Sofia loved the days where all the groups got together to explore a shared topic. Right before the holidays, she had decided to transform their outside play area into a “winter wonderland” with fake snow. The snow wasn’t cold; but it had a similar texture and was still safe to eat in case any of...
  3. Miles Flynn

    Open Fighting Sleep

    The day after the full moon was always the hardest. Miles was exhausted as he dragged himself back to the castle, eyelids heavy with sleep and stomach rumbling for a mountain of food. He had hoped that eating something would help wake him up enough for the day ahead. Unfortunately, it had quite...
  4. Naveen Khatri

    Open Kingdom Of My Own

    Naveen had taken it on himself to turn a corner of the Wild Patch's garden into his own vegetable patch so he could grow his own food. Not that he was displeased with what was served in the great hall but to him there was nothing more satisfying than growing something from a seed that turns into...
  5. Charlotte Astor Williams

    Open Musings of a First Year

    Charlotte wasn't quite ready for the school year to end, but at the same time, she was ready to go back home. She hadn't made any real friends like many of her classmates - there was no one she automatically went to after class or to study with. She enjoyed the clubs, but she mostly wanted to...
  6. Beatrice Grey

    Open Ice Princess

    Beatrice had definitely not asked her mom to take one of her former figure skating outfits and add a long skirt so she could wear it to the Yule Ball... except she had. Beatrice desperately missed skating. She wanted to skate and work and go to the Olympics one day, but with only being able to...
  7. Hazel Ashworth

    Open We Could Follow the Sparks

    Hazel was proud of her dress tonight, she had made it herself. She'd had a bit of help from her mother over break, but most of it had been done on her own. Hazel was eager to show it off. The dress was red with little black dots all over it, the sleeves sheer. She was fairly sure it would stand...
  8. Anisha Khatri

    Open Post Exam Daze

    While the sixth year exams hadn't been as daunting as the OWLs last year, Anisha still felt a little like she was waking up from a long nightmare after she woke up in the morning and realized she had nothing left to study for. She loved learning, that wasn't the problem, but she wanted to do so...
  9. Ezra Ito

    Open Cowardice or Sense?

    OOC: for any teachers/prefects, he's not actually in the forest (yet) Ezra Ito had been feeling off lately. The whole mess with Gregory was getting to him. He hated the feeling that he had made his roommate dislike him. He was frustrated with Gregory but also with himself. Ezra didn't feel...
  10. Naveen Khatri

    Open Not Quite Home

    Naveen liked school most of the time. But homesickness was not foreign to him. His sister and his cats helped, but there were still times he wanted to be home more than anything else in the whole world. Usually he would curl up in bed until the feeling passed, but that didn't always work. When...
  11. Leah Thorne

    Open In Another Life

    Leah had really lucked out with her Halloween costume this year. When she had gone to visit her grandparents over the break she had found her grandmother's old Beauxbaton's uniform in the back of a closet. She had decided to 'borrow' it without asking but it wasn't like her grandmother would...
  12. Marley Owens-Lee

    Open Old Fashioned Study Blues

    While they were near the end of the semester, exams were near, and Marley knew she had to focus on them. Marley knew she had joined a lot of different subjects this semester, and while she somewhat might have regretted picking most of the subjects, she also didn't mind it. However, Marley knew...
  13. Thomas Fitzgerald

    Open Just Trying My Best

    It was the second semester, and Thomas still had mixed emotions about being at Hogwarts. He had enjoyed the break. He liked spending time with his family. He was reluctant to come back for the second semester. The Hufflepuff hardly made any friends at school, it was hard enough that he wasn't...
  14. Marley Owens-Lee

    Open Subtle Fresh Breeze

    It had only been a few weeks since they arrived back at school for the second semester, and Marley was excited to be back at school. While she had enjoyed spending time with her family over the break, she had missed seeing and spending time with her friends. She also missed the Quidditch games...
  15. Todd Cobbler

    Open On second thoughts

    Todd lay awake that night, staring at the ceiling, his mind racing. Just a few months away from his seventh year at Hogwarts, and what did he have to show for it? When he looked back on his time here, he realised he hadn't really done anything noteworthy or achieved anything significant. It was...
  16. Ivy Cullen

    Open a magical night

    Ivy had grown up on toys of the magic of the yule ball. Of her siblings dressing up, going on dates, falling in love, or in some cases out of it. something between those stories like cinderella and other fairy tails of balls merged together into some wonderful dream lands. She was looking...
  17. Professor Elvera Le Fey

    Open A last night of revellry

    Elvera's office was packed. It was weird looking at her life of the last decade all bundled up into a series of cases and boxes it had been a tough decision but she had decided that she needed to take a break. She had been teaching in the single classroom for almost all of her adult life, and...
  18. Ethan Alexander

    Open Can't Beat a Classic

    Ethan knew it was probably lame to keep wearing the same costume over and over again but he didn't really care. He thought it was cool and that was all that mattered. He also liked how the mask made him feel like he could walk through the crowd of students completely unnoticed. Not that many...
  19. June Davenport

    Open Snow White or The Evil Queen?

    June had dressed up for halloween, but looking like something she prefered, not an ungly dumb costume. Wearing a pretty long pink dress and an apple in her hand, she could actually put poison in it and give it to Landon, but that was just an thought. June would never do such an dumb thing. She...
  20. Ethan Alexander

    Open Keeping Connected

    There was a time when Ethan wrote a lot of letters. But they had been to his mom and he had never been sure if she had gotten them. She rarely answered and when she did she never really responded to the things he had told her. It hurt if he thought about her too much but he was usually too busy...