Fraser was eager for another year at school. He had of course on the first day after a good and hearty breakfast immediately come down to the quidditch pitch. He had his broom and his quidditch equipment and was just getting it ready. His broom was a second hand one from his dad, but it was a...
Open after Kris replies as The Blue Lady
Ever since Josh had entered Hogwarts, there were so many things around the school that amazed him, but things that also confused him. How did the stairs move? How and why do the portraits move and talk? The few ghosts he had seen around the school as...
Elisabeth looked in the basket to see who was next to carry the rose, when it was clear she was looking at the side of Slytherin's home table, hoping she wouldn't have to go look elsewhere. She had seen before a girl to whom the rose had to be returned because Elisa knew she was the prefect...
It was difficult for Theia to get excited over anything, let alone Halloween, the holiday that was simultaneously her favorite yet most chaotic holiday of the year. But that year, she had to admit she was excited to attend the Halloween feast and put together a costume. Her memories of Halloween...
Michael was glad to be back at Hogwarts with his friends and Kas. He had done decent on his OWLs, even though he really only cared about Care of Magical Creatures. But the one thing that had been constantly bothering him over the break was Sydney Townsend. Her pathetic attempt at another duel...
Michael was still somewhat surprised that Kas had agreed to go to the Yule Ball with him, seeing as his theatrics might have been a little over the top in hindsight. The Gryffindor gave the sides of his hair a pat as he walked in the Great Hall, reassuring himself that the gel potion he had used...
Rita Smile waited outside of Hufflepuff to see if she could spot the boy who had helped her find her wand come out. She had saw that he wore Hufflepuff robes, so here she was. Rita was still angry with Kengi for being so controlling and dragging her to the club fair, when she had no interest in...
"Does my eyes deceive me, or do I need some new contacts but is Katy Miller really here?" The sixth year Hufflepuff questioned with the biggest smile on her face. She couldn't believe it if she were not standing there ready to jump on top of the other girl. What put a pause to that thought was a...
((Yellow rose))
Zennon headed up to the seventh floor, because he knew of this person from the delivery meeting. Thank goodness, since he wasn't sure he would have had much hoping finding him if he didn't. Honestly he needed to get out more often. His parselmouth badge was still ever present on...
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