open after

  1. Winnie Calida

    🌹 Rose Giving Maple Walnut

    Yellow rose for @Lucy Holland Winnie knew exactly who this was, for the same reason she knew about the kids of professors. It was useful to be friendly to kids of people of importance or who had been important. She was at the ravenclaw table and spotted the girl, but didn't however immediately...
  2. Winnie Calida

    🌹 Rose Giving Halva Ice Cream

    Pink rose for @Hinata Edogawa It was taking a while to find some of the people she needed to give roses but she was doing her best with it. Winnie had come to the second floor because the next person was a prefect, and she spotted the girl about to head into the prefect common room which she...
  3. Winnie Calida

    🌹 Rose Giving Lucuma

    Red rose for @Demi Zephyr It had actually be happenstance that Winnie had spotted her next rose delivery. She had been looking for someone else further down her list and spotted her. She didn't know her well, but knew she had a good number of siblings and probably cousins. "Demi?" she asked.
  4. Winnie Calida

    🌹 Rose Giving Pralines and Cream

    Yellow rose for @Nox Walden-Cade Winnie had to make sure she got the right brother. She knew that she'd never be able to live it down, even if the two were identical and thus difficult to tell apart. Winnie had been told that he was near his dad's room. "Nox," she called out when she spotted a...
  5. Winnie Calida

    🌹 Rose Giving Blue Heaven

    yellow rose for @Tessaria Carter Winnie had decided in a bit of a whim decision to sign up for the rose giving, citing that it was a good way to show herself as doing and being involved in the school, while also getting to know a wider array of students. She had spoken to someone to be able to...
  6. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Peachy Clean

    Pink rose for @William Potter-Cade There was one last person on his list and he'd been told the person was at the quidditch pitch. There were a couple of people mingling around. he wasn't sure which this person was. "William Potter-Cade!" he called out a few times hoping he'd be able to catch...
  7. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Streamadelic

    Yellow rose for @Thomas Fitzgerald Magne hadn't had a conversation with the next guy on his list, but he knew him at least. He had come to the fourth floor and was trying to see if he could spot him in the common room whenever the door open. "Thomas Fitzgerald!" he called out.
  8. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Cold Green

    Yellow Rose for @Galaxias Magne wasn't sure how he was supposed to deliver this rose. The person wasn't a kid at the school, and not a professor. He was at the lake with his feet in the water, maybe he was supposed to just toss the rose in. He didn't have his diving equipment so he could go no...
  9. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Roses

    Yellow rose for @June Davenport magne had been told that this person was in the prefect's common room, a place he could not access. He went to it, and knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer to be able to find out if the person he was looking for was actually there.
  10. Magne Kleos

    🌹 Rose Giving Sunrose

    Red rose for @Eurydice Nightray Magne wasn't sure he believe that he'd find anyone in the duelling chamber, but this was where he'd been told he would find this person and there was, when he stepped in exactly one person in the room. "Hey, are you Eurydice?" unknowing slipping a little into...
  11. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving Lacaille 8760

    Yellow rose for @Calliope Cartwright Callie had been told she'd find her last person at transfiguration, so she'd been waiting for the class to let out. "Calliope?" she asked the students as they walked of the room.
  12. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving Kapteyn's Star

    Pink rose for @Hazel Ashworth Callie didn't love being down here, she just didn't want to run into Dante, and though she had a valid excuse for why she was there, she didn't actually want to explain it. "I'm looking for Hazel, can you see if she's in the common room," Callie asked someone who...
  13. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving Ross 248

    Yellow rose for @Christa Langley It was rare for roses to have no notes, but after checking once and then twice for it, she knew it didn't have one. She did this as she searched for the girl, though it took a while a few guiding points before she was pointed towards her. "Are you Christa?"
  14. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving Wolf 424 A

    Yellow Rose for @Ten Layton-King After she had managed to find the first person from her list, the second person was much easier. For one she knew who exactly the person was. She moved across to the gryffindor table, and spotted the girl. "Ten! I have a rose for you,"
  15. Callie Cardoso

    🌹 Rose Giving Centauri B

    Red rose for @Sophie Shepherd Callie had signed up for the rose giving despite how she was feeling. What did it matter that she'd been broken up with, and that though it had been fine, it really also wasn't. She just had to put that aside, roses were good and they were fun and she could be...
  16. Magne Kleos

    Open friendly dances

    open after jess posts with tanith Magne loved the dances, he loved the occasions to go out and have some fun, the opportunities to just dance with friends and be able to just have a good time. He liked being able to just have fun. The school for all it's good things could get pretty dry when...
  17. Logan Ashworth

    Open In the Dark

    Open after Maria posts with Theo, please let us get in a few replies before catching them with a prefect or professor though! From the moment Logan had heard that there was a curfew, he'd had the itch to break it. Surely it wasn't really that big a deal, right? He really wanted to explore the...
  18. Alicia Richelieu

    Open A Free Moment

    Open after Marga post with Hinata The early weeks at Hogwarts always seemed to be a bit quieter, and Alicia had a free period. Unfortunately, the fifth years didn't, so she couldn't hang out with her girlfriend. It also felt a little silly to head all the way up to the tower when she had a...
  19. Hazel Ashworth

    Open Fragments of Color

    Open after Dan posts with Minerva Hazel quickly slipped out of the dimly lit Potions classroom after class, eager to escape the dark dungeons for a bit. As she passed a few other students, she didn't notice that her necklace snagged onto something. Not until it broke, scattering beads all...
  20. Vanity Mettlestone

    Open Splattered Schemes

    This thread is open for reactions after Morrie and June both respond and the prank has been pulled off Today was the day. Finally, Vanity was going to get back at June. She had been trying tot hink fo ways to get to the girl for months now, trying to think of a plan together with Morrie...