nolan burke

  1. Celia Vu

    Closed I Hunt the Grounds for Empathy

    Celia was still grumbling as she left the Ancient Runes classroom. Why did they need to go out and find someone to perform a reading for? Couldn't they just do that in class? Or, better yet, why couldn't Professor Josephs just teach them something new? Who cared if it wouldn't be on the NEWT...
  2. Louis Alcott

    Closed If You Wanna Try It

    Louis was over the moon because of the Quidditch win. Gryffindor had really needed a win, and Louis was proud to have been a part of it, even if it was only a little bit. He was desperate to talk about the match, so he went looking for René so he could talk to his friend. He knew René would...
  3. Louis Alcott

    Closed A Matched Set

    Louis was pretty pleased with his date for the dance tonight. He'd had his eye on Nolan for a while now, as he was definitely one of the most handsome guys in their year. Louis had been a little nervous asking him, as he hadn't been entirely sure Nolan would want to go with a guy. But he had...
  4. Louis Alcott

    Open Just Hanging Out

    Open after Nolan Louis was feeling a little bored. He knew he had homework to do, but he was ignoring that for now. He hoped one of his friends was just hanging around the student lounge, as he hated being bored on his own. He didn't spot Caleb or René anywhere, which was a shame. But then he...
  5. Sky Eriksen

    The dance and the music

    Once Sky had delivered the roses she made her way to her dorm to get ready. after the talk before the ball and the other girls talking about going with dates she had been thinking about who she would like to go to the ball or dances with. one name had come to mind, Molly's older brother Nolan...
  6. Slate Gates

    🌹 Rose Giving A Familiar Name Finally

    Slate's stomach rumbled and decided to just head in as well after giving Isaiah's rose. He was on his way to the Ravenclaw's table when he spotted Nolan at the next table. He knew him from the brotherhood, grateful that he did not have to search for his last delivery. He approached the boy and...
  7. Louis Alcott

    Closed A Summer Dive

    With it being January in New Zealand, the weather was nice and sunny. Louis had spent Christmas in France, so after the winter weather over there it was a nice change. He had been happy to return to Hogwarts, but it was pretty boring to stay cooped up inside. Louis had seen the nice weather...
  8. Iris van Houten

    🌹 Rose Giving Cheerful Yellow

    Yellow rose for Nolan Burke The next person on Iris' list was a bit trickier to find. She was in her fifth year, and didn't really have a lot of contact with the lower years anymore. So she'd had no idea who Nolan Burke was or where he could be. At least, until she started asking around...