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  1. E

    Glimmers in the gloom

    Elle took in what the girl said and tried to grasp it.Being as desperate as she was,Elle thought that she would make her best effort to use the trick but right now she was not ready to take out her practice rat's inside's out of him.She shivered at the thought of using an entrail-expelling curse...
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    Elle's cheeks turned scarlet under her pale freckled face as Enzo gave a kiss on the back of her hand but she smiled anyway and said,"Same here."Elle was not used to being around boys,let alone devilishly handsome ones,so it felt new to her but she was brave enough to risk her chances and try to...
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    Elle needs Durmstrang friends

    </SIZE></SIZE><i></i> </COLOR></I></FONT></SIZE></SIZE>Elle Silvertongue So Elle just got into Durmstrang and she needs some friends,relationships,enemies and anything else you can think of.She is basically a good person in general.Very optimistic and a loyal friend.She likes to make friends...
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    Glimmers in the gloom

    Sorry for the late reply :erm: After a few minutes of relaxing Elle opened her eyes and got back to work.The best she could do was get her essay done on Evocation-How to Summon Spirits with help from the big book.If she couldn't do the curses right then she could at least do the theory part...
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    Elle sat up and waited patiently,with a small smile,as the boy came towards her.As he came nearer,Elle could make out curly dark brown hair and amazing green eyes and a face that couldn't easily be forgotten.Elle wasn't the kind of girl who would be easily won over by good looks and all other...
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    Glimmers in the gloom

    Elle sat cross legged on the sofa with an ugly-looking book perched on her lap,her eyes squinting in the dim light to read the tiny script and make sense of it.So far in her studies,Elle had never encountered a subject that was totally out of her capability but Dark Arts was looking like it...
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    Elle had decided to enjoy summer while it lasted and that day looked like it was going to be one of the best ones of that summer.The sun shined brightly in the clear blue sky and there was not one cloud in sight as Elle walked down the lawns towards the lake that dominated a big part of the...
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    Making Friends in a Foreign Land

    Elle was almost finished with her sundae in about five minutes.While most people took about ten to fifteen minutes to finish such a big portion of ice-cream,Elle could finish more in half their time.Even if she was shy and timid,when it came to ice-cream or anything else which was in the sweets...
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    Pop the Bones and then the Back

    Elle could be one of the tormented.she is quite weak physically so she will obviously not fight back and try to avoid danger.I want to make her a durmmy and i have already sent a pm for it so it will probably happen in a few days.
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    Making Friends in a Foreign Land

    There was a loud CRACK! and a middle-aged witch and a young girl apparated in the middle of the crowded street of Obsidian Harbour.They exchanged the parting embrace and then the older witch disapparated with another loud CRACK! The girl stood there for a moment taking in her surroundings and...
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    Friends For Chase. :)

    Awesome :D I will start an rp in Obsidian Harbour and pm you with the link :D
  12. E

    Friends For Chase. :)

    Elle can be a friend.She is fifteen and friendless.She is shy and needs some friends who can make her a bit more social.And she is soon going to join Durmstrang but since Durmmies can roleplay outside the school it wont be a problem :D
  13. E

    Winter is not Welcome

    Elle was sitting on a bench outside one of her favourite coffee shops in Sofia.She held a cup of cappuccino in her hand and was sipping from it slowly.She frowned at the snow on the lane and then at the grey skies.She didn't like winter,and snow and all things cold. Elle wished that the...
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    friends to go school with

    I have Elle,she could be a good friend.She is 13 and I am hoping that she will be accepted as a transfer otherwise i will change her age and make her a first year but both ways she will be a hufflepuff. She is very sweet and kind and would never wan't to bully anyone ever.She is also very shy...
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    friends for lonely girl.

    Hi Steph,I could offer Elle as a friend to Alexa.She isn't very adventurous or exciting and is very shy but they could still become great friends and have some adventures together.Elle is 13 and has been home-schooled and I am also hoping for her to be accepted as a transfer.I plan on putting...
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    Some freedom atlast

    Elle thought of what she could talk about as they walked towards the shop.Making small talk would need a lot more for her case.But Elle didn't have to think of something because Linda did.Elle thought of how much she could tell Linda but then realized that there was no point of hiding anything...
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    Elle-Bells needs goody fwends :D and baddy foes :( and every thing else

    Hi Mia, Elle is planning to join Hogwarts but it depends on the outcome of whether her transfer application is accepted or rejected.Elle can surely be friends with Tara because Elle will be just as new as a first year to the society of Hogwarts students.And she could also rp with Briar because...
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    Some freedom atlast

    Elle started following Linda in the direction she had pointed.She had only been to a real clothes store once,three weeks ago when she had moved in with Miss.Weiss.They had been in a hurry on that day and Miss Weiss had picked up the first good clothes she had spotted but Elle had to say that...
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    Elle-Bells needs goody fwends :D and baddy foes :( and every thing else

    Okayz so Elle needs some... Real Friends.......they have to be talkative(if possible) and friendly :lol: because she is shy and cant do much talking. fake friends.......they can be meanies :andy: and try to make her do stuff that can get her into trouble :cry: but they have to act all nice at...
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    Some freedom atlast

    When Linda said that she too was going to join Hogwarts,Elle smiled to herself and said "Oh,that's a good coincidence." But after the words had tumbled out of her mouth she realized that they didn't sound that good,spoken out loud.But she dismissed the thought not wanting to be self-conscious...