
Lawrence Andrew Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
These past few day were a bit disappointing for Enzo, the fact that he's still single and available sucks. He then remembered when was the last time he actually had a normal date with a girl. A girl that he asked out for maybe a coffee or a stroll outside their school. It was like last year he remembered as he wandered around the campus. He could hear girls giggling as they peek through the holes on the walls just to have a view of him. It was a normal day, a day that Enzo would just do nothing unless a young attractive Dumstrang appear would be quite awesome. He wasn't wearing his school uniform but wearing rather a plain white t-shirt. The weather was indeed hot, as for it was the season of Summer perhaps. He kept on walking and walking, and no he didn't mid to stare at the girl passing by beside him. Then for a moment he decided to stop nearby the corner where the air is blowing strong. As he was fixing his his hair he decided to lean by the wall.
Elle had decided to enjoy summer while it lasted and that day looked like it was going to be one of the best ones of that summer.The sun shined brightly in the clear blue sky and there was not one cloud in sight as Elle walked down the lawns towards the lake that dominated a big part of the current scenery.It was a beautiful scene as she saw it,the lake,the dark green forest and the mountains and sky in the backdrop.It made Elle beam as she loved summer and everything that had to do with it.And since it was rare to have such a bright day in this cold country of Bulgaria,Elle was glad that she was free to enjoy it.

She walked down to the water's edge in her pink lace tank and denim shorts,her hair pulled back into an untidy bun,exposing as much of her skin as she could to absorb the maximum amount of vitamin D.She spread out a picnic mat on the grass and plopped herself onto it,stretching out her legs in front of her and crossing her ankles.She laid back on the mat and fanned out her hair behind her.Then she closed her eyes and listened to the summer sounds around her.But the sound that dominated was one of footsteps somewhere near the castle walls.She opened her eyes and turned her head to see who was sulking in the shadows of the castle walls near the lake.She looked at him to catch his attention and smiled and waved because she reconized his face from her classes but couldn't recall his name.
As Enzo was about to leave he noticed a girl waving at her. The girl was a bit pale yet her face was indeed pretty. He thought he could finally resist a girl but he just couldn't leave the girl standing there alone. "Hey" he said to her not knowing what to say next, stretched his arms up in the air then returned folding his arms again. It was the first time for Enzo to encounter this girl, but somehow he knew she was a bit recognizable. He wasn't in the mood for flirting, so he decided to just have a normal chat with her but that wouldn't be easier as it looks like. "I'm Enzo and you are? he said to her as he introduced himself in his English accent that left the girls around them swooning.
Elle sat up and waited patiently,with a small smile,as the boy came towards her.As he came nearer,Elle could make out curly dark brown hair and amazing green eyes and a face that couldn't easily be forgotten.Elle wasn't the kind of girl who would be easily won over by good looks and all other charms that boys unleashed upon girls but now that she was a teenager she would have to tread carefully or her heart would slip easily."Hi Enzo,I am Elle" she told him,squinting her eyes to look up at him because the sun was right behind his head,"Why don't you join me?"she suggested patting the grass beside her.Elle was always looking for company,never really the lonely person.
"Pleasure to meet you Elle" he said to her as she gently reached out for her right hand and gave a kiss. Elle was indeed pretty but Enzo was the type of guy who wants to know the true color or a person most especially of a young beautiful girl like Elle. As he heard her asking him to join her, Enzo nodded his head and joined Elle seating beside her. Enzo then stretched his arms upwards to somehow loosen up. "So, have I seen you before?" he asked her as he gazed at Elle's face "Maybe in my dreams perhaps? he said to himself not wanting Elle to somehow back out or something.
Elle's cheeks turned scarlet under her pale freckled face as Enzo gave a kiss on the back of her hand but she smiled anyway and said,"Same here."Elle was not used to being around boys,let alone devilishly handsome ones,so it felt new to her but she was brave enough to risk her chances and try to make a casual conversation.

"You might have seen me in class,if you are a fifth year...."she said her mind flashing back to the gloomy classrooms.She recalled having stared at someone's dark brown curls through an entire hour of a very boring History of Magic lesson but she wasn't sure if it had been Enzo so she couldn't tell if he was in the same year or not."Or in the common room,but I rarely hang out around the castle,being alone."
"Yeah I'm a fifth year" he said as he started to wonder why he haven't seen Elle around the school and mostly inside his class. Maybe he was to busy staring outside the window too much. He never actually studied much but still he got grades higher than he expected. He knew that Elle was the shy type which explains everything. "Oh I see I'm not much seen around the common room" he said to her in response. Enzo then started to remember the girl at his back who seems to be attentive during class discussion but was too much of a silent student. "Are the one who sits at the end of the classroom or at time behind me? he asked Elle as he started smirk.m

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