friends for lonely girl.

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Alexa Venturino

Well-Known Member


Alexa is 14 and is hoping to be accepted into Hogwarts going into her 4th year. Grew up in Australia. She's a bookworm, anyone who meets her will see a book or maybe five somewhere nearby partly read, and to be finished later. Her family is almost to the Pureblood regaltions, just would need her and her siblings all to marry purebloods, but thats very unlikely. She's been homeschooled.

Dyfan is the eldest triplet. He has dark hair and blue eyes, as do all his siblings. and a shared charrie between me and Holli who has Schyler Johnson.

Jace the youngest. All Holli's here. Blonde hair of course the blue eyes. Not much to say for the boys yet as we have to develop them first, but basically they are best friends and Alexa has always been left behind in their dust so she's in more need of friends who will care for her, and maybe awaken her sense of Adventure. I'd be happy to have a thread going with anyone in the city near the school.​
Hi Steph,I could offer Elle as a friend to Alexa.She isn't very adventurous or exciting and is very shy but they could still become great friends and have some adventures together.Elle is 13 and has been home-schooled and I am also hoping for her to be accepted as a transfer.I plan on putting her in Hufflepuff because she doesn't fit anywhere else.They could be good friends or even besties :D
sorry for taking so long to get back to you. but i think that would be great.. to bad they didn't accept any transfers this year :( but since I already have two first years I think the three siblings are going to wait to be sorted or accepted as tranfers. although the boys might go to another school instead.
Speed Spencer Sage Stark.
Well I have Speed, he is going to be a transfer, hopefully :) he is very open and enthusiastic, the perfect guy friend for a girl :p but not really for guys, he is quite feminine, and very clumsy :r

Tamalia Kaster.
And I have my current second year, she is very adventurous, in first year she dragged her friend into the forbidden forest... and she knows how it feels to be left out, she had 7 siblings, all of which go to different schools or are too young or too old :p

Your choice :)
Hey Alexa, I have Speed's younger twin sister Stepahine. She is like Speed in personality, but abit more stylish. She is also very funny and can make anyone laugh. Mostly its just her laughing at her twins misfortunes.
I think Speed and Stephanie would work great since they all come from Australia, I believe. So they could have already been friends like met there accidentaly or something we can work that out. Hopefully for the next school year transfers will be accepted. We could even set up a thread in the wizardy world now, so they can meet each other.

Tamilia could possibly be like a little sister to Alexa, like someone she can look up too and still be there to listen to Alexa complain about her brothers without it being to awkward.
We can have Speed/Steph/Alexa in the same thread if you want. The idea of them having met in Australia is really quite good. They could be really good friends Lol. We can work out in pm?

Besides Im australian so yeah :p
The could meet in one of the big cities at some store or other. Well and you both would know more about Austrilia then me, lol. So either one of you can set up the thread. And we'll just go from there. :)
So all these nice people offer friends for Alexa which I'm happy about, she won't feel left out anymore. However Dyfan and Jace her triplets will need friends, they can met their friends anywhere at anytime. Hopefully the three will be accepted as transfers during the next school year.
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