Search results for query: *

  1. L

    Exchanging Words

    Pumped up and ready to go, Lawrence Andrew Cavell or also known as Enzo, made his way into their training pitch. It's much bigger that what they had in Durmstrang, as a matter of fact triple the size of their pitch and the equivalent would be this one. Every day or perhaps every other day, Enzo...
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    Do you wanna..........maybe play?

    Lawrence Andrew Cavell Click his name for some surprise! Meet my beloved character also know as Enzo, yeah we share the name nickname. It's been a while since I've actually used him, so I'm bringing him back since I'm tired of loogging in as anonymous. Also his my main character and I just love...
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    Kaitlyn&Maddy [C]

    I would like <the two of you> to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Lawrence Andrew Cavell Banner Type: Blend *Banner Size: Celebrity you're using: Aaron Johnson Images on banner: Any of these <<-Choose anything you want. *Background Image: Your Choice *House Crest/Dark...
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    Cold Rain and a Coffee Shop

    Lately Enzo had been busy with his practice, it made him want to roam the city and just enjoy it. So After his practice, he returned to London to change his clothes into some casual one and less sweaty. England was his home, as he didn't wanted to move at all. So for today he was thinking of...
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    After Practice

    Merlin, what a day. After practicing today Enzo felt quite exhausted, the last thing he needed was someone to annoy him once more. So before going home, he wondered if he should buy something for his parents. He knew it was a surprise to see him hanging there around, but the fact that his things...
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    Look it's a flying Llama!

    Hey Everyone! So yeah I miss role-playing and How I wish to be active again. Luckily, I have a few weeks off since it's Christmas soon. I have my three characters, in which I hope to add one? :shifty: Oh and yeah I know it's not a flying Llama, sorry I lied. :P But it got your attention right...
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    Yin and Yang

    There was a feeling of guilt in Enzo's system, he knew that hiding the truth of becoming an Auror would make things worse with his sister. Ashe despise the Auror and unlike him was very much different, as she wanted to be a Death Eater. Perhaps they were really the opposite, which was why it was...
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    A Piece of Paradise

    I hope you don't mind being in Spain? :r Who knew that just last week Enzo graduated from Durmstrang, after spending seven years in the said school. As if it was just yesterday he was entering the gates of Durmstrang with his heavy suitcases. Now he's here in Spain, yes Spain. Enzo's uncle...
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    Carry Away My Heartbeat.

    Lawrence "Enzo" Andrew Cavell HEY! So, I'm finally back and I'm currently in need of new plots. If you're wondering why I haven't changed my group yet, well I'm waiting for something to be accepted first. Anyway, I'm looking for some gorgeous girls AGAIN... Obviously. Old or young (but only 2 or...
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    Put Your Records On

    He was back on the game. For the past few days or maybe the past few hours, he was busy hitting it off with random girls. Of course he never got over the kissing phase, it was all he could do kiss the girls and make them drool wanting for more. He was passing by the streets of London as he was...
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    Inner Talent

    Music was Enzo's passion but other than that he had more talents to show to the world and one of that was sketching, he adored lines as it creates a new image with only the use of his hands. So, he decided to be out of his dorm and go outside the courtyard to relax. Enzo sat in the middle of the...
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    Seriously now, I need some Gorgeous Girls!

    Lawrence "Enzo" Andrew Cavell Third, Fourth or Fifth post? Anyway, I really need to Enzo to have a girlfriend or hopefully lots and lots of them Please? She must be gorgeous indeed, also there something about her that make her really interesting if not then the relationship would obviously be a...
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    Graphics Request [C]

    I would like Madz, Anyone. to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Lawrence Andrew Cavell Banner Type: (Standard/Blend/Complex/Linked) *Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion) Celebrity you're using: Aaron Johnson Images on banner: Any from these photos...
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    One thing I fear the most (or not) xD

    Hey Guys! ^_^ I'll be pretty much be "Not-so Active" (I'm online everyday, you just don't see me as I'm invisible) :shifty: As I Enzo will be going back to college now, Need to get high marks and all. Schoolwork, Project and stuff suck though I need the credits. :glare: I'll be checking...
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    Impressionable Meets

    It was a rainy sunday afternoon, and while most students were off studying, and a great number of the younger ones, off playing some games in the great hall, Enzo was off wandering the back hallways of the first floor. He was still catching up in the classes, but felt that he needed some time...
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    Our First Band Meeting

    After long hours of doing all of his homework Enzo was finally finished with everything, he even read ahead in the next sections to get a small understanding on what they will be learning in class. Obviously ,he was in the mood for studying. It was very unlike of him but still he didn't cared...
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    Roadtrip Ahoy!

    Hey Guys! I'll be pretty much be absent for the next days up to the weekends. I'm gonna hang-out with my friends, we'll go out of the city. Road tripping and all. Just gonna enjoy each others company. Ive searched all my RP's and mostly some of them are not replied by others yet. For the band...
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    Let's BAND together.

    Hey Everyone! :D And so I got bored earlier and thought of something impulsive. Well, you see my Character here Enzo, love to play various types of guitar most especially Electric Guitar. He own lots of them, which made me think of think idea to start a band. I need some musically gifted...
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    Coffee Klatch

    It was the perfect time to have a coffee, Enzo wasn't a fan of Dumstrang coffee. Other than that he wanted to catch some fresh air outside the school, perhaps a coffee shop nearby could help him. A few miles away from school, he knows a little coffee shop. Enzo often visits it when he's on break...
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    Enzo's Graphics Request [C]

    [font=Tahoma]I would like <Brian, Sir Kaitlyn, Emzies and Anyone Superb.> to fill my request. Banner Request Form Character's Name: Lawrence Andrew Cavell Banner Type: (Standard/Blend/Complex/Linked) *Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion) Celebrity you're using: Aaron...