Carry Away My Heartbeat.

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Lawrence Andrew Cavell

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OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair

Lawrence "Enzo" Andrew Cavell
HEY! So, I'm finally back and I'm currently in need of new plots. If you're wondering why I haven't changed my group yet, well I'm waiting for something to be accepted first. Anyway, I'm looking for some gorgeous girls AGAIN... Obviously. Old or young (but only 2 or 1 years younger than Enzo please.) As for old women I'm quite eager to try plots with a *cough coughs* Cougar/s? I'd really love to have any unique plots as possible, friends, flings, girlfriends anything you have in mind is fine.

As for the Summary of Character:
Enzo just graduated from Durmstrang and is looking forward to his new life. At the moment he's applying for a job secretly, and his bandmates are well obviously absent? Moving on as you've all known Enzo as a total flirt and will flirt with any pretty girl. Though he's a pure gentleman and loves to treat girls like a queen. He lives, breathes and is Music. For additional info just check out his CD below the banner.

I'll be waiting for YOU.​
Awh I would love for him to meet Bridget Love .
She really is such a sweetheart, but if anyone gets on her badside, well she isn't that nice. She is quite attention-seeking as was popular at her school (Beauxbatons). I haven't quite developed her much, but let me know!
Any type of relationship I am fine with, but Bridget will definitely be interested in him. If he is charming to her, she will definitely be more led on also :)
We can start whenever, and I don't mind who starts it, I'm just replying to a few now, so take awhile hehe ^_^
If you're still up for an rp with a lady later on, or if you just want a friend, I've got Artemis Blackmoore-Yearling. She is my oldest character (in terms of creation date) on HNZ and my absolute favourite. I've been looking for a long-term relationship for her for some time now. I'll tell you a little bit about her in case you've not seen her rp.
Arty is the youngest of six siblings and came over from England with her mother, two of her sisters and one of her brothers when she was 11. She's still residing in New Zealand and working in a Magical Animal Veterinary after having graduated HNZ last year. My girl's a bit quirky, as you might find out XD She's three and a half foot tall with sweet, pointed ears. Yep, part-goblin ^o^ Her favourite things to do are climb trees, speak to magical creatures (she's fairly well in with the centaurs), playing the pan pipes and singing, and she also enjoys climbing and gardening. Actually she does have a bio, too. Right. -head desk- Anywho. Let me know if you're interested!
(Note: Artemis also has a fiery temper, so even if you don't care to partner them up, she makes for a loyal friendship and hilarious rps.)
Hey Kelsey Ruth! ^_^
Arty sounds adorable and surely sweet, but I'm not sure with the whole long-term/s. (Anyway how long is a long term for you? :o ) As Enzo is more likely to flirt with anyone else, though it depends on the whole relationship between them. I think it would be really interesting and fun to RP with Arty, they can make a good pair too, not sure if it would be friends or more really. At the moment I would like to see if they can make anything work right now. Oh and she's 3 and a half foot tall right? Enzo is 5'11" tall, is that fine with you? So do you have any plans for the two if ever? :)
It's going to have to be fine with Artemis, in terms of height. Everyone's taller than her :p A long-term relationship is what I was looking for, but Arty herself probably isn't even thinking twice about it, so rping with her without those intentions is perfectly alright. Always on my list for Artemis is children, but like I said this is only something I've imagined for her, not something she may get to as of yet. If we roleplayed, I daresay she'd treat Lawrence like every other bloke (i.e. a miniature ball of energy and tomboyishness until she can relax, which is when she'll admit to things like sewing and singing). Tell you what ... if he has a pet (or pets), or even found something a little bit out of the ordinary in his backyard, he'd probably go to his local vet and meet the veterinary assistant. See where I'm going? xD
The thing I have on my mind is that, basically the two think that maybe they could be in a relationship and live happily ever after but in reality they're means to be as friends but not lovers. They could like or have a crush on each other but it would just probably end as being friends, as Enzo isn't into serious relationship yet and he doesn't want to break Arty's heart I suppose. Get what I mean? Well Enzo does loves animals, currently he has a pet (it's Tarantula). I quite understand. ^_^
-strokes chin- In that case, she'd probably pick up on it pretty quick if she wasn't going to have her happily ever after. I'd love for them to be friends though, if you still want to rp. That alright?
Sorry, I've been at my Grandma's birthday party all day, I didn't get time to post :) Later on this evening I'll start a roleplay after I reply to two others that I have. Sorry for not mentioning it! I hope you enjoy the roleplay :)
Since Dannii and Enzo are on the same quidditch team I imagine they would be friends. Perhaps they could have a friends with benefits thing going on?
Sweet :) Do you want me to start something or would you like to?
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