Impressionable Meets

Lawrence Andrew Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
It was a rainy sunday afternoon, and while most students were off studying, and a great number of the younger ones, off playing some games in the great hall, Enzo was off wandering the back hallways of the first floor. He was still catching up in the classes, but felt that he needed some time away from schoolbooks just to keep himself sane. He'd never before felt the castle this empty before, but the only sound he heard was the slight echoing of his own footsteps.

After a few minutes, he came across a room he'd never seen before. It was a large room, such as the great hall, but here on one end was a slightly raised stage, and the vast floor between the stage and door was highly polished. It looked to be a dance hall and Enzo, always curious, walked in. He took some time to look around and in his mind he could hear music playing, and see the happy faces of students dancing. The room looked as if it hadn't been used in a while, and so, Enzo quickly thought up some ideas. Dances were wonderful things, and they really helped to keep a level of community and friendship going in a school. He paced the room, thinking some more on ways to get a dance going when his eyes caught sight of the large grand piano off to a corner. Other than playing all sorts of guitar, he also knows how to play the piano as well.

Striding over to the piano,Enzo took a deep breath. He hadn't played in years. He whipped the cover off, and sat down at the bench. He stared at the keys for a moment, lightly resting his hands upon the keys. His fingers assuming the proper position, he struck out and the first chord rang throughout the room. He closed his eyes and let the smile play out across his face. His hands began to move of their own accord, chords and notes, harmonies and melodies entwining and reverberating, echoing and reverberating, the music beginning to take shape. It started out harshly, but as went on, the strokes became more confident, the music smoothed out and the sound became joyous and happy.
Rainy days were a favorite of Tempest's. While she usually took advantage of the sunshine by studying out on the grass, or playing Quidditch with some friends, bad weather gave her the excuse to squeeze in more dance practise, even if she had spent the whole prior evening doing just that. So with a peek out the window confirming the rain, Tempest was up and off to get ready. As she walked the halls of Durmstrang, dance bag in hand, the young girl glanced past the faces of fellow students. None of them really talked to her, the "new kid" novelty having waned, so her sights remained set on the dance hall. As she neared the door, Tempest heard the sound of music. This was a rare occurrence, as not many people tended to venture into the shadowy, neglected room. She presumed that it was one of the musical kids that she'd become acquainted with, and stepped inside. In reality, the piano player appeared to be a boy about her age, though with the lighting and distance she couldn't be sure. It had been quite a while since Tempest had done any ballet at all, but watching the boy play, she felt the need to accompany him in dance, even if he probably couldn't see her. She did a few simple moves, like the chaine, sissone, and cabriole, and danced her way closer to where he was. She probably looked rather odd - twirling on her toes dressed in sweatpants and sneakers. But somehow, the movement and rhythm just came to Tempest. She had never been the most graceful, feminine dancer in her ballet classes, though her strength and balance allowed her tell a story more than those that were. Dancing was simply engrained in her DNA. With a sharp pirouette as she moved into the light, Tempest asked "Is that an original?", her arms falling to her sides. The boy behind the piano seemed familiar, and in the few months the Salem transfer had been at Durmstrang, she had probably seen him in classes or around the school briefly. Music was never a main passion of hers, but even stubborn Tempest could admit when someone was good at it. And this boy certainly was.
The music soothes Enzo's nerves, he was enjoying playing his music when he heard a voice coming behind him. He didn't wanted to stopped playing, after all every music deserves to be finish. After finishing the last note, he slowly turned his limbs to see who was the person inside the room with him. It was girl, she looked familiar at some point. Still he didn't remembered her name or who she was. "Indeed." he looked at her and flashed a small smirk. Music was one of Enzo's passion, and that was the reason why he started out his own band. Guitar wasn't his only the instrument he could play, piano, drums and more. But he decided to concentrate on his guitar most of the time.

He wasn't sure to the idea of making the first move specially when the girl was not familiar to her. Though she was indeed beautiful, he didn't even notice her dancing a while back. He was still seated, unsure of what to or say next, as he wanted to be cool. Enzo was speechless, all he could do was stare at the girl.

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