Our First Band Meeting

Lawrence Andrew Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
After long hours of doing all of his homework Enzo was finally finished with everything, he even read ahead in the next sections to get a small understanding on what they will be learning in class. Obviously ,he was in the mood for studying. It was very unlike of him but still he didn't cared and decided to change his ways just for now. Looking at his watch he started to walk out of his dorm. It was time for their band meeting, he posted few flyers around the school. Hopefully his band mates saw them, if they didn't he made sure to spread the news to some of his friends. The meeting place was an empty classroom around the corner of the corridor, it was always empty as it was never used from time to time. He wore a plain gray shirt and some jeans, nothing special. He brought along some parchments and some quills, it would be very handy. Waling along the corridor as he entered the room, he could notice a group of girls whispering at the same time giggling. It was the usual thing that seems to happen all the time.

Enzo pulled an empty chair towards him using his right leg, stretching it as he pulled it closer. He waited there hoping it wouldn't take long. He wasn't the type of guy who liked waiting, he sat there fixing his hair while staring at the door hoping someone would come pass by. As for the band , Enzo wasn't sure of what name suits them well. He had several ideas but he needed to ask the opinion of his band mates as well. He knew some of them very well, like Cocoa who seems to be a surprise that she joined the band. As for the other, he had no idea. There were two girls in the band, Cocoa and Adalyn. Enzo was a bit intrigued about Adalyn, a great singer and a beauty too. Some were his classmates, he guessed so. With the band and he needed to choose on what guitar to use, he wanted to be fair with the ladies. Enzo was getting a bit bored, as he was about to shift his seat, he saw a shadow near the door. "Come in." he said blankly hoping it was one of his band mates.
Damien had managed to get himself lost around the school. He had only just been allowed back into enrollment here. He was slightly annoyed that his brother had a new room mate and he had to have a new one too but it was worth it to be back.

The first thing Damien had done once he returned was to immediately audition for a band that was signed around school. As expected he had gotten in, he was a pretty awesome player after all. He would've been surprised if he hadn't.

Damien had gotten a message saying the band was meeting in an abandoned classroom and he was having trouble finding it. He wasn't exactly an adventurous person, not for classrooms anyway, he only knew the ones he was taught in.

Damien guessed another room, the fifth he had tried so far, and heard someone tell him to come it. It was the guy at the auditions, he had forgotten him name. "Hey, band meeting right?" He hoped this was it. It was be deathly embarrassing otherwise.
Enzo hated waiting, obviously he needed to wait for his band mates. He was getting a bit impatient, Enzo then started to shake his legs while staring at the door. His new band mates doesn't own a watch supposedly. Enzo started breath heavily, wondering where could his band mates could possibly be at this time they should be here now. As he was about to push some chair trying to ease his mood, he saw a familiar face. Enzo started to think of what was his name, all he could remember that it started with a D or something with a C.

"Yeah, Come in." he said to him with a bored tone. He was waiting for over an hour now and only one show up. He wasn't that furious just really bored. "You're Da...... What's your name again?" he asked him still trying to to remember his name. Enzo wasn't good at remembering names, well at least he made that on purpose for some.
Amphitrite Zchechaf had grown up in a slightly well off family, that was never a secret. As any well off family they wanted their children to act the same and do the same as them and grow up to be proper little boys and girls. Amphitrite had never had a problem with this and loved her childhood. She had always been a sweet little girl and as such did what most little sweet girls wanted to do; play the piano. Her parents had adored when she played the piano for them and for their family and friends when they hosted parties, something that happened a lot during her childhood. Amphitrite didn’t mind though, she loved showing off her talent and all the recognition was something that the young girl was quite fond off – not in a big head way but it was nice to know people appreciated the music that she was playing as much as she did. Although as the years went on, not only did Amphitrite’s love for what she did grow but also the temptation to try some different also grew. It started off small, and enough for her parents to be alright with, maybe not completely classic music but perhaps music from the muggle musicals. Although as Amphitrite reached her teenage years, she did want most teenagers did and began to rebel, not to the extreme that some teenagers did but instead she began to play different styles of music that her parents loathed her playing, jazz, pop, rock; anything like that. More times than not she had been banned from playing the grand piano because her parents was so annoyed with her. Although it was times like that that Amphitrite took the opportunity to write her own music, it was nothing big or anything but it was just something to keep her busy and she was only able to practice when she was at school and was able to go to an abandoned classroom and play her music without anyone telling her what she should and shouldn’t play. Although for most people it was a complete secret.

That was until today. For the past while she had heard her friend, Enzo, talking about setting up a band. She had battled with herself for a while if she wanted to go forward to the position of keyboard player but finally she decided to go for it; it was s surprise when she got onto the band. It was a lot of surprises all around as even Enzo thought it was a surprise that she even wanted to join the band but it was somewhere that Amphitrite thought would be good for her to work on her talent and not be made to play just one type of music like her parents did. It was somewhere for her to express herself in her music and try out some new things. Noticing the time Amphitrite made her way to the meeting place for the band. She was excited and nervous about meeting them all, she knew Enzo of course and some but not well but hopefully that would change with time. “Knock knock!” she said with a small smile as she entered the room, seeing Enzo and some other guy. “Sorry I’m late. Got caught up in a book.” she said, shrugging her shoulders, Enzo knew how she was with her books.
Adalyn strolled into the meeting room her face slightly flushed from having to run up to her room and then back down for the meeting. Enzo hadn't made a very good plan and all the fourths years had a class at the time he wanted to meet and she wasn't sure if anyone of ever had a time to let him know. Walking she noticed to others in the room with the older boy. Though the only person she knew in the room was Enzo he has the one who started the band and did the auditions. The other boy she believed played the guitar but she wasn't sure about it, the girl was the keyboardist besides that Adalyn didn't know anything about her, she seemed to be around her brother's age which would put her in the same age as Enzo as well.

Being the girl she was, very racy and yet quiet, she knew how to make a silent enterance which she did into the room. They hadn't noticed her yet which sometimes was a good thing in most cases yet here she was the face of the band. Everyone who watched them would look mostly at her, except the girls crushing on the boys or the boy crushing on other girls. She needed her presence to be known. Walking around the group she approached their leader and plopped herself down into his lap her arm moving gracefully onto his shoulder. "You look upset about people being late. However most of the fourth years had Astronomy, therefore I couldn't come till now," she said to the young man she happened to be sitting on.
It was the day that Yukio had been waiting for, the day that he would be able to meet the other members of the band that he had just joined. Even as a child, Yukio had always been fascinated by music, his father, who was a musician himself, had thought him how to use various musical instruments, and even as he grew up, whenever he would have free time, Yukio would always find himself playing with his drums, or at times with a guitar. Music had always been a part of him, even to the point that wherever he go, he had his drumsticks with him. Whenever there's a song stuck in his head, he would usually break out into singing it out loud too, making the others view him as rather odd, which he didn't really mind, after all, he had always find being weird to be something that makes him rather special.

Looking at the words scribbled on his palm, Yukio tried to find the way towards their band meeting's meeting place. That was another quirk of his, he writes on his hand, it's not that he didn't have any paper with him or anything, it was just that, he finds it to be rather troublesome to search his bag for a piece of parchment to write into. He had actually been looking around for quite sometime now, strolling around corridors to corridors, but to his dismay, he still hadn't found his band mates. Sighing in frustration, he continued on his search. He cannot really help it though, for after all, he had no real sense of direction, he had this tendency to get lost, and though he knew that, because of his pride, he wouldn't ask for anyone's help. After a few more minutes of walking around and searching, Yukio sighed in relief as he opened a door to see a familiar face, that is, Enzo. Actually, he was the only one that he recognized from the group, after all, he was the one who had started the band. "Sorry for being late.. I was err.. lost." He said apologetically as he bowed a little before he proceeded to take a sit. He didn't exactly know who else was not there yet, but from the looks of it, he was one of those who were really late.
At last Enzo could hear some footsteps near the door, not only one but two or more. The first one to show up after the boy was Cocoa, Enzo could feel a bit glad that she finally showed up.He turned his attention to her, glancing back at the door. "Hey! As always." he said to her with a tone of teasing. He knew very well that Cocoa could be stuck with books for almost the rest of the day.Enzo winked at her and started to notice there was someone else coming in. "Come in Cocoa." he said to her before settling his attention to his other band mates. It was another girl, Enzo swallowed as he started to gaze at the girl. A mixture of rebel and rock, it was Adalyn Jez. Enzo couldn't forget the girls who auditioned of course. Though he didn't seem to catch some numbers as he was too busy choosing his band mates for the band. "I was, until you came in. he said somehow flirting with the girl. Enzo simply nodded with Adalyn's reason.

Three down, two to go. As he was about to stand up, he saw the bands drummer. He turned his attention to him,"The important thing is that you're here." he said with a smirk. Zac was now the only one missing, Enzo hid his sigh trying to stay on the game. "Well, practically you're all here except one. I'm aware that I'm the only one familiar here? Am I? .. Anyway How about I'll say each of your names and hopefully you'll remember each and everyone. It's also a way for me to check our attendance. He knew that some are shy and some are not but still, he didn't wanted people to close themselves from others especially from their band mates. He brought out his list from the auditions and started to look for their names. "The guy who arrived after me is.. Da.. Damien Cooper. The sweet brunette girl here is Coc.. I mean Amphitrite Zchechaf. he said smiling at Cocoa. "Then the blonde chic here is Adalyn Jez, and the guy who just arrived is obviously Yukio Hiroshi. Am I right with all of your names?" he said wondering if there were any reactions.
Adalyn found her eyes looking around at the others in the room, mostly to the other girl in the band. The two were complete opposite in looks it seemed which confused Adalyn on how they were both suited for the band Enzo wanted, though it seemed he knew the girl which didn't mean favoritism but he what she was like more then Adalyn atleast. Though the young 14 year old would never get caught being caught up in a book herself. Music was more what you'd find her caught up in. Out of everyone it did seem Adalyn was the edgyist person in the room her look leaning more towards Rock and Roll and Punk. Not that she minded the type she was put into by most people. The girl didn't actually mind that she got a certain place in people's mind for her Racy clothing, she knew who she was and to her that was all that matter. Standing from Enzo's lap she nodded to his reply knowing his tone as being flirty, he was good looking but she wasn't sure how well a relationship in the band would actually work out and she didn't really want to find out. "Zac isn't here," she said scanning the faces for the other fourth year she had met a few days prior to the meeting. She ignored his calling her a blonde chick, wouldn't be the first time or the last though she could call him out for calling her a baby blonde chicken, which could lead to an interesting conversation but decided against it.
At Enzo’s teasing tone of how typical it was that she had got distracted by a booked she stuck out her tounge playfully as she walked on into the room. Taking a seat on one of the empty desks she let her legs dangle as she an over dramatic, “Why thank you, Enzo. You’re ever so kind.” as he gave her permission to come into the room, something she was going to do with or without his permission regardless. She rolled her eyes as he called her by her nickname that only he used. It was a cute sort of nickname, something that probably came easy to Enzo, what with his flirty nature he probably had nicknames for most girls that he came into contact with. Although, thankfully, their relationship wasn’t like that; no Amphitrite was somewhat immune to his flirtyness, probably because she was always so focused in her studies when he tried anything on with her. Although, even though she didn’t respond the way he probably wanted to his advances the two had built a pretty good friendship from it and Amphitrite much preferred that than being someone he flirted and dated for a while and then dumped with the next girl came along. Amphitrite didn’t approve of what he did but that was who Enzo was and while she didn’t condone his behaviour she still stuck by him like any friend would. As Amphitrite sat down she watched in amusement as the girl who came in behind her walked right up to Enzo and planted herself right on his lap. By the looks of it, and going by what they said to each other, Amphitrite could tell that these two would get on quite well. She shook her head lightly at the scene. Amphitrite could never do anything like that and while she didn’t like things like that she found it somewhat funny and just shrugged it off, plus it wouldn’t be good if she started to hold some sort of disliking towards someone who was going to become her future band mate and as such have to work closely with for the next however many years the band would go on for.

As a few more people entered the room Amphitrite sat her ground, humming softly to herself until the meeting started. She looked up as Enzo began to address the group. She had to admit that he seemed somewhat in his element as he addressed everyone with some sort of authority in his voice; it was admirable. As Enzo said everyone’s name she nodded at them softly, although when he came to hers she let out a quick snort as he almost called her ‘Cocoa’, that would be something fun to explain to the band on the first day. Also the fact that he called her ‘the sweet brunette’ almost made her blush, it was strange been called something with a hint of affection behind it in front of a group of people she didn’t know. “Hi!” she said to everyone with a small wave, a slight laugh lacing her words after Enzo’s near miss.
OOCOut of Character:
Bloody Hell didn't notice that Adalyn was on Enzo's lap.. xD

It was just now when Enzo noticed that Adalyn was on his lap, he was too busy thinking about the whole attendance that it made him unaware of what was she doing. Good thing he kind of flirted with her, sort of. The two could be more than friends though it wouldn't last that long as he always wanted more. Setting for less wasn't his thing, finding the most valuable jewel was his thing. Sure she was hot, but there will always be a missing part of her. Still, Enzo wasn't a seer or a anything that could predict. As for Cocoa, after being close friends with her. He never saw her more than a friend, at the same time he made sure to create a wall. That would separate his flirtness from her and only her.

On the other hand Enzo was still single, then again he's been dating some girls lately. One in Beauxbaton and hopefully one here in Durmstrang. He was never ashamed of being a flirt, as long as he wasn't breaking any rules for his concern. He watched Cocoa greet the rest of the members. As the rest were still looking at him blankly. Enzo wasn't sure on what to say next though, a part of him wants to get to know each of them. Starting with Adalyn first. "So Adalyn, Mind telling me a bit more about you?" he teased her as he glanced back to her. While waiting for her reply he also wanted to catch up with Cocoa. "Cocoa..Cocoa, anything new other than well books and grades?" he said winking at her. He knew very well that Cocoa loved reading and focusing on his study. Unlike him who was care-free about his studies, but still gets the grades. "While waiting for Zac why don't you chat and get to know each other? And if He's still not here in a couple of minutes or more let's start the meeting? he said to his band mates hoping they wouldn't get bored or anything at all.
Zac knew that he was running later for the first band meeting, and was rushing to get himself ready so he could be there as soon as possible. He was really loving the idea of being in a band and was keen to be as committed as he possibly could be to it, putting aside all of the school-work for just a second. Zac burst through the doors in a very out-breath-state as he had been running here.

"Oh my gosh....." He spat the words out. "I'm so sorry I'm late." He said, bending over and putting his hands on his knees in order to catch his breath back. Zac took a seat next to Adalyn then smiled as his breathing began to slow down and he could breath a little more lightly now. "Anyway, sorry about that guys, where were you all?" He asked, a little embarrassed by the whole situation.
Adalyn never got the chance to reply to Enzo as he moved on to talking to Coco and Zac appeared in the door. Sitting herself down at a desk she crossed her petite legs glad everyone was finally there. Now the meeting could really begin. Her head nodded to Zac but didn't bother saying anything to him as she was sure Enzo would want to instead. Instead her mind want wondering on how Enzo was very Italian, a short version of Lorenzo which was Italian for Lawrence so it suited for him and she wondered if he was any bit Italian. For she is a compete Italian who even on her best days sutters out English that never makes makes sense, or to her it doesn't. If he was Italian she would actually consider dropping her dislike of dating someone in the band, but that was a maybe in that case. Zac had a girlfriend, being in his year it wasn't hard to find that our, but she already found him to be more of a friend anyways. And she didn't know enough about the other two boys to really think of dating them, they've been too quiet for her anyways. So it really was only Enzo that interested her in the room, that and she still couldn't figure out how she and a girl who seemed overly girly and a bit nerdy got put in the same band, it was strange.
Finally, Zac came storming in th room. "You're late." he teased him flashing a smirk. It was the first meeting after all so he didn't mind. Now the band was complete and everybody seems to be present minded. Enzo stood up at and walked up to the middle of the room, pulling an empty chair toward him as he leaned his right arm. "So, let's start the meeting." he announced smilingly. He wasn't strict at all, as no one seems to test his temper. Wandering his eyes around, hoping he look odd as he stood in the middle. "First off, The name of our band. Throw in your ideas and please choose something that will represent us." he assured them. He wanted to have a band name that isn't trashy nor girly.

"Each off us have a say, feel free to suggest most especially we'll talk about it as a band." he sated loud and clear hoping everyone understood him. Enzo comb his hair using his hand as he was waiting for them to react or some sort. He needed to do something while waiting so he pulled the chair neared and decided to have a seat once more. Crossing his right leg to his left leg, he couldn't help notice Adalyn. After all he loved to flirt with anyone who's gorgeous. She looked someone who isn't that easy to impress, still he wanted to give it a shot.

It took Zac a few minutes before he settled in. He chuckled quietly at Enzo's funny comment about him being late before he listened to what the older guy had to say. Zac was keen to get going with the band so was really excited about having a name to refer it by. Zac would chuck in ideas for band-names, but whatever they decided on Zac would be happy with. It wasn't often that the average, quietly talented school-kid such as Zac got to be in a school-band. This band could create great opportunity's for Zac's musical future that he had always dreamed of having since his parents had split-up.

"What sort of music are we gonna be playing? Maybe that'd give us some ideas?" He asked, it always helped Zac to know the minor details when he was thinking of things such as band-names. Zac gazed around the room, taking a good-look at each of his band-mates, each one bringing a different style to the new-band. And of course, Enzo was the leader of all of this, the one that everyone would look-up to. Zac planned to make a good-friend out of Enzo in the process of building this band and rehearsing the songs. The kid couldn't wait to get jammin'.
Adalyn smiled lightly as she heard Zac's question after all she had been thinking the same thing. As the singer she hoped it would be obvious that she wasn't going to be one who got up and sung about little kittens, dispite the fact she couldn't stand them, the lyrics would have no deeper meaning which wouldn't be right. Leaning back she noticed Enzo was looking over at her which made her smile become alittle deeper, it was nice to be look at in a good way everyonce in a while; she was really used to people thinking her clothes were to racy or guys who just wanted to get in her pants. Enzo didn't seem to be looking at her like either of those types, which was different but also nice it made her think of Alois and when she had met him. She remembered how Zac had asked her the question a few days ago and she hadn't been able to respond to him not knowing what genre they were going to be.

"Well, as the singer, I believe we should stick to rock and roll, no pop we can save that for the people who don't want their lyrics to deal with real meaning in life," she said the group not even bothering to say sorry if she offended anyone because she didn't really worry if she did or not. The only person she was concerned about, was the other girl but if she was okay with playing Rock then Adalyn would be more then happy to help the girl add alittle edge to her on stage look. In fact Adalyn's brother Maxxie who made all her clothing would be the prefect person to help everyone with their own personal rock styles for gigs. She planned to mention that to Enzo later on when they were actually getting closer to having a gig, however. As the young girl waited for a reponse she drifted off into her lala-land and wondered if Enzo would mind being called Lorenzo, after all it was still his name, just translated, plus confusion to other people who wouldn't get the nickname would be fun to watch. Zac would be hared to nickname, his name already being so short. And she hardly knew much about the others to think about what nicknames for them to could be which she planned on fixing, they needed to be a tight nit group if they planned on lasting. Glancing over towards Enzo again she let a small smile appear on her face before her eyes continued to the others, Adalyn thought herself the master of sending secret looks to people without other noticing. It let her tell people things without everyone nearby knowing, and she was interesting in Enzo a bit and hopefully he would pick up on that; if not then she could find some other person to flirt with before someone who was worth it came along, and who knows it could be Enzo or even the first guy to arrive Damien.
As he waited, Enzo heard Zac starting to talk. His eyes on the floor while listening to his words, all he could do was nod as a sign of agreement. Before he could even rely, he heard Adalyn starting to speak. He glanced back at her and tried to listen without even getting disturbed by her appearance. Enzo then raised his index finger and started to think for a couple of minutes. "Obviously were gonna do rock and roll, also I want others to speak up." he said smirking while looking at the other band members. It was their time to speak, so hopefully everything could be in order. From the looks of it Adalyn, seems very interested in the band. She and Zac was the first one to speak after all.

Enzo then turned his attention to Cocoa and smiled, giving her a wink also a sign that she should speak up. After that he then gazed at Damien wondering if we would finally speak up. "We need voices." he said in a teasing tone while looking at Yukio. The two guys seems to be quite shy after all, as for Cocoa she was naturally shy.
Zac was really keen to get the band-started, but thinking of names just wasn't happening for him today. Zac was usually quite an imaginative-boy, but today there was just nothing coming to him. He nodded at Enzo as he said that they would be playing rock and roll music, Zac could do that. He enjoyed listening to that type of music, He hadn't played all much of it before, but he had played bits of it, and he was sure that he would eventually get to know and love that style of music. Zac followed Enzo's eyes with his own. Cocoa and Damien hadn't spoken-up yet and Zac was hoping that maybe some words from them might give him some inspiration for a name for the band.
OOCOut of Character:
Hey Guys, just want to give you a heads-up. I'll be posting again, once Pat, Summer and Danielle have posted here. Feel free to brainstorm guys. Oh and just a note for everyone especially Steph and Bex-- Enzo calls Amphitrite "Cocoa" it's kinda like my pen name to her, so I really hope that you'll be using her real name and not calling her Cocoa. As I didn't RP stating that her name was Cocoa at all. Do understand that I only call her that. ;)
OOCOut of Character:
Speaking as Amphitrite, sorry about this guys but please godmod me as there is no time for me to reply to many/any of my RPs as it is and don't want to be keeping you back. Sorry! :(

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