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  1. E

    Dance Like No One Is Watching

    Emme was sick of not doing anything. This Ravenclaw had promised herself that she would buckle down with grades and help Josh get ready for this school year, his first year. Yet in doing both these things, Emme had stopped socializing all together. She couldn't even remember the last time in...
  2. E

    Lemi! (Emme's Banner)[C]

    Basic Banner Character Name: Emmeline Windchester Images: Favorite Picture Another Option Third Option Name of Celebrity: Victoria Justice Text: Emme and Be Every Colour That You Are Font: Journal Colour Scheme: Whatever fits A bit of pink would be nice Background Image: Maybe This One? House...
  3. E

    Loner No More

    Hey!! Well Emme is basically a loner other than the few people she has talked to, which is sadly a very small number. She is already a third year and is now in need of friends/enemies. I'd rather second through forth years, but I guess first years or fifth years would be alright as well...
  4. E

    Time and Time Again

    Emme was so glad to be back in the school. It was the first day of the second semester after one of the oddest and most arkward holidays that she had ever experienced. This year it was only her and Josh along with their mother for the Christmas day. Becca, Maddie, and Emme's father were over in...
  5. E

    This Story's Going Somewhere

    Emme had been claiming that she was studying for the exams. In all truth she was spending more time taking breaks than actually studying. It wasn't that she didn't understand how important the exams were. She understood completely. Emme knew how important her grades were and even how important...
  6. E

    Hopefully Not Lonely

    Emme had sat up in the Ravenclaw common room surrounded by books, notes, and just about everything else. Exams were coming up and Emme really had to get the best of grades. Ravenclaw was competative house and Emme liked to be on top. She liked to show that competative side from time to time...
  7. E

    A Ravenclaw In The Dungeons

    Emme had seemed so busy with her classes lately that she had been out and about at all. This was very odd for her since Emme usually loved to do things outside the classroom. Yes she was a Ravenclaw and yes she did care about school work but Emme was not only caring about her work. No that...
  8. E

    All To Catch Up

    Emme walked with Blake out of the castle. It was a rather nice day out and the sun shone rather brightly for the time of year it was. Putting down her sunglasses there were rested on her head, she turned to Blake for a moment a smile clearly on her face. It was just unbelieveable that he was...
  9. E

    Only The Best

    Emme loved the great hall, not for the simple reason that it was rather beautiful but for a more common reason; it held all the food already prepared, unlike the kitchen. Though Emme was a small girl, she loved food. As she was always hungry she decided to stop into the great hall and grab a bit...
  10. E

    The Lakefront At It's Greatest

    Emme had yet to explore the grounds to her liking. Sure she had browsed by the lake and the lawn and even the quidditch pitch. Though never had she really experienced the outdoors of her new school as she wanted to. Emme wanted to go fly a broom in the quidditch pitch and pick all the flowers...
  11. E

    Letters: Sending A Few

    Emme had made it through one week of Hogwarts New Zealand. Deciding that it would be best to send a letter home to her mother and maybe all the way to London for her father, and possibly to Becca and Maddie at Hogwarts Scotland. As Emme thought about all the letters she should right her head...
  12. E

    Emme Windchester

    Emme Windchester &&Shut your mouth I just can't take it ``Does it hurt to know I'll never be there//Past (You Broke It Off) ``I get the feeling that lately nothing ever really lasts//Past(I Broke It Off) ``There's a hole Inside of me It's so cold Slowly killing me//Past(We both agreed to...
  13. E

    Emme Windchester

    Emme Windchester Stand Up, Stand Out, Be Happy |Dressed up just like a movie star| - |Yeah It's Me| Hey everyone at Hogwarts New Zealand. My name is Emmeline Kadie Windchester, although everyone calls me Emme. I'm a 3nd Year at Hogwarts. I was born on April 4 , making me 13. Proud to be a...