The Lakefront At It's Greatest

Emmeline Windchester

Well-Known Member
Emme had yet to explore the grounds to her liking. Sure she had browsed by the lake and the lawn and even the quidditch pitch. Though never had she really experienced the outdoors of her new school as she wanted to. Emme wanted to go fly a broom in the quidditch pitch and pick all the flowers she could hold from the garden. Emme wanted to lay in the grass of the lawn and watch the clouds go by. She wanted to go into the forest and see why it was called forbidden, but most of all she wanted to go swimming in the lake and possible see the giant squid that was said to lurk there.

Now she wanted to go explore. Emme walked out of the Ravenclaw dorm, still not being able to meet many of the other students. Maybe they would be hanging out at the lakefront as well. "Hopefully" she said sighing a bit as she ran through the corridors and out the big doors. The sun hitting her face right away.

Kicking of her shoes, she held them in her hand. Running through the lawn until she came to a slow stop at the lake. Sitting down and rolling up her jeans, Emme stuck her legs into the lake. She looked behind her almost to make sure no one was coming behind her to push her in. It would not be the first time. Humming to herself she wondered where everyone was.
Ares sees a girl sitting at the lake and resists the urge to push her in.
Instead he decides to take a kinder aproach.
"Hey.. im Ares.. and you are?"
Emme was right in the middle of humming the chorus to her favorite song when she heard a boy's voice. Stopping the humming, she turned around to see that the boy looked maybe a year younger, maybe in the same year. Emme could barely tell with everyone. She didnt' really know anyone yet.

"Hey Ares" Emme said smiling brightly "I'm Emme" She said as she turned back to face the lake and kicked her legs around in the water not splashing anyone but just to feel the temperate of the lake. "You can join me if you wish" She began. "The water's not warm enough to swim but not bad to just stick your feet in" Emme continued as she glanced at the boy named Ares once more before turning her attention to the lake.
Ares looks at the ground, as if to sit down. Then suddenly turns and pulls off his shirt.
"No such thing as not warm enough, I was born before one of Canberra's coldest winters and i still loved the water."
Ares takes a few steps back then runs and dives into the water.
Once fully covered in water, he thought to himself 'shoot it is quite cold'
He surfaces and shivers a bit, trying to hide it, he didnt want this girl thinking he was a wimp.
He treads water and calls out "you should come in its actually quite warm"
Emme noticed as the boy took a seat. Though as he pulled off his shirt Emme just shook her head. It wasn't swimming wheather, not for her at least. "You're crazy" Emme said though a smile was clearly printed on her face.

As the boy took a few steps back before jumping in Emme backed up a moment trying not to get splashed. Trying to watch his face to see if the waters were really that cold she noticed him shiver.

"You're lying" Emme said when he told her that it was quite warm. Dipping her feet in the water tempted to jump in. A few minutes later she caved. "Oh fine" She said standing up and rolling down her jeans. No use having them rolled up if she was going to be soaked anyway.

Jumping in doing a canon ball of coarse Emme felt the water surround her. Coming up to the surface she was surprised that her teeth weren't chattering. "Not too bad" She said letting out a small laugh.
Ares grinned and the girl suddenly jumped in. He had to give it to her, the girl had guts.

Ares laughed as the girl stated 'it wasn't too bad.

"Okay, now that i got you in here, im gunna be frank.. it is really cold.."
Ares laughs.
"but im sure if we just keep swimming around, we'll get warm.."

"Hey," Ares said. "Have you heard the rumours that theres a giant squid in here?"
he smirked, trying to act cool. "i bet your scared of it.."
Emme continued to tread water, her jeans soaking in much of the water making it rather hard to stay going. Though it wasn't the first time Emme had jumped into the lake fully clothed. Last year Blake had pushed her in unexpectedly. Though she got him right back a few weeks later.

"Well I sort of realize that it's cold now" Emme said splashing a little water in Ares' direction laughing a bit. "And yeah just keep swimming and we'll be fine" Emme said about to break out in the chorus of Just keep Swimming from Finding Nemo but doubted that the boy would even get it.

When Ares seemed to bring up the gaint squid, Emme rolled her eyes. "It takes a lot more than a giant squid to scare me" She said trying to act brave. It wasn't per say that Emme was afraid of the gaint squid but more to the effect that she didn't care for the idea of swimming so close to it.

"Though I guess you are just Mr. Brave" Emme said teasing. "Gryffindor I take it" She said rolling her eyes one more before closing them and going under the water for a moment. It was at least an attempt to get used to it.
Jeeyan was swimming around when she saw feet floating..One owned by a boy and the other to a girl..Human!She thought happily as she swam nearer..She could understand them since they are in the water..They mentioned squid,taking it to be her cue to show herself up..There is but I am here..She said surprisingly loud enought for them to hear..
Ares laughed as the Emme admitted it was cold.
He smirked as she said 'it took more than a giant squid to scare her'
But he gave her the evils as she said he was in griffindor.

Ares took a deep dive under the water.
An attemp to scare Emme into thinking he was going to go find the squid.

While underwater, Ares opened his eyes and looked around.
He was amazed to see a mermaid. She spoke saying "There is but i am here"

Ares surfaced and turned to Emme and teasing her he said
"Ouch that hurts.. You probably didn't notice me but i've seen you in the common room."
before waiting for emme to reply ares continued cooly "Oh and theres mermaid right there.."

Ares looks towars the mermaid.. "Can you hear us?"
Emme waited as Ares went under almost expecting him to try to pull something like claiming that the giant squid was there or something along those lines Boys Emme thought rolling her eyes. Finally Ares came to the surface once more. "Oh a Ravenclaw then" She said when he stated that she probably didn't notice him about the common room. But he had seen here. That was enough to make smile appear on her face. Maybe more people realized she existed than Emme thought.

"Well sorry I don't look at every guy that wonders through the common room" Emme said rolling her eyes playfully to show that she was just teasing. Maybe this was just a sign that she was going to have to pay more attention to her surroundings.

Though when Ares aid there was a mermaid right there, Emme let out a small laugh. "Doubt it" She said wondering if he was just trying to mess with her. She had never meet a mermaid before what were the chances that it would just appear right now, the first time Emme took a dip in the lake. Yet Emme really had to know. Though there really was a mermaid. Emme's mouth fell open for a moment. "Wow you weren't lying" Emme said smiling brightly. "Hey" She said simply to the mermaid. What else can you say to a mermaid.
Jeeyan smiled at the boy and waved,she followed him and surfaced out behind the girl and smiled playfully..Motioning them to dive under,she spoke out.."I can understand verything if you are underwater.."Swimming in circles,she looked at them playfully.."There really is a squid here somewhere..It likes to came up unexpectedly..And so is Billy..Billy the Shark.."She peered at them,waiting to see their reactions..
Ares looked hurt as Emme said she didnt notice every guy in the common room, but brightened
up when he realized she was just teasing.

Ares smirked as Emme had to look when Ares told her of the mermaid.

The mermaid surfaced and motioned for them to dive under, Ares followed it and it spoke again.
Under water ares attempted to say "Whatever, sharks dont live here!"

Ares glanced at Emme wondering what her reaction would be.
Though Emme usually would have glanced over at Ares to see his reaction to all this, she was a little preoccupied with the fact that there was a mermaid. A mermaid what are the odds Emme thought as she diving a bit under the surface as well.

Emme listened to the Mermaid said that there was a gaint squid, this pleased Emme quite a bit. Though when the mermaid mentioned a shark, Emme swam back to the surface. Mermaids she could live with, even giant squids, but sharks. Now Sharks were a completely different story. Emme had seem the old muggle movie Jaws. That explained it all.

"I don't like sharks" she said trying to keep her voice calm. She didn't want to seem like a spaz in front of Ares. "Just not my favorite creature in the world" She added not wanting to mention Jaws the movie because she doubted many people around her watched muggle movies.
Jeeyan just laughed..No worries..Bill is not really the sahrk that you have in mind..She might even join us here for a game..She even smiled wider..
Ares smirked, glad to know there was something that scared Emme.
He smiled more kindly now, trying to seem cool "Dont worry i'll protect you!"

Then the mermaid spoke about the shark.

Ares looked at her confused. "Not the shark we have in mind??"
"Then what kind of shark is it?!?!"

"WAIT!! Did you say join us for a game??" Ares looked a little worried now.
"What kinda game, Who can eat Ares the fastest? See how many limbs you can pull off
before Ares dies?!" "What sorta game do you play with a SHARK!!"

Ares remember Emme and how he'd just told her he'd protect her. He turned to Emme
"Not like im scared of sharks or anything.."
Emme looked over at Ares to see him smirking. Smirking because I'm not perfect Emme thought though she couldn't help but have a small smile on her face. Her smile seemed to grow slightly when Ares said he would protect her. Typical Guy She thought, but it wasn't a bad thing in this case.

Though her quickly disappeared when the mermaid said that the shark wasn't the shark Emme was thinking about. How did she know which type of shark Emme pictured? Emme didn't think that there was any other type of shark. she was almost possible that there wasn't. And it didn't help things when Ares seemed to get a bit worried. "Not helping" Emme said teasing a bit.

"Maybe we should do something else. The lawn always nice" Emme suggested not quite sure if she wanted to be in the lake with a shark.
"Sorry" Ares said looking sheepishly at Emme.
"Well just because you wanna go... we can go dry off.."Ares said glad to hide his fear of the shark from Emme.

"The lawn it is!" he turned to swim back to land, turned around, dived underwater,
"I'll try and come visit soon" Ares attempted to say to the mermaid.

Ares swam back to shore then paused to wait for Emme.
"oh it's fine" Emme said smiling though not as bright as usual. It was just the idea of being in the same area as the shark that sort of unnerved her so to say. Though as Ares seemed rather easy to get out of the water as well Emme took it that he was not a big fan of sharks either. Not saying anything to him.

As he began to swim back to the shore, Emme followed not as fast but finally arriving. Getting out of the water, Emme rang out her shirt and hair. "Land thank goodness" she said taking a seat and smiling feeling much better now that she was out of the water. "And to think I could have gotten eaten by a hiden shark if you weren't there" Emme added rolling her eyes almost in a playful manner.
Ares grinned at Emme's comment about his protecting her from sharks.

Ares smirked "Whenever you're planning on coming for a swim you should let me know so i can come protect you!"

He smiled then changed the subject " soooo..."
"Oh yes I'll call the brave Ravenclaw to save me" She teased though she didn't mind spending time with Ares he seemed nice enough and not overly confident like some boys that Emme had met before. As he tried to change the subject Emme smiled brightly. "So tell me one interesting thing about yourself" She said laying back in the grass hoping that the sun would dry her out.
"interesting huh.." Ares grinned
"I could get expelled or suspended soon" he smiled suspiciously before once again quickly changing the subject.
"Tell me something interesting about yourself."
Emme waited for Ares to say something interesting about himself. "And why would you get expelled or suspended?" Emme asked laughing a bit at the idea. A bad boy ravenclaw. Though in a way it sort of fit Ares well maybe more of a prankster than bad boy.

"Interesting about me?" Emme repeated as she tried to think. "I can sing the alphabet backwards" Emme said laughing a bit. "And that is a very wonderful talent just for your information" She said smiling as the sun hit her face. Emme already felt her face growing warm and drying though her hair and clothes seemed hopeless.
"I cant tell you..."Ares looked amused.
"but it has something to do with pranks..." he laughed
"i have no idea how i got into Ravenclaw!"

"Alphabet backwards?? thats awesome!!" he laughed again
"That is a wonderful talent!" "Hmmm... i can say my 7 times table backwards and fast"
[hey.. i gotta do some stuff will reply next time im on.. see ya!]
Emme gave him a look "Oh come on let me in on the secret" She said wiping the smile off her face and putting on a sad face that she considered her very own puppy dog pout. "Please I won't tell a soul" she added turning her face back to the sky a smile reappearing on her face once more.

Glad that he didn't make fun of her talent, which gladly wasn't her only talent but still she thought it was an achievement. "At least you understand the wonders of saying the alphabet backwards" Emme said laughing a bit. Bringing her arms over her hand she was rather content now.

"Well I can..." Emme paused trying to think of something else. "I can sing a whole song in Spanish" She said trying to top his talent. Though Emme wasn't usually competative she found it fun messing around with Ares.

((Ok Love See you around))

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