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  1. L


    Sort of here, then again, sort of not. Firstly I would like to apologise for abandoning any and all duties that I had to the site. Secondly I would like to apologise to anyone I had promised to RP with. And now my explanation in brief: Since December I have had an ongoing police case against...
  2. L

    Seeking Mr/Miss Acid Tongue

    Do you like characters who banter? Do you like characters who hate each other but are also horrible attracted to one another? THEN YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE! This lady (*Phoebe laughing in the distance*) is Larissa Sedgwick. She was a Slytherin at HNZ, transferred to Durmstrang in her...
  3. L

    Temporary, minor inconvenience..

    My laptop broke. It finally cracked and started dying. So it's in for repairs and I have internet access through the family laptop, but it's quite slow and clunky and a pain to type on, so apologies for any inconvenience caused. My personal laptop should be back with the next couple of weeks...
  4. L

    Calling All Wronged/Grudge Holders..

    Hello all, Larissa has a BIG plot coming up, and in the meantime (like, the next 4-5 IC months) I'd like to help her reconnect with past friends, enemies, flings, whatever. To be honest, I know there were a LOT of people she upset along the way, so I'm sure at least one could come crawling out...
  5. L

    Surprise! (For me, especially)

    Hello all, I haven't been particularly active in some time because.. Well, my life has changed quite drastically. I ended up back in relationship again after yet another failed one. And this time everything has been going great. In fact, all has generally been well in my life except for the fact...
  6. L

    New Year's Eve

    December 31st, 2037. Music thumped and pounded the walls of the house as the bass level revved up. While the tunes were now slightly dated, a picture of her youth was pasted across Larissa's head and memories flooded back. The party was now in full swing, yet more guests were still arriving...
  7. L

    I'm coming home.

    Guess who just can't stay away any longer.. Yep, it's me. I'm back. Again. And with a mad, soap-opera style explanation. I'll stick it in a spoiler if anyone wants to read it, but for those who don't, basically real life got crazy and hectic. But now I'm back. And I'm looking to revive more of...
  8. L

    WANTED: People For November, 2041.

    This storyline is going to, eventually, require admin approval. It has been in the works gradually building up since I first joined the site and the time is now quickly approaching for me to get Larissa's affairs in order. Now, this plot will take place in November of 2041. Yeah, that's a few...
  9. L

    Mama, I'm Coming Home

    Thick clouds wrinkled grimly in the afternoon sky, each in turn threatening to burst and slather the land beneath with a torrent of tears. It was in keeping with this dark uncertainty that the blonde part-veela packed her bags and summoned them down the stairs. For so many years spent in...
  10. L

    The Icing on the Cake

    Sun streaked through the shallow minefield of fluffy white clouds. Patches of light spotted heavily down upon the streets below, picking out the gleaming windows and freshly polished woodwork. In one of these houses, voices were chuntering away merrily in an open kitchen doorway, discussing what...
  11. L

    Silent Night

    December 24th, 2032. Tinsel glittered and danced as the evening breeze swept through the open front door. Larissa, Lily, and Andrew stumbled blindly through it, wiping snow from their eyes. The three of them seemed in high spirits as they entered the living room and Larissa flicked her wand...
  12. L

    Let The Sky Fall

    12th March, 2032. The cold ebbed away as the sun rose on the light of another day in England. It was a fair sight easier to survive the passing time as the seasons changed and Winter fled. The street was lit with gold sunlight as Larissa walked, barely recognisable beneath the mop of died black...
  13. L

    Proditione Incipit

    Lily's birthday, July 2031.[hr] It was as it always was; the house lay dark and dormant until its official awakening upon the arrival of the morning sun skimming across the silk-blue sky. Clouds would pass in their many, dripping silver fans of light onto the houses, seeping through the windows...
  14. L

    HNZ 'Meme'

    I guess it falls under this category.. 'Other fun'. Anyway, I was thinking about all the various amusing goings on, on HNZ, and I thought "Why no meme template?" so.. I whipped up a really, really terrible one for people to use. If someone wants to have a go at making a template, please do...
  15. L


    A single flake of snow drifted down from the clouds, attributing to the light smattering of snow laid across the ground outside. This was nothing compared to the last year she had looked from the window, nothing compared to the beautiful sight which now hung tensely from the dark clouds like an...
  16. L


    The months had flown by, much to Larissa's dismay, and now she sat at the living room window, staring out at the crisp white snow as it laid upon the ground. It was the twenty-third of December, 2028. The honeymoon seemed like a distant memory, and the novelty of having her own home with Andrew...
  17. L

    Freedom Lost

    The sun was only just rising up to warm the blue morning sky, though the day was hardly destined to reach a much higher temperature. October seemed to have arrived quicker than anticipated, and now that it was almost at an end, November looming just around the corner, the weather would only grow...
  18. L


    The blue light of the youthful morning, dripped through the large glass windows of the second floor corridor. The castle was drowned with a cold silence as many students caught the last few hours of sleep they would get at Durmstrang before they returned home. While most would come back to the...
  19. L

    Historically Dull

    A light morning drizzle settled upon the window panes of the Durmstrang Institute, staining them like tears. The night had birthed distant rumbles of thunder, which had cracked, come the early morning. Now the world outside the windows, was dripping. Great drops of icy water, rolled off the roof...
  20. L


    The icy December wind skirted around the castle walls, calling out as it passed the windows, howling as it found its way to one of the turrets, which it circled in a knotted dance. Most of the students at Durmstrang Institute were asleep, or else sitting in the common room, often silent with a...