Mania was excited for the dance as she made her way to the common room to wait for Finley. They had agreed to go together and she was happy about it, having missed the Yule ball because of her personal freak out about the semester already being over and she felt like she had done bad in her...
Mania had the last rose with her for class as she sat all through the dark depths of History of Magic and as soon as the lesson was over she pounced at her fellow classmate. "Huw Carew! Wait DO NOT LEAVE YET HUW!" The Gryffindor yelled scrambling to her feet and after the boy, Merlin she should...
Mania skipped down the Great Hall with a yellow rose singing a song she had heard her cousins play once, it was an old song from wayyy before she was even born but it fit the rose. "And all the roses you get, Yeah well this ones yellowwww" Well see it was supposed to be Yellow by Coldplunge or...
Who knew delivering roses would be so much fun, you got to run around the building just giving flowers to people and spying on their reactions to the notes they had, if they had one of course. She had asked some people where to find this girl called Lucy Montague and had been pointed towards and...
Mania skipped her way through the school as per usual, this time looking for a Vikram Bakshi? With no idea who he was she went to the Astronomy classroom to wait out the second year Ravenclaws and Slytherins from their lesson. Pacing around she was about to burst at the seams IT WAS A RED ROSE...
In Mania's head it was kind of funny that she was delivering a red rose into the depths of the castle and darkness of the dungeons. Maybe it'd be a much needed ray of sunshine for the student receiving it. She had recognized the surname as one of her fellow classmates also. Skipping down the...
Mania was skipping her way down to the great hall and towards the Ravenclaw table, not a single worry in her mind. In fact all that was occupying it right now were the roses she was supposed to be delivering. Oh! How exciting was that?!? Delivering roses to others. The first year was humming and...
Mania had been to the school for the better half of the semester now and the excitement of all the new was finally settling in. She wasn't exactly doing the best in her classes, mostly because she was constantly busy thinking of all the other things she could do around here and she would be...
After hanging out with Callie and Finfin Nia waddled her way to get some snacks and see what was going on. She had really done her best with the costume and was as proud as one can be, but she had to admit walking squeezed between the thin panels, was not the easiest. Perhaps she should have...
Mania had gone on a walk, meaning to explore the grounds it was very beautiful the scenery around the castle. She had stumbled upon the lake front now, water was something she was used to. Growing up visiting Greece every summer meant a lot of swimming, though she hadn't been the best at it. Not...
Mania was buzzing with excitement as she was dragging Callie with her to the owlery, well less so dragging more so just bringing her with her. See ever since that little silly incident in their dormitory Nia had been wanting to write Pim and Pom, she knew exactly what to write to both of them...
Mania was stood at the front of a building that was supposedly the hospital around here. She supposed it was a decent one, not that she'd ever been to one much as her mum was a healer so she mostly took care of her and her sisters if they got sick. She ran her eyes up and down the structures...
Mania wasn't particularly excited to be visiting New Zealand with her parents. She had been dragged there more or less against her wishes to in their words 'look for a house'. They were planning on moving closer to the school now that she was likely to attend it next year, if you asked her she...
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