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  1. Yuelia Rossingol

    Unorthodox Reunion

    set in between Y47 and Y48 Yuelia had been hesitating for far too long. It was her father, really, that had put her off. He had reluctantly given her her grandmother's address and with it, a warning. Don't expect a warm and loving reunion, he had said, to Yuelia's dry amusement - neither of...
  2. Yuelia Rossingol

    Open The Sweet Sting Of Victory

    Yuelia had done it. She had retained the one thing she had to call her own - her title - all the way through school. It didn't matter now what Chaos had said, or the dirty looks that Penelope had given her, or even the fact that her arms and face were stinging with cuts from Emmanuel's spell...
  3. Yuelia Rossingol

    Closed Spring Picnic

    The dungeons could be rather stifling, and Yuelia had been told she needed more sunlight. As such, she found herself huddled up on a blanket on the lawns, having anticipated a warm spring afternoon. Instead, it was overcast, dreary, and cold. Perhaps, she thought, this was just a good way to...
  4. Yuelia Rossingol

    Closed Spectator Sport

    Yuelia may not have had a lot going for her, all things considered, but what she did have was duelling. She was good at it, though she was primarily self taught and going off of instinct more often than not. It worked well for her, but there was always room for improvement. She knew full well...
  5. Yuelia Rossingol

    finally updating banners

    Character's Name: Yuelia Rossingol PB: Jessica De Gouw Images: mostly just have at it but for inspo one or two or three if you aren't into period drama images Text: probably just her name Colour Scheme/Aesthetic: I'm always bad at this because I'm really not good with visuals but darker colours...
  6. Yuelia Rossingol

    Closed Careful What You Wish For

    approval ID #120292 Animating dolls was one thing, thought Yuelia, crouched in front of a gargoyle and gazing at it inquisitively. She could, once she could freely use magic outside of school, quite gleefully have tea parties with them as she'd always wanted. But it wasn't quite enough. Yuelia...
  7. Yuelia Rossingol

    pre-empting the new year

    Wanted a change for 5th year, figured I'd actually request graphics while I remember! (Surely this will help my muse...) Character name: Yuelia Rossingol PB: Claire Foy Text on banner: "If there is no destination, then how do I take the first step?" (although this is optional, just the first...
  8. Yuelia Rossingol

    Open Ask The Birds For Answers

    open after Kadi posts with Ethan Yuelia liked to take Thanatos up to the Owlery. Sure, he was a raven and the other birds were owls, but there was a part of her that hoped that he'd build some sort of friendships by exposure. Maybe the same would work for her, she wondered. She was odd...
  9. Yuelia Rossingol

    Open Never Accept Mediocrity

    open after Ana posts with Celia Yuelia didn't know what she was doing, really, but that didn't mean she was going to flounder. At least, not in all things. She didn't know what she was doing, or what she even wanted to do. She didn't feel especially passionate about anything. At least, except...
  10. Yuelia Rossingol

    Closed How Charming

    Yuelia's new shoes were taking a bit of getting used to, but she was determined not to show any sort of weakness even as blisters were starting to form. Third year had been a bit of a write off but she had kept her duelling title. She didn't really know what she was doing, though, and she felt a...
  11. Yuelia Rossingol

    Closed So As Not To Shatter A Non-Existent Illusion

    ((sorry I know the class isn't up yet I was On A Roll with DADA posting)) Yuelia was convinced she was building a solid appearance for herself. Despite the fact that she feared the dark, still slept with a stuffed toy, struggled with anything that required physical exertion and had a tendency...
  12. Yuelia Rossingol

    Closed A Strange Crowd

    Yuelia sank onto the couch with an overly dramatic sigh, looking over at Emrys with a small smile despite herself. She was glad to be back at Hogwarts mostly because she could actually cast spells. Months without being able to was miserable, and she'd been scared she would've gotten rusty...
  13. Yuelia Rossingol

    Yuelia Rossingol

    The Basics Character's Name: Yuelia Charlotte Rossingol Yuelia - an alternate spelling of the Russian Yulia, meaning 'youth'. 'Yue' comes from the Chinese name meaning 'moon'. The name was her mother's choice, an odd decision she insisted upon. Charlotte - her mother's name, meaning 'free' or...
  14. Yuelia Rossingol

    Open Sing A Sweet Song, Oh Nightingale

    Yuelia was here now, and she wasn't sure what came next. She hadn't gone to the Yule Ball, she hadn't lingered over long at Halloween, but she knew she had to put in an effort to go to school events and try to put herself out there more. Not that she wasn't talking to people enough, in her own...
  15. Yuelia Rossingol

    Open A Flame In The Night

    Yuelia would master this. She had to. It was an advanced spell, but that was no excuse to her. If it was something she could realistically do, then she would just have to do it. She had to prove herself as the best. Then she'd master her appearance, too - she'd look into fashion so she could be...
  16. Yuelia Rossingol

    Closed Bluebell Flames

    The Yule Ball seemed to be a much anticipated event for students at Hogwarts. Yet Yuelia was decidedly not in attendance. She did not have a dress for it, but even if she did she wasn't sure she would have wanted to go. There would be so many people, just like Halloween but worse. Far too...
  17. Yuelia Rossingol

    Open Far Too Many People

    Yuelia was stressed. She liked the idea of Halloween - all the decorations were fascinating and rather delightfully horrifying. But as usual, she found that Hogwarts was filled with so many people. She wasn't at all used to it, even after a couple of months. Yuelia felt dizzy, wondering if...
  18. Yuelia Rossingol

    obligatory graphics request

    "I'll pick someone well known", I said. "I won't have any problems finding decent images", I said. x_x five hours later.......... Character Name: Yuelia Rossingol Play-by: Anya Taylor-Joy Text on Banner: 'on wings unbroken' Colour Scheme: Greens, blacks, blues? darker colours mostly, showing...
  19. Yuelia Rossingol

    Open Doll's Tea Party

    Yuelia resembled a doll herself, seated elegantly on a blanket under trees in the park. Her dress was old fashioned and frilled, with a pretty blue cloak around her shoulders, and a collection of three well cared for dolls (and one well loved and worn elephant) seated around her. The elephant...
  20. Yuelia Rossingol

    Open Feel The Harbour Breeze

    Yuelia had never seen this many people before in her life. It wasn't even an especially busy time, she'd been told, but to her it was almost overwhelming. Her parents had decided that as she was getting to the age where she'd be attending a magical school, it was time she start engaging in the...