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  1. William Kaimarama

    Closed Into Te Taiao

    The smells and sounds of the bush were a welcome comfort after spending time out in civilisation as William returned to to his real home, a follower in tow this time around. It wasn't often there was interest in his field, and his parents had been quick to encourage William to take the curious...
  2. William Kaimarama

    Closed Past Comes Back

    William had spent so much time in the bush since graduation that being around people felt weird. When he was younger his bush hikes had at least involved his family, but he had been working largely solitary for the last few years. Obsidian Harbour had been almost unbearably crowded, and St...
  3. William Kaimarama

    Closed Cross Purposes

    William had no idea what this was anymore. Or how he felt about it. It was getting harder and harder to ignore the crush he had carried for so many years, the closer he got to Abian. Maybe going on an actual date had been a mistake. He had worked hard to get over Abian, and even though...
  4. William Kaimarama

    Open WPC Meeting Y37/S1 - Foraged Feast

    Although things had gone better than he expected last year, William still felt a knot in his stomach at the thought of running events for the Wild Patch. He was older than Elliot, sure, more experienced without a doubt, but he still somehow felt as though he wasn't qualified. Like the group...
  5. William Kaimarama

    Closed Awaited And Unaware

    It had taken William a while to adjust to the seasons at Hogwarts, but now that he was used to them, he found he quite liked it. Being further north than his home, it tended to get much warmer than he was used to, much earlier than he was used to, and that meant extra time where he didn't need...
  6. William Kaimarama

    Open Scorching

    William usually didn't bother with Halloween, but it was his final year at school. Why not dress up? Well... dress up was a polite way of putting it. His clothes were some of his usual streetwear, but his hands, he was.... pretty proud of. They glowed and sparked and flickered with flame...
  7. William Kaimarama

    William Kaimarama

    W i l l i a m W h a r a r i k i K a i m a r a m a Oh, we're building a home with the mud and the stones and the branches we bind • We're all just searching for something bigger than we're all able to find F A M I L Y Ariana Kaimarama - Mother, on good terms Nikau Kaimarama - Father, on...
  8. William Kaimarama

    Wild Patch Y36/S2 - Raranga Harakeke

    When it came to events he could run as co-leader of the Wild Patch, William had found himself unexpectedly stumped. The vast majority of his plant-related knowledge related to bushcraft, and he didn't know how pleased his professors would be if he decided to drag a big group of his classmates...
  9. William Kaimarama

    Open Cheesy

    ((Open after Emzies)) William was almost an adult, and it felt good. He didn't think he had ever felt good about himself before. He knew for a fact that a lot of it had to do with how he had chosen to spend the holidays. He had been on thousands of hikes with his family, but spending a full...
  10. William Kaimarama

    Closed Reading Up

    William had never been the best at school, but this year he was going to make a change. He now had both of his younger siblings at Hogwarts, and he had to be better than them at something. There was no chance he was going to be more popular than Maddy, and there was no point even trying to be...
  11. William Kaimarama

    Closed Fresh Spaces

    The Student Lounge wasn't a place William had ever spent a lot of time, but that was something he wanted to change. He was a fourth year now, and he wasn't going to hide away skulking around in the dungeons or forest forever. Maddy just made friends by showing up at places, and William was...
  12. William Kaimarama

    Closed Like Old Times

    The backpack of tramping supplies on William's shoulders was a familiar weight as he adjusted his angle slightly, ducking between a low branch and a high log. Though he secretly resented her popularity within the castle, outside of it William found his sister's presence a welcome comfort...
  13. William Kaimarama

    Closed Making Friends...

    Entering school for his third year, William felt no less out of place than he had in his first. His sister joining him at Hogwarts had been a mixture of comfort and frustration last year. Though William would never admit it to anyone, it was a comfort having Maddy at Hogwarts. Even if he had...
  14. William Kaimarama

    Open Venture Within

    It wasn't embarrassing that William hadn't explored the forest yet at all. Definitely not. He had been taking his time, making his moves at the school before turning to the forest. Schools were complicated, it was hard to become as popular and cool as William was now, he had needed to take...
  15. William Kaimarama

    Tall Tales

    It still felt surreal to William, having to write letters to his siblings instead of them simply being right there when he wanted to talk to them. He had never expected to feel so isolated, in a place where he was surrounded by more people than he had ever seen in one place before. As much as...
  16. William Kaimarama

    William Kaimarama

    Name: William Wharariki Kaimarama Meaning: William - Resolute protector, Wharariki - Mountain flax Birthdate: 12 February 2035 Zodiac: Aquarius Strengths: Witty - Clever - Humanitarian - Inventive - Original Weaknesses: Stubborn - Unemotional - Sarcastic - Rebellious - Aloof Being an Aquarius...
  17. William Kaimarama

    Adventures Old and New

    The heavy winging of a Kereru overhead and the trickle of a nearby stream made William feel at home like nothing else. Mum and dad were a little further ahead through the bush, and William had been tasked with leading his younger siblings along to catch up. Easy. They were following the line...