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  • Users: Ilija Olaf
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Ilija Olaf

    Open Y36 Sign Language 101

    To say that Ilija was nervous was an understatement. It had taken a lot of convincing from Mhairi for Ilija to agree to take over the session she'd run last year for students who wanted to learn some sign language, and while the Hufflepuff could agree it might be helpful for some people, the...
  2. Ilija Olaf

    Ilija Olaf

    I L I J A . Y A K O V . O L A F - - b e a f r a i d o f t h e q u i e t o n e s - - I N T R O V E R T . C O N S I D E R A T E . H A R D - W O R K I N G . S Y M P A T H E T I C . P A T I E N T FULL NAME Ilija Yakov Olaf DATE OF BIRTH April 21st 2035 CURRENT AGE Twenty Eight BLOOD STATUS...
  3. Ilija Olaf

    Closed You ask, I answer

    Ilija had made his way up to the seventh floor corridor before he could convince himself that this was a stupid idea. This year had been quite frankly horrible, and now with his sisters leaving, and his friends leaving, he didn't really feel like he had anyone left to talk to at all. He didn't...
  4. Ilija Olaf

    Open By myself

    Ilija was quieter than normal during graduation, if that was possible. For the last few years he'd had his sisters to turn to for questions or advice or company, but both were now graduation at once and it felt like a double whammy. He was naturally closer to Mhairi who seemed to understand him...
  5. Ilija Olaf

    Closed Trying to love how you turn out

    Ilija's routines had gone out the window over the last week or so. He couldn't really concentrate on anything he was doing, and it was already the afternoon when the fifth year realised he hadn't eaten any breakfast yet. After hauling himself out of his dorms, he trudged down to the Great Hall...
  6. Ilija Olaf

    Open Calm down

    By the time Ilija got to the lavatory,, the sweat was literally beginning to drip from his forehead. Not caring whether or not he was alone anymore, the fifth year dropped his bag next to one of the sinks, and ran the cold water, splashing it with both hands over his face, trying to calm himself...
  7. Ilija Olaf

    Open Crashing Down

    Ilija managed to make it to the fourth floor before the tears started. After the events of the Wiggentree, he wanted nothing more than to hide his face from all the critical, judgemental students of the school. He didn’t want those he cared about to find him either, that would have just been...
  8. Ilija Olaf

    Last but not least

    Ilija had been looking for @Baron Corelli on the list of transfers up on the notice board in the entrance hall, hoping that he could gain some knowledge about where he would find the boy or even what house he was in. It proved useless though as he he couldn’t find a trace of the name anywhere...
  9. Ilija Olaf

    Charming Rose

    It had taken ages for Ilija to work out who the last person on his list for the rose deliveries was, despite her name. After working out that she was in Gryffindor, Ilija had taken to standing in the corridor outside the common room in the hopes that eventually she would turn up. It was growing...
  10. Ilija Olaf

    You've got a friend

    Ilija had no idea who he was looking for for his latest rose delivery. After hanging around the Great Hall, he'd worked out that @Chloe Chan was a Ravenclaw but that was about it. Now the Hufflepuff had taken to standing outside the common room, asking any of the blue passes by whether they knew...
  11. Ilija Olaf

    Just as bright as the girl

    Ilija was looking for one of the last few people on his list, but finding @Sierra Woodlock was harder than he thought it would be. After not being able to find her in the Great Hall, nor while hanging outside the common room, Ilija had opted to save the rose until he did find her. The chance...
  12. Ilija Olaf

    Roses in all shades

    The next person on Ilija's list was one of the prefects, so he knew he'd seen @Mazikeen Roe around the school here and there on patrols and during the announcements at the start of the year. Approaching the Gryffindor table, he scanned the row for the blonde, hoping she'd be easy to spot. Sure...
  13. Ilija Olaf

    Open Conflictive

    Ilija had been indecisive about whether to attend the valentines dance at all this year. While he was trying to push himself and his limits to expand his comfort zones, this event wasn’t going to be an easy one for the Hufflepuff. He’d enjoyed giving out the roses, however he’d also come to...
  14. Ilija Olaf

    Raining roses

    Ilija entered the Great Hall, trying not to get overwhelmed by the amount of people that were in there. He was looking for someone and he would focus on his task at hand. @Deepa Pillai had to be here somewhere although he hadn’t met the girl before. Asking around nervously for direction, he...
  15. Ilija Olaf

    One for the Gum Popper

    Ilija didn’t really know who @Sapphire Michaels was, but it wasn’t too surprising as he was still learning the names of students in the older year groups. He thought he recognised her from Wuidditch though and that was definitely something he followed, so heading down to the common room he...
  16. Ilija Olaf

    Old School Week Heavy Helping

    Ilija still felt a bit weird after Yule Ball, but the subsequent parties after had been quite fun. He didn't want the semester to begin again and for his work load to get bigger, but walking past the conglomerates art room, he heard a noise and peered his head round the doorway in curiosity...
  17. Ilija Olaf

    Ilija Olaf

    ILIJA YAKOV OLAF - R O L E P L A Y S - FIRST - THIRD YEAR [That's not my name] - With Onyx Michaels, Zhaklina Olaf, Mhairi Olaf (Ice Cream Parlour) [Exciting Opportunities] - With Abian Hunter and Caspian Lavish (Ice Cream Parlour) [What's a Hufflepuff?] - With Abian Hunter (First Year Boys...
  18. Ilija Olaf

    Ilija Olaf

    ILIJA YAKOV OLAF BEST FRIENDS Marco Mariani FRIENDS Alice Holland Abian Hunter Padme Hume Katy Miller Elliot Briar Rowan Baros Elsie Baros ACQUAINTANCES Teliko Snyder Chrysander Kaster Elio Zephyr Avaria Lockwood Vader Hume Isabelle Walden ENEMIES None CRUSH Alice Holland...
  19. Ilija Olaf

    Open A Frosty Evening

    Ilija was still angry at himself for bailing out of asking Alice to come with him to the Yule Ball. He'd had all the right words planned in his head but when push came to shove, he hadn't been able to do it. The fourth year was stood by himself in the Great Hall, watching as Alice met up with...
  20. Ilija Olaf

    Open Surprise birthday party!

    Ilija had wanted to put on something for his friend and dorm mates birthday ever since he'd overheard him talking about it one evening as they'd gotten ready for bed. He'd let as many people know as he could that they should come down to the lake, along with the date and the time, where the...