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  1. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Class of '55

    Minnie was happily now in her third year of teaching, it was welcome, she had time to write, had time with Eric and had time to be able to just be. This was, for her, surprisingly a job with little stress, helped by her smaller classes and the fact she tended to only teach one class per...
  2. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Pretending We're Still Seventeen

    Professor Minnie Calida had expected her first yuleball as a professor to be a dull affair. With her just watching over the kids as they had fun, thinking and strwing on her memories of the dance alone. But with Eric at the school too, she knew they would be able to have a bit of fun. She had...
  3. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open To Be On This Side

    Minnie Calida was at Hogwarts. She had left some six years before and had now returned as a professor. It hadn't been the career path she had really foreseen as she left, but Minnie felt ready. She felt like she could do this. Could be a professor. It helped that she was teaching Arithmancy and...
  4. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Some News

    Minnie hadn't really expected to get it. She had been enjoying the freedom of writing and working at the Hog's head, but she also knew that that couldn't be forever. With her first book written, and now just the revisions and trying to get published, Minnie felt in a much better position and...
  5. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed A Dinner Party

    Between herself and Emily, they had settled upon a date and time for the dinner party, and within a blink of an eye it was finally here. They were going to Emily's place, a big house, that really dwarfed the flat that she and Eric shared, but she had come to expect that. She glanced at Eric...
  6. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed More To Life than Work

    Minnie had been struggling for a while, though she couldn't understand why. Things were good in her life, she had a good job, a very good job, that was steady and paid well. It helped her afford her half of the rent for the apartment she shared with Eric. Any andf all spare time they had...
  7. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed What Doesn't Define Us

    Minnie had had a tricky day at work, each day was busy and she worked herself as hard as she could to impress her boss and her colleagues and because it was right for her to work so hard, but she was quickly realising the old patterns she fell into was not something she really wanted. She wasn't...
  8. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open A Month In

    Within no time at all, Minnie had been working for a whole month. She didn't mind it, the work was quite engaging, and the people she worked with were interesting. She knew she was well on her way to being able to move out of Eric's mother's place with Eric. It would be a bit tricky for a bit...
  9. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed These Meals Inbetween Studies

    Minnie didn't have a lot of time currently, well, free time. Every moment was dedicated to classes, revision or sleeping. She was in the final stretch of her schooling and nothing was going to get in the way of it. It just meant she didn't have an awful lot of time for Eric, and she felt bad for...
  10. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed A Slow Waltz

    Minnie was rather looking forward to this valentines day dance. She had spent most of her week working a lot so that she would be able to go along to the valentine's day dance. She knew that she probably didn’t need to, but part of her had wanted to make sure that she didn’t have to worry about...
  11. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open First Books of the Final Semester

    There was light at the end of the tunnel for Minnie. Of course there were dozens of objects in the way, dozens of things she imagined. It was just that she was so close to graduating, of being able to move forward and all she had to do was make sure she didn't fail at this last hurdle. She...
  12. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Our Last Dance

    Minnie felt unsure about her dress, but she'd bought it herself, picked it out and loved how it felt, so of course wanted to wear it. She'd stared in the mirror and felt that she looked mostly beautiful but she wasn't sure it was perfect. She knew pleaseing herself would never be easy. She fixed...
  13. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open Buttercup

    Minnie had often just put together a costume for halloween, but she'd decided since she was no longer under her parents watch that she could get a costume. She knew her costume would be better suited to a set with two other girls but Minnie would never be able to ask other to dress up with her...
  14. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open Always Failing

    Minnie had showered after the game and had left the pitch. She knew it was her duty to try to bring up the moral of the team, but she knew she wouldn't be able to. She'd been on the team for so many years, and the main seeker during so many of them, and it didn't help that October had been such...
  15. Professor Minnie Calida

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice

    Minnie was determined to get started immediately. She had brought her team to the quidditch pitch and was getting ready for practice. She didn't want to waste any more time and just wanted to get everything going. They had a good chance at the cup this year and she did not want to squander it...
  16. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Spell Practice

    There were not that many places within Hogwarts with a room big enough for spell practice, lots of rooms for studying, but none where Minnie felt comfortable practicing all the spells she'd learnt over the last six years. She could practice small charms in the common room, but she needed a place...
  17. Professor Minnie Calida

    Y39 Ravenclaw Quidditch Try-Outs

    Minnie came to the quidditch pitch ready for ravenclaw try-outs, she thought it was just very odd to be here by herself. She liked running it by herself but she'd always liked doing it with Lars. He'd been a solid person in her quidditch career and she was now going to be alone, they were also...
  18. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed New Families

    Minnie hadn't been looking forward to this part of the day but she knew it was pretty important to do, she wasn't intending to stay at home, but there were things she wanted to take, things she wouldn't take to Hogwarts that meant something to her. She hadn't spoken to her mother in almost two...
  19. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed As A Couple

    Minnie was nervous but she was sure this dance would go as well as the last. Afterall, the biggest difference between this one and the yuleball was that she and Eric were official. There was a lingering of her conversation with Noel in her head but it was just odd and awful as a conversation...
  20. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed You Want to Talk?

    Having not left school for the break, Minnie had been feeling a little odd. It was just weird, like there had been no break between her life then and her life now. She knew plenty of others remained at school for the holiday but it had been a first for her and not one she had liked. It would’ve...