Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

Ben watched the students run or walk around the seats, keeping an eye out for anyone that he considered to be a trouble maker. He paid close attention to Audrey and Teddy, though he didn't really expect either of them to cheat, it was good to watch them. "Remember I shouldn't see any wands!" He reminded all of them, just in case. Then he stopped the music. "Alright, grab your chair!"

OOCOut of Character:
We are now in the Scramble Phase, please note that you MUST post during this phase or you will be eliminated.
The next phase will begin in 24 hours. There are 11 seats and 12 players remaining.

Brotherhood PlayersHeta Omega Players
Teddy PirripBailey Walden-Cade
William Potter-CadeMorrie Ayre
Hēmi BlenheimAroha Blenheim
Benicio MatosMagdalene Grey
Felix Layton-KingEurydice Nightray
Jonah EdogawaMania Athanasiou
Doyle MooneyLeah Thorne
Ignatius WolffortAudrey Beauchamp
Rhea Moss
  1. Felix Layton-King
  2. Aroha Blenheim
  3. Audrey Beauchamp
  4. Hēmi Blenheim
  5. Teddy Pirrip
  6. Eurydice Nightray
  7. Jonah Edogawa
  8. Bailey Walden-Cade
  9. William Potter-Cade
  10. Morrie Ayre
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Felix was so on edge as he walked carefully around the chairs that by the time the music stopped he practically threw himself into the closest one. For a moment he was convinced the chair was going to fall over backwards, but he steadied himself before it was too late.
Aroha wasn't the first this time, but she was still quick, and sat down as soon as she came near the closest chair.
Audrey dived into a chair as she was halfway through an awkward dance step, looking up at Professor Kaster with a gasp as if to imply horror at the idea she'd do the wrong thing. Despite, you know, being the one who suggested it.
Hēmi took a seat that no one seemed to be near, giving a smile to his sister as he took his seat. His heart was beating fast as he did so. Musical chairs was a lot, it turned out.
The music stopped and Teddy flung himself into the closest seat to him. He had to be better than Audrey at this game.
Jonah dived into a chair and took a tumble, taking the chair down with him and ending up belly-flopped on it. Does this count because he’s not letting go of this chair?
When the scramble started, Eury yelped away from the chaos before trying to sit down. Only…. She didn’t find a chair… well, she did. But it had a person on it already. And she’d sat. On the person.

@Felix Layton-King
Ben watched the chaos unfold. "The chair can have only one person Miss Nightray!" He told Eurydice as he looked at Jonah. "And you'll need to sit properly on that chair to be counted, Mr Edogawa!" Someone could still take the chair from him like that.

@Jonah Edogawa @Eurydice Nightray
Eury blushed. It wasn’t like she meant to sit on the person! She scurried away from Felix and managed to sit in an actual chair. She really hated this game.
Out of utter fear that someone would take his chair, he scrambled away in a crawl dragging the chair underneath his belly before righting the chair and belly flopping on it as he awkwardly tried to keep his whole weight on it while turning around to sit on his behind. This chair was his
Bailey couldn’t believe how fast the game resumed once Professor Kaster called a scramble, she did her best to ignore ever my one and ran to the nearest empty chair and sat in it.
William was on edge waiting for the scramble to begin, it all happened so quickly and he was ready but while making a play for a chair he spotted Eury across the room sitting in Felix’s lap. It was suddenly all he could see and while it didn’t last long before Professor Kaster reminded her she needed a seat of her own, it was disturbing enough to him that he lost all focus on finding a seat.
Felix was watching the chaos unfold with a grin on his face when someone decided to use him as a seat, “Hello there,” he glanced down to Eurydice, deciding there and then that they were clearly even on whatever weirdness had been lingering between them before. The Hufflepuff darted away just as quickly and Felix looked up to see Will’s face. “Sit your ass down!” He called out, not wanting to see one of his best friends eliminated.

@Eurydice Nightray @William Potter-Cade
William snapped out of his daze when Felix shouted at him and he managed to dart over to a chair and took a seat.
Benicio was a bit slower on the uptake this time around. He'd been distracted by the students and then the professor talking. The Hufflepuff looked around for an empty chair, but there were none to be found. The teen kicked at the floor, annoyed at himself for being out so early in the game.
Ignatius had rushed for a chair, but his bruised and nof warmed up leg had cramped up with the sudden burst, leaving him incapacitated as he lay on the ground groaning in pain trying to make his muscles not feel as though they were being assaulted by pins and needles.
Ben watched as the students scrambled for seats, making sure everything was going as it should so that the students weren't suddenly stealing the chairs out from each other. He flicked his wand to make the music start again. "Alright Mr. Wolffort, Mr Matos, you can take a seat to the side if you like. Better luck next time." He said, watching the students restart again.​

OOCOut of Character:

@Ignatius Wolffort @Benicio Matos per the rules, you have both been eliminated.

We are now in the Walking Phase, please note posting in this phase is highly encouraged for rp purposes but is not required.
The next phase will begin in 24 hours.

Ignatius Wolffort and Benicio Matos have been eliminated.

Brotherhood PlayersHeta Omega Players
Teddy PirripBailey Walden-Cade
William Potter-CadeMorrie Ayre
Hēmi BlenheimAroha Blenheim
Benicio MatosMagdalene Grey
Felix Layton-KingEurydice Nightray
Jonah EdogawaMania Athanasiou
Doyle MooneyLeah Thorne
Ignatius WolffortAudrey Beauchamp
Rhea Moss

Edit: Fixed elimination.
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Audrey beamed as she started her dance-march back around the chairs. Now the playing field had evened up. "That's what I'm talking about!" she exclaimed, slowing her steps near a chair but not stopping.
Jonah wondered if he could bring his chair along for the dance. Maybe drag it along. He looked at the professor as he reached out to perhaps take the chair
As they walked around, Eurydice made sure that there were only ever four people in between her and Morrie
Ben flicked his wand and the music stopped, this part of the game was his favourite, but also the part he had to watch the most, because the students were trying to grab seats, anything could happen. "Alright! Grab your seat!"

OOCOut of Character:
We are now in the Scramble Phase, please note that you MUST post during this phase or you will be eliminated.
The next phase will begin in 24 hours. There are 9 seats and 10 players remaining.

Brotherhood PlayersHeta Omega Players
Teddy PirripBailey Walden-Cade
William Potter-CadeMorrie Ayre
Hēmi BlenheimAroha Blenheim
Benicio MatosMagdalene Grey
Felix Layton-KingEurydice Nightray
Jonah EdogawaMania Athanasiou
Doyle MooneyLeah Thorne
Ignatius WolffortAudrey Beauchamp
Rhea Moss

  1. Jonah Edogawa
  2. Felix Layton-King
  3. Audrey Beauchamp
  4. Teddy Pirrip
  5. Aroha Blenheim
  6. Hēmi Blenheim
  7. Bailey Walden-Cade
  8. William Potter-Cade
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Jonah dove for his chair with a war cry maybe pushing a person or two, he wasn’t sure. At least he managed to sit.
The game was already getting increasingly tense as another two boys were removed from the game. Once again the music stopped, and Felix switched from sauntering around the chairs to practically leaping onto the closest one, crouched on the seat like a frog before anyone else could beat him to it.

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