Dueling Match #21

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
@Elijah Edogawa x @Eurydice Nightray

Professor Misha Haden had been a bit surprised to be asked to help out, he didn't often, but he didn't mind it. Though of course he was feeling a little more tired than usual with the boys keeping him awake. It was nice though, they were adorable. He looked at the two students whose duel he was overseeing. "Let's keep this clean," he said, before inviting them to get started.

OOCOut of Character:
The duel begins now. You have 24 hours from this to post your first reply, or face disqualification. Once both duelists have posted, you will have 24 hours from your opponents post to reply, or be disqualified. Ensure that you use the spell list for guidance on age-appropriate spells, and read over the dueling rules and points system. Please also remember site rules apply, including power/god modding. You can find the site rules here. Duels will run until there is a winner or until 6 IRL days have passed, in which case the winner will be chosen by RNG. If you are knocked out or otherwise disarmed/incapacitated, or if you run out of points, you will lose and the duel will end. Have fun!

Spectators are allowed to post in this topic once per competitors post, but are forbidden from directly interfering with the duels. Duelers cannot cast spells at the spectators or face disqualification.

[b]Current Points:[/b] --
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[b]Action(s) Taken:[/b] --
[b]Point Changes:[/b] --
[b]Points Remaining:[/b] --
Current Points: 150

Eurydice was already regretting joining the Duelling Tournament. Tizi-nii had insisted it was a good idea, but now that she’s going up against Eli of all people, she highly doubted it. She swallowed as she bowed in front of her cousin and breathed. She and Tizi-nii practiced, she could do this. “Stupefy!”

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 150

Well he hadn't expected his cousin to just go for it, a little warning might have been nice! "Protego!" He called, quickly defending against her spell. "Oi! I'm your cousin not your enemy, a little warning woulda been nice hey!" He told her, before deciding on his next spell to go for. "Locomotor Mortis!" Let her try that one on for size.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2, got annoyed
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 140
Sorry Eli, he loved his cousin, but Eury is his sister. "Eury, remember your practice." He said, sitting back and watching as she took to her first duel.​
Current Points: 145

Eury hadn’t meant to annoy Eli, that was bad right? She was avoiding bad. “Gomen gomen!” she said right back before she had to dodge really quickly because she wasn’t sure her shield would hold up against Eli. “Rictusempra!” she was much better at neutral to offensive spells anyway.
Action(s) Taken: Dodge, Cast spell, apologized
Point Changes: -15
Points Remaining: 130
Current Points: 140

Eli shook his head at Eury as he watched her, "well don't apologise!" He wasn't really annoyed though, he hoped she knew that, he would definitely check up with her when this duel was finished. "Protego! Expelliarmus!"

Action(s) Taken: Cast spells x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 130
Current Points: 130

Since she was still fairly, unbalanced from dodging the last spell, she had no choice but to yell "Protego!" and hope the shield held. Thankfully, it did. "Sorry!" she apologized for apologizing? It's a weird thing. Duelling Eli is a weird thing. It was hard figuring out a spell she was willing to use on her cousin so she settled on the Trip Jinx.
Action(s) Taken: Cast 2 spells
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 120
Last edited:
Current Points: 130

She was apologising again, so he just laughed, okay apparently telling her not to apologise wasn't helping in this situation. "Protego!" He couldn't get hit by a trip jinx because who knew what that would do honestly. So he went through the list of spells he could think of and settled on the featherlight charm.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 120
Current Points: 120

Eury blushed as Eli laughed at her apology. Another spell came her way and she cast the shield again, "Protego!" only for it to fail, the spell hitting her squarely. It was a funny feeling, but she wasn't sure what exactly Eli was planning. "Petrificus Totalus," she hadn't been sure about using it against her cousin, but he was using weird spells on her so hopefully he won't be too mad.
Action(s) Taken: Cast 2 spells, hit by spell
Point Changes: +5
Points Remaining: 125
Morrie was interested in the next duel and made sure to choose a spot which was easily in Eurydice's eyeline but not near the new librarian because he seemed a bit scary to Morrie. She watched for a little while without saying anything, then as the duel picked up, Morrie shouted out encouragingly, "Woo go Eurydice!"
Current Points: 120

He watched as his spell hit, still formulating the plan in his head, but it was hard to say exactly how it was going to work out. Still, he had plans, he just had to get them to go the way he wanted, hopefully Eury would make it easy for him. "Protego! Wingardium Leviosa!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x 2, spell hit
Point Changes: -10 -20
Points Remaining: 90
Current Points: 125

Eurydice froze when she heard the voice. She knew who it was and she shouldn't have turned her gaze away from Eli and then she was lifted off the ground with a shriek. She spots Morrie then, scowling but definitely watching and it made a shiver run down her spine. "F-Finite!" she cast in a panic, though she probably should have thought about it better as she shrieked once again as she fell, and hit the ground hard, knocking the breath out of her.

Action(s) Taken: Hit by spell, cast spell
Point Changes: +10
Points Remaining: 135
Current Points: 90

Eli wasn't sure what spooked her, but he saw the opening and he took it, as she fell to the ground, he quickly lined up another shot. "Everte Statum!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell, spell hit
Point Changes: -5 - 20
Points Remaining: 65
Current Points: 135

Eurydice hadn't had time to get back up or get her wits back together before another spell was thrown her way, blowing her back with no time to scream. She hit the ground outside of the platform with a thud, blacking out as she collided with the floor.
Action(s) Taken: hit by spell, lose the duel
Point Changes: -135
Points Remaining: 0
Mikael had been standing with Tiziano to watch Eurydice's duel. She was moving a lot better than before, and he could see Tiziano's influence written all over. While he and Tiziano were both taught by their parents, they also had different regular sparring partners and styles. Now that Eurydice was practicing more with Tiziano than Mikael, he could see the effects. While her defense needed work, she was doing well until someone shouted and he saw his sister distractedly looking at Ayre. A mistake. This duel was over. "Tiziano," he gestured to his brother as he walked away to head down and make sure his sister was sent to the Hospital Wing.
Jonah was watching the duel intently, having Elijah and Eurydice fighting on the first round was all sorts of wild. He knew who he wanted to cheer for though as he waved a small blue flag about. He did wince as Eurydice was thrown back by Elijah's spell. He'd have to visit her at the Hospital Wing later.
Demi had been watching Eurydice's duel out of the corner of her eye, when she didn't have anything better to look at. When she saw the Hufflepuff go down however she couldn't help but chuckle to herself. Honestly some people just weren't cut out for dueling.
Misha watched the duel until the young girl was defeated. "Elijah Edogawa is the winner," he declared as he went to revive the girl.

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