Open Unofficial Pep Club: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin

Beatrice Grey

"Bea" | Minor Nuisance | American
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
12 (05/2051)
Beatrice was excited to be back cheering on the quidditch teams. She had talked to her mom about getting some uniforms made for each person, but seeing as people could come and go, she figured an easier outfit was better. It did bother her that they didn't entirely match like most cheerleading squads, but Beatrice was quickly learning that many witches and wizards were much more chill than she was - they didn't like control freaks. The Ravenclaw stood in their usual spot in the stands waiting for the others to join as she adjusted her pom poms. She's made some over the break that had every house color. They were super ugly, but it was the best she could do.

OOCOut of Character:
Anyone who would like to be apart of the pep club can. Just please wait to make up any cheers until the game starts. :)
Jasper had wanted to be part of the Pep Club but felt he had missed his chance by not coming to the first meeting way back at the start of the year. He spotted Beatrice, took a deep breath, and strode up to her knowing this was his opportunity to try it out, if she wouldn't let him join now then he would just have to wait until September and he knew that. "Hey, I know I haven’t been at practice or anything, but can I join in?" he asked with a hopeful grin. He could sort of dance, well enough to follow along with the steps, at least. And with a few weeks until the final, he had time to practice and catch up for the big match Gryffindor were playing.
Ruth liked the pep squad. It meant she had to put in some sort of effort, which usually wasn't her thing, but it was effort in the sense of boosting other people who were doing more. Plus, she was more than happy to let Bea take charge and just follow her lead. It meant there was minimal expectation on her, and she got the feeling that Bea liked to be in charge of things. Win-win, as Ruth saw it. She just wore a simple black top and skirt that she'd accessorised with plenty of glitter and green and yellow ribbons for both teams. She was more keen to see Slytherin do well, but she had to be fair and support Hufflepuff too, because they weren't there to take sides. She waved at Bea and grinned at Jasper as he mentioned wanting to join in. "Oh hey," she said, stretching her arms. "Nice of you to join us! The more the merrier, right?" She looked at Bea as she said that, cautious not to overstep and annoy the Ravenclaw girl
Beatrice smiled as Jasper approached the group and nodded with enthusiasm. "Of course! Just try and catch on to the cheers when you can or help hype people. It's pretty simple. We repeat the cheers a lot and some of them rhyme." She took her position once the game started and then turned around to Jasper. "See, I'll start us off with an easy one." The Ravenclaw had everyone turn to the face the crowd as they took turns hyping up the students with a short cheer that required them to dance along.

"Hey, hey, Hufflepuff, hey, hey, Hufflepuff
Hey Hufflepuffs! (Yeah)
Are you ready? (Yeah)
To rock and roll? (Yeah)
You put your hands up high, hands down low,
Yo baby, yo baby yo!
Yo baby, yo baby yo!

Hey, hey, Slytherin, hey, hey, Slytherin
Hey Slytherins! (Yeah)
Are you ready? (Yeah)
To rock and roll? (Yeah)
You put your hands up high, hands down low,
Yo baby, yo baby yo!

Yo baby, yo baby yo!"

OOC: Parenthesis is what the crowd says back to the Pep Club. This cheer is just a spin-off of a camp song I remember learning when I was kid so I have no source. Also, feel free to join in and make your own cheers/find cheers online!
Christa was excited about the pep club, she'd had fun last game and she knew she would have fun this one too. "Welcome!" She sang, paying attention to Bea as she lead them in their first cheer of the game. It was easier to cheer when she wasn't picking a side, not that she did anyway since she really didn't know anything about how the game worked and the fact that they were on brooms was still nuts to her. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to fall off. She joined Bea in the first cheer, jumping up and down excitedly as they fully got into it.​
Mania had liked cheering for the teams last semester so taking a part now too was only natural. She joined the already forming group with a smile, giving a wave to everyone before they started cheering for the game. She still had close to no idea what she was doing but she put all her energy and enthusiasm, which let's be honest there was a lot of, into it. She really enjoyed just jumping and cheering the players on, Nia might not want to play the sport herself but it was fun to cheer.
Beatrice was leading the group in another cheer when she heard an eruption come from the Slytherin fans. She turned around to see the Slytherin seeker had caught the snitch and cheered along with them. She knew it was not easy to be supporting all the teams, especially if you were in the other house being played against, but she was glad that so many people were interested in joining her. Since it was younger students, she thought this might be a great way to stop too much house rivalry before it started. The second year looked back at the pep club members. "Well, that's it for today. Thanks, everyone!"

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