Small Victories!

Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe

Alleged Adult | Exists on Stress | HoM 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 15" Ash Wand, Essence of Mermaid Scale
I know we have the celebrate good times thread but I wanted to do something specifically focusing on the tiny things. Forget the big moments, did you manage to do some laundry you'd been putting off today? Did you try a new flavour of drink and like it? Or did you just manage to get through a bad day at work without losing your temper? It might not seem like anything that big or important but if it's the little step you needed to take or just something that made your day a little bit better then feel free to share it here!

To start, today I sent a lengthy email I put off from yesterday and the client got back and said it was really well written and helpful! :cry:
Love this idea!!

I have a small victory in that I was given a plant for Christmas, and it's been a month and it's actually growing and I haven't accidentally caused it to die =))

It's growing so much I may have to change the pot it's currently growing in but I worry this will stop it from thriving. Still I am happy it seems to be growing well yay :party:
A couple of small victories- I took two full shifts to do it, but I cleared out about two dozen youtube playlists, made a master list, wrote out a doc with every song on the master list organized by artist and then song (and a seperate list for single songs) and then took the master list and organized all 600 songs into new much more concise playlists! It's a silly thing but I feel accomplished :lol: And tonight I couldn't seem to find my muse anywhere so I drew three decent Dragon Age fanarts which I'm pleased with. Does that count?
It wouldn't feel right posting about remembering to do my laundry for the first time in three weeks between people celebrating their first homes or the birth of their children. :r

(I didn't remember to do my laundry, anyway.)

I did, however, get some of my to-do list done at work, and that's slightly better than getting none of it done. :lol:
A small victory for me is deciding on a project for my classes. And it is a database-code-thing-pokedex for the original 151 pokemon xD
If they accept it :r
Last time I made lasagna, I forgot to put the lasagne sheets in the middle before baking! This time I did not forget!

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