Travis was excited for tonight. He didn't mind wearing the suit his father had told him to wear. Travis liked dressing up and look stylish. But the question was, how long would it take for it to be clean and have nothing like a drink spilled on it? He made his way inside the great hall and...
Travis watched the two girls with an smile. And the other girl he didn't knew than made an joke and he started to laugh and move with his wings more. '' That's a good one!'' He complimented her. '' I'm Travis, what's your name?'' He than asked her friendly. He than looked at Appoline and smiled...
Travis was pretty pleased with his costume. It was actually only a thing on his head which was an stork. But he was pretty pleased with it since he could pull at it and than the feathers at the side would go up and down. He bought it in a muggle shop back home. He made his way to the great hall...
As the girl replied to him Travis nodded excitingly when she mentioned the instruments. But she kept on talking and talking and talking. And Travis thought that he was excited about something, but he almost wanted to remind the girl to breath. And he smiled about how she was excited, he could...
Travis didn't even knew this race was happening. But it seemed like fun, he was so busy with exploring the castle that he missed stuff like this to sign up for. But he was good with cheering on the people, and it looked like fun. So he had made his way and sat down, with gryffindor scarf and...
As Travis enjoyed the food in front of him he smiled to Fiona. He grinned to her. '' Well we can do whatever we want right? No parents to say we can't eat that or that much!'' He than said smiling. And than looked at his plate with an questioned face. '' Hard to pick. That's why I got soo...
He was glad to make the girl laugh. He liked letting people laugh, and had fun. As the girl sat down next to him Travis looked over to his plate and had to think where to start. Perhaps at the top was the best, because if he would take something from underneath it would all fall down. And he...
As he approached the boy and he showed him the football he smiled bright. Thankfully, it was his favorite and he didn't really wished it to hurt someone ofcourse. But he was playfull and not always carefull. But not on intention. The boy gave his ball and Travis took it from him, and he smiled...
As Travis was running around the castle, being excited about everything. The magical portraits were even interesting and there were a lot of them in this castle. He than made his way to the courtyard and wasn't aware of what was happening today. Since he was not paying attention to most of the...
Travis joined the fellow Gryffindors at the table and smiled wide. He saw that Fiona was there as well and smiled bright. He almost runned to make his way next to Fiona as they joined the others, and heard her asking what kind of food she should take. '' EVERYTHING!'' He said loud with an grin...
As the girl said she didn't wanted to be in the middle of it. He figured she was different than Fiona. This was more an image he had from an girl. He than grinned and went standing like he was even bigger. He was kind of tall for his age. '' I will protect you. Noothing to worry about! '' He...
One of his favorite places so far was the Great Hall. Not only the ceiling was just so very cool. The food was like the best and there was a lot! He already could hear his mother saying to him, that he shouldn't eat so many because he would get sick. But he ignored that, he wanted to do what he...
When the blonde girl asked him something, he actually had to grin about the idea she just gave. He shook his head with an smile and answered. '' No I wasn't.'' He explained. '' But that's actually an fun idea.'' His eyes went shining of the fun he could have with that. He was suprised though...
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