Open All You Can Eat

Travis Simons

4th Hogwarts Scotland | Music is life 🎵🎤
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Whippy Dogwood Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Travis was sorted in Gryffindor. Something which first didn't said him anything. But after the sorting ceremony he had spoken to some of the people out of the same house. And from what he heard, he was in the nicest house. And he was glad it was an house, where courage and adventure was something common. He was also glad that Fiona was sorted with him, so he already knew someone at least. And perhaps they could continue their adventure to the haunting house later on. But he was eager to get to know others as well and make an great time at this place. But so far everything was really cool and fun.

The dutch boy made his way to the Great Hall to get some food. Which was so far very nice. And as he arrived his eyes seemed to be bigger than his stomach. So he made an plate with pancakes, sausages and more. It was kind of full and as he stood at the Gryffindor table he than saw Fiona sitting and his roommate. So figured to walk over there with his plate. He was too enthiosiastic and walked fast, also hungry and couldn't wait to take a bite of the kind of mountain of food he now had on his plate. He almost was at where Fiona was sitting, when he felt the mountain of food moving on his plate. And he almost let it fall on the ground completly. He than saw an sausage falling from his plate and a blonde girl was almost walking over it. '' Whoops rolling sausage!'' He than warned her.
Even if Summer felt like she would've looked way better in red she didn't mind the Slytherin green so much. She was confident she'd find her place in any house so it didn't really matter which one she got sorted in at the end. Now that she was a Slytherin, however, she was determined to be proud of it. Although she did wonder what her dad would think of it and made a mental note to write him a letter as soon as she found the time. After all, she had a whole list of things she needed to do. Like find cool places around the castle. Make herself known. Gain some friends. All of that and more. But first things first: food. Summer walked past the Gryffindor table as she headed for the other end of the hall, glancing around to see if she recognized any other first years around. She stumbled a little when someone warned her about a food on the floor, stumbling a little as she tried not to step on it. "You're not starting starting a food fight when we've just gotten here, right?" She joked when she noticed the warning had come from one of her classmates. "I saw you at sorting, so I guess we're classmates." She added with a bright smile, tossing back some of her hair. "I'm Summer."
When the blonde girl asked him something, he actually had to grin about the idea she just gave. He shook his head with an smile and answered. '' No I wasn't.'' He explained. '' But that's actually an fun idea.'' His eyes went shining of the fun he could have with that. He was suprised though that a girl like her suggested it. But he figured it was an joke. She than introduced herself as Summer and told him, that she had seen him. Travis was glad he made an impression if she recognized him. He looked at the sausage still on the ground. And figured he could threw it to someone, but than he reminded that perhaps he would not make friends with everyone like that. '' That's a nice name!'' He said enthiosastic. '' I'm Travis. Nice to meet you.'' He than said as he tried to put out his hand, but than reminded he had a full plate so just smiled. '' I have my hands full. But we can shake feet otherwise?'' He said joking.
Summer scrunched her nose when the boy told her a food fight might actually be a good idea. She was all for having fun, but not with the threat of mashed potatoes getting stuck in her hair. That would be gross. "Well, if you ever do decide to start a food fight please warn me first so I can get out of the line of fire." She told him, a little worried when it looked like he was seriously considering it. It would be a funny sight to behold. Not one to be a part of. "Thanks!" She beamed when the boy complimented her name before introducing himself. "Yeah.. no.. I'm good." Summer responded when he joked about not having his hands free to shake hers. "No shaking is fine, shaking hands is for old people anyways." She added with a forced giggle. "Hey do you want to have lunch together? Or were you already sitting with someone?" She questioned without as much as a second thought, mostly asking the second question out of politeness. Any one of her classmates should be happy to have lunch with her.
As the girl said she didn't wanted to be in the middle of it. He figured she was different than Fiona. This was more an image he had from an girl. He than grinned and went standing like he was even bigger. He was kind of tall for his age. '' I will protect you. Noothing to worry about! '' He said and put up his thumb. An food fight was an nice idea for another time. Now he was more hungry, so he wanted to throw it inside his mouth. He nodded exitingly at the girls response. '' Yeah, a highfive is better.'' He commented. But still had his hands full. And it seemed like another sausage was moving. So he was glad the girl invited him to have lunch together. He than looked over at the Gryffindor table and back to the blonde girl named Summer. '' Oh no. We can have lunch together!'' He wondered if you always had to sit at the same table. But he didn't even listened to rules, so he didn't mind. And he put down his plate at the first place close to him and sat down.
Summer giggled when Travis stood up a little taller after she asked him to warn her if he ever were to start a food fight. He was definitely taller than she was so perhaps he could function as a human shield. Or he could just tell her so she could hide. "I'll hold you to that." She giggled. She would definitely hold him to that because if she ever got dirty in a food fight he had something to do with they would be having words. Without a doubt. Summer beamed when Travis agreed to have lunch with her. Did that mean she could start adding another friend to her list? Possibly. She liked to think that by the time they were finished with lunch she could. "Cool." She nodded before sitting down next to him. "So you're a Gryffindor right? What's that like, do you guys have a nice common room?" She chattered, quite keen on knowing what the other common rooms looked like. The Slytherin room was nice but she hated how it was in the dungeons.
He was glad to make the girl laugh. He liked letting people laugh, and had fun. As the girl sat down next to him Travis looked over to his plate and had to think where to start. Perhaps at the top was the best, because if he would take something from underneath it would all fall down. And he took an sandwich on top. And started eating. He than nodded excitingly to the girl. '' I am, it's all so amazing!'' Travis than answered to the girl as he finished his first sandwich. And looked over to her. '' We have to take a lot of stairs, allll the way up. But it's kind of cool.'' He than explained to the girl. '' Did you see that the stairs move?!'' He than asked her. She was not in Gryffindor, but he wasn't so familliar with the different houses. '' What about you? What's your house called? ... Sloathyrn?'' He than asked her with an friendly smile.
Summer had only been around Travis for a couple of minutes and she immediately wondered if all Gryffindors were so.. exciteable. He was giving some strong golden retiever energy and it made her curious whether being in their common room would feel like stepping into a doggy daycare. She also noticed that he gave her absolutely nothing to go on when she asked about the common room except for the fact that they had to climb the stairs up to the seventh floor. "Uh, yeah, it's kind of hard to miss." Summer replied with a forced giggle when he mentioned the moving stairs. "Slytherin, yeah. We don't have to climb a lot of stairs luckily, although being in the dungeons does come with an unfortunate amount of spiders."

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