Open Dancing Alone

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Aroha Blenheim

Bold | Adventure-seeking | Stubborn
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Reed Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Aroha was not happy. She had to wear a dress, for one. Or rather, her parents had packed a dress and she didn't have a say. It wasn't even a purple dress (her favourite colour) - just an old maroon dress that didn't even sit right on her. Something about the cut just wasn't right; it came down a little too far past her knees, it didn't sit snug against her torso, the neckline looked awkward - a multitude of things were wrong with it. But Aroha wanted to go to the Yule Ball, and so here she was, looking around for someone to spend the time with. She should have organised to go with someone, because she couldn't spot any of her friends, or at least they all looked busy. Everyone's formalwear really looked amazing compared to hers, she also noted, making her feel an added sense of insecurity. Usually Aroha didn't mind how poor her family was, but it was kind of obvious to her at this juncture. She tried not to feel too bad for herself though - she'd had a dance on the dance floor, albeit by herself, and now was getting a drink to rehydrate. Aroha wondered if she should just give up and go back to the dormitory, but that would mean giving up and she wasn't raised to be a quitter. She poured herself a glass of cool water and chugged it back, then gave a sigh. If only there was someone to talk to.
Travis was excited for tonight. He didn't mind wearing the suit his father had told him to wear. Travis liked dressing up and look stylish. But the question was, how long would it take for it to be clean and have nothing like a drink spilled on it? He made his way inside the great hall and smiled bright as he saw the decorations and people dressing up. He danced his way through the crowd and tried not to bump into anyone. And than his eyes went big as he saw the food and drinks table. He speedy walked towards it and took an glass of limonade and was very thirsty so it was quickly empty. He than saw his classmate and she stood alone, from what he could tell. A fellow Gryffindor, so perhaps she would want some company.
'' Hi!''
He said excited. He did knew her name from class, but hadn't spoken to her before. '' You wanna dance? Come on this is a good song.'' Travis than quickly put down his glass and made an quick spin and danced with ease and sang along with the uptempo music.
Aroha noticed someone come up close to her, also taking a drink. Someone in her year, and her house. SHe perked up a bit, about to speak when he spoke first, greeting her cheerfully. A smile began to spread on her face as he invited her to dance. "Hey," she greeted back. "Sure, just try not to step on my toes," Aroha teased lightly, but given his display she hardly thought he would. Aroha put down the glass and ventured out onto the dance floor, expecting him to follow.
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