Open I'm a Swan, I Swear!

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Apolline Fontaine

eldest child
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2049 (14)
Apolline wasn't sure where her costume had gone wrong exactly. But perhaps it was that she couldn't get the beak to work, and had thus ditched it opting instead for the triangle above her head. She was very happy with her costume, it looked fun and wasn't too complex, but she wasn't sure people would understand that she was a swan and not an angel. The wings were entirely different for the latter. Apolline loved the look of halloween, and was happily exploring the hall and looking at all of the cool things that were on offer for them to do.
Zora felt fairly certain that she would not win the competition but she still fit into her Halloween costume from last year so she was inclined to use it again. A medieval princess is what her parents had called it. She wasn't really sure but it did the job as clothes on her body. As she walked around she accidentally nudged into someone (or rather their wings) and quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, Angel," she said calling the girl her costume because although she was pretty sure they were in classes together she did not know her name. Sure it wasn't one of those scary angels she had heard about but the girl did a fairly good version of an angel the wings were pretty big so Zora felt badly for walking into them.
Apolline wasn't aware really of how much space her costume took up, not until someone walked into it. "Oh no, I'm not," she said to begin with, before pausing, worried somewhat that the girl hadn't thought she was an angel, and was just calling her angel. No matter how weird that was possibly to call someone when they were both only 11. "I'm a swan," she settled on saying. "You're a princess?"
Travis was pretty pleased with his costume. It was actually only a thing on his head which was an stork. But he was pretty pleased with it since he could pull at it and than the feathers at the side would go up and down. He bought it in a muggle shop back home. He made his way to the great hall and had an big smile on his face. This looked like so much fun! He had no idea where to begin or where to go but looked around. And he than noticed two girls from his class. One which was another Gryffindor who scored a lot of points Appoline was her name he figured. He than heard her saying she was an swan. Travis didn't saw it directly, but it was fun to hear someone being an animal as well. He than walked excitingly towards them and interrupted their conversation with an smile. '' OMG your a swan? I'm a Stork!'' He said with an big smile. He than pulled at his head and the wings went up and down. He than looked at the other girl with an smile and waved at her.

hope you don't mind me joining
Zora felt instantly bad when she learned that the girl in front of her was not an angel but a swan instead. "Oh sorry, I thought because of the headpiece." she gestured, not really sure what it was supposed to be if not a halo but she grinned sheepishly. "My mistake anyway," Zora smiled, really trying to not make the girl hate her for her being wrong at what her costume was. At that point a boy joined them and had shared that he was a stork. Zora smiled at his costume, he seemed to have fun with his winged hat flapping. She grinned at him. "I think you guys look... fly," she said trying to be funny with the pun as she had heard this was an old muggle term for cool from like a hundred years ago. It really wasn't funny and she knew that if someone had said it to her she might have rolled her eyes if it wasn't mean to do so.
Apolline shook her head, "it's okay," she said quickly, not wanting to have actually upset the girl. Knowing that her costume, was maybe a little unclear. "The headpiece is a beak," she explained, but as she did, a boy, Travis from her house also appeared, and he was a stork. "Oh cool!" she glanced at his hat and gave a nod. At the statement, Apolline glanced at the girl, and took a moment to understand what was being said, knowing that perhaps the wording had meant to be funny. She gave a little light laugh. "We are," she agreed
Travis watched the two girls with an smile. And the other girl he didn't knew than made an joke and he started to laugh and move with his wings more. '' That's a good one!'' He complimented her. '' I'm Travis, what's your name?'' He than asked her friendly. He than looked at Appoline and smiled. '' If you could fly, where would you go?'' He than sometimes forgot he had magical abilities and they had an broom, but fly himself would be even cooler.
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