Recent content by Teddy Pirrip

  1. Teddy Pirrip

    Dueling Match #40

    Current Points: 150Teddy wasn't quite sure what to make of Dante Styx. They weren't friends but not rivals either. Acquaintances he supposed although Teddy got the feeling Dante wasn't too happy with him since his duel with Aurora. He faced him on the platform and bowed, "You heard the...
  2. Teddy Pirrip

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    The music stopped and Teddy flung himself into the closest seat to him. He had to be better than Audrey at this game.
  3. Teddy Pirrip

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Teddy clapped Heemi on the back when he made it to the seat next to him just in time. The music started and Teddy started walking around the chairs again. He laughed at Audrey's call to the girls. “You hear that guys? The girls are scared!” he teased. "You're not thinking of cheating are you...
  4. Teddy Pirrip

    Fifth Years: Lesson Four

    Teddy sat in Astronomy listening to Professor Nakamura lecture on comets, he snorted a laugh when they were described as giant dirty snowballs. He had never thought of them like that before and wrote it down along with other notes on the lesson. Teddy would love to see a comet, but stargazing...
  5. Teddy Pirrip

    Fifth Years: Lesson 3

    Teddy sat in history of magic listening to Professor Borisyuk lecture on Slytherin and Ravenclaw. Just like last week, Teddy already knew some of the information, but he was less familiar with the founders backgrounds for the other houses. He listened to the story about the basilisk and thought...
  6. Teddy Pirrip

    Fifth Years: Lesson Three

    Teddy stood in the greenhouse watching Professor Castillo struggle with the demonstration and trying to gauge exactly how hard this task was going to be. When it was his turn, Teddy pulled on his gloves and grabbed hold of the bulb. It immediately started thrashing and Teddy tightened his grip...
  7. Teddy Pirrip

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Teddy noticed Heemi slumping off and called out to him, "Heemi! Over here, there's a free seat next to me!" He called out to him, looking out for his Brother if he wanted to keep playing. @Heemi Blenheim OOC: by my count there is still one seat unclaimed
  8. Teddy Pirrip

    Y48 Dueling Match #29

    Current Points: 95Teddy blocked the disarming spell then sighed, feeling the early onset of fatigue from so much spellcasting. Between Aurora and Ten, this years dueling tournament had tested Teddy more than any previous year. And to think if he wins this duel he still has one more duel to win...
  9. Teddy Pirrip

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Teddy slid into a seat as quickly as the music stopped.
  10. Teddy Pirrip

    Fifth Years, Lesson Three

    Teddy didn't mind the quizzes Professor Haden set them because they were so easy. OWLs were going to be a doddle if these were the sort of questions on the exam. He filled in his answers then turned his attention to the lesson on Duro. He made a note not to bring that spell into the dueling...
  11. Teddy Pirrip

    Fifth Years: Lesson 2

    Teddy was still getting used to the lectures being delivered by someone who wasn't Professor Moncrieffe and their very different styles of teaching history. He listened to Professor Borisyuk talk about the Hogwarts founders and a lot of it Teddy knew already from being at school for the last...
  12. Teddy Pirrip

    Y48 Dueling Match #29

    Current Points: 105Teddy blocked the strange spell and cocked his head, "Oh you went rogue with that one, what was it you said again, Amphibian Eructo?" he cast the spell back at her. He didn't know what it did, something to do with amphibians he guessed.Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point...
  13. Teddy Pirrip

    Open Heta Omega vs Brotherhood: Musical Chairs!

    Teddy arrived early to help set up, moving around chairs and making sure they had enough for everyone. He was excited about this event and had every intention of the Brotherhood winning. Not that losing was something he was particularly familiar with these days. He listened to Professor Kaster...
  14. Teddy Pirrip

    Fifth Year: Lesson Three

    Teddy stretched before sitting down and listening along to Professor Nakamura talk about eclipses. He took down some notes but not many as it was a short lesson. He was a little disappointed that they weren't invited to look through the telescopes at the end of it, it made it feel unnecessary to...
  15. Teddy Pirrip

    Y48 Dueling Match #29

    Current Points: 115Teddy didn't think Ten was going to block in time until she did. He blocked the stunning spell, then threw out his next offensive, "Obscuro"Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2 Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 105