Recent content by Kiara Thompson

  1. Kiara Thompson

    Open Proud Fathers

    Kiara could certainly see where Valerius had gotten his charm from, trying not to blush when his father kissed her hand. He was his father after all. Blushing would be weird. She glanced from one man to the other when they mentioned dinner and then something about a company. The latter sounded...
  2. Kiara Thompson

    Open Proud Fathers

    Kiara shook her head when Valerius mentioned the crowd, a little surprised when the man in front of them addressed her in another language. One she had heard Valerius speak plenty of times now. He had to be family. "Nice to meet you, sir." She smiled after Valerius introduced her, his kiss to...
  3. Kiara Thompson

    Open Proud Fathers

    Kiara was relieved the ceremony was over, although she dreaded having to make her way through the crowd to find her family. She tried to carefully weave her way through to where she thought she had see Chloë's red hair but still managed to bump into a few people. She echoed a few awkward excuses...
  4. Kiara Thompson

    Y46 Graduation Ceremony: Graduates

    Kiara could hardly believe graduation was actually here. In her own mind, she was far from done with learning. Not just the usual stuff like how to brew potions or cast spells but learning about herself as well. She had only started that journey in her last few years at the school and could...
  5. Kiara Thompson

    Closed Last Dance

    Kiara felt her cheeks heat up when Valerius cupped her face, smiling slightly at his comment about escorting her whilst simultaneously feeling nerves build in her stomach. Was this it? Was he going to kiss her? Was she going to let him? Was she even feeling nervous or was it more excitement? The...
  6. Kiara Thompson

    Closed Last Dance

    Kiara happily held on to Valerius' arm as they moved down the stairs, hoping she wouldn't slow them down too much and it wouldn't take ages for them to even reach the hall. Perhaps she should've gotten ready a little quicker. "I think you're my second date to one of these. Ever." She responded...
  7. Kiara Thompson

    Closed Last Dance

    Kiara gladly took Valerius' hand to let him guide her the last few steps down, beaming at him when he called her beautiful. "You look pretty dapper yourself." She smiled, resisting the urge to brush away the few strands of hair that graced his forehead since they'd probably fall right back into...
  8. Kiara Thompson

    🌹 Rose Giving A rose, a badger, and a raven

    Kiara had been thoroughly enjoying the rose giving event and yet she couldn't help but to want to escape the high energy that came with the day. She had just decided she was going to head to the common room to take a little break from it all when someone yelled her name from down the hallway...
  9. Kiara Thompson

    Closed Last Dance

    Kiara was happy that after seven years at the school she didn't have to face her last dance alone. The idea of going to these dances with someone had always felt like a reach and yet here she was, getting ready to meet Valerius so they could head down together. She didn't have time to figure out...
  10. Kiara Thompson

    🌹 Rose Giving A red rose grew up out of ice frozen groundWith no one around to tweet it

    With all of the rose deliveries going on around the school today Kiara couldn't help but to go take a quick look at the wild patch to make sure the bushes were all properly cared for before taking a stroll through the garden. The weather was good and the atmosphere wasn't as bustling as it was...
  11. Kiara Thompson

    🌹 Rose Giving A Friendly Gift For You

    Kiara laughed at Ruto's answer, glancing down at the note once more before giving her a confirming nod. "Both it is then." She responded, smiling when she wished her a happy valentine's. "Thanks, you too."
  12. Kiara Thompson

    🌹 Rose Giving A Friendly Gift For You

    Kiara nodded understandingly when Ruto mentioned finding people was the worst part about rose deliveries. Looking for them was the worst and yet finally finding them and being able to hand over a rose was the best. There was only a thin line between those moments. Her eyes widened a bit when...
  13. Kiara Thompson

    🌹 Rose Giving A Friendly Gift For You

    Kiara loved the Valentine's celebrations at the school and had spend a lot of time debating whether she would sign up for deliveries herself. She was already busy helping provide the roses from the wild patch though so had eventually decided against it. After having made sure the rose bushes...
  14. Kiara Thompson

    Closed Never Too Late for a First Time

    Kiara had a much easier time following Valerius' lead now that they were out of the crowd and she wasn't completely overthinking every step she made. She tried her best not to look at her feet either and instead kept looking at him. Something she definitely didn't mind.
  15. Kiara Thompson

    Closed Not Just Flowers Blooming

    Kiara sat down next to Valerius and looked at him in surprise when he asked her about the yule ball. It wasn't something she had spend much time thinking about other than assuming she would be attending it on her own like usual. "Oh, uhm, I don't know. I normally just go by myself and see who I...