🌹 Rose Giving A red rose grew up out of ice frozen groundWith no one around to tweet it

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
15 (12/2046)
Hugo moved though the grounds moving away from where he had found wisteria at the lakes. a song his mum used to play starting to echo through his head. he curved towards the garden. the warmth of the late summer sun on his face. there were a few people about enjoying the sun, or flowers or like him trying to find rose recipients. he turned a corner and saw the rose pushes looking somewhat naked with out their blooms, and not to far away was a girl, as he grew closer he realised he was in luck and he recognised her and more importantly she was to get one of the three remaining roses "Kiara" he called a smile on his face. "happy rose delivery" he said

@Kiara Thompson
With all of the rose deliveries going on around the school today Kiara couldn't help but to go take a quick look at the wild patch to make sure the bushes were all properly cared for before taking a stroll through the garden. The weather was good and the atmosphere wasn't as bustling as it was inside, which was a nice change of scenery. Kiara turned her head when she heard someone call out her name, shooting the boy a smile. "Hi. Thanks," She said, although she had yet to see which rose he would hand her.
Hugo looked at Kiara as she greeted him and thanked her for the delivery. he shuffled through the notes and found the right one before passing it to her along with a red rose. "there you go" he said a little awkwardly as he felt like he should say something. apparently the five previous deliveries hadnt made him any more practiced at delivering roses.

Sei bello per me come il sole lo è per la luna. Mi crogiolo nel tuo calore e rifletto la tua luce.

@Valerius Bianchi

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