Closed Not Just Flowers Blooming

Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
After Valerius had asked to meet up with her in the gardens Kiara had spend most of her afternoon wondering what it meant. Did he ask simply because he wanted to take a walk? Was he just genuinely interest in seeing the gardens? Or was there something.. more going on? Her struggle with self-confidence made it feel like that last option was almost arrogant to even consider and yet part of her felt like perhaps it wasn't that odd of a thing to think. They had gotten to talking after the start of the year after all and she was fairly certain he had been flirting with her. Either that or he was just being ridiculously nice to her which, for all she knew, he might just be. Because that was it, wasn't it? She didn't even know him all that well. She knew his name, now knew a tiny bit about his family and knew how he acted around her but that was about it. It was enough for her to enjoy being around him though, even if it made her nervous. Having gotten to the garden a little early Kiara waited at the entrance and quietly convinced herself to be cool. She was just going for a stroll with a friend who was interested in the gardens. That was all.
Valerius had been especially careful with his look that day. He had picked a dark blue pair of jeans that were so blue they were almost black and had black stiching up the sides of his legs and around the pockets on the denim, following the curve of his legs. He'd paired it with an off-white button up shirt with angled vertical thin blue stripes, the sleeves rolled up to show off his forearms and the top three buttons undone. He felt like he looked good, his hair carefully askew. He smiled, humming softly as he walked down to the gardens, with his thumbs hooked through the belt loops on his pants.

He smiled as he walked up, fashionably late, to find Kiara already waiting. "Hello," He greeted, slipping in next to her. He took her hand, lifting it gently and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. He'd possibly been reading books on how to flirt over break, but he wasn't going to admit to that. If anyone asked, he'd always been this charming. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting long," He flashed her an easy grin.
Kiara had perhaps been daydreaming a little when Valerius arrived, quickly being pulled out of her imaginary world when he greeted her. She could feel her cheeks flush when he kissed her hand. It seemed a little old fashioned but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't charmed by the gesture. Perhaps because it was just that. Or perhaps because she still wasn't used to anyone charming her. "Hi," She greeted him in response, glad she didn't trip over a word as simple as that when it felt like she very much might have. "Oh, no, not at all." Kiara smiled. "And if you had waiting here wouldn't have been too bad." She added. She did love the gardens after all.
Valerius smiled and straightened up. He offered out his arm for her, trying his best to stay non-chalant. "Well then, why don't you show me whats so nice about these gardens then, hm?" He suggested, letting his eyes shift and take in the gardens, or at least what he could see of them. "Even just standing out here, it does smell lovely," He murmured, almost to himself. He hadn't ventured out here often, but perhaps he should have done so more. Maybe he still could.
Kiara miraculously managed to keep herself from blocking completely when Valerius offered her his arm yet needed a minute to process the situation before linking hers through and gently resting her hand just below his elbow. "Well for starters, there's plenty of spring flowers blooming which is always a lovely sight to see." She smiled, wondering if there were people in the world that didn't like the sight of colourful flowers. "But it's also generally just one of the more peaceful places around the castle." Which was something she had quickly discovered during her first year and had made plenty of use of since.
Valerius was patient, waiting for her to decide what she wanted to do. He smiled as she took his arm and led her gently into the gardens. He nodded as she spoke, in no real rush to get anywhere and content to just stroll. "Well, it's always good to find a nice place you can relax, where you feel comfortable," He agreed. "And there is a sort of calming effect to being out in nature." He chuckled. "Though I'll admit personally that my comfort has always been more of the sea than anything else."
"There is." Kiara nodded in agreement. She far preferred being outside when she could and the gardens just felt like.. a safe space. Away from the buzz of the school or the stress of classes. It was genuinely one of her favourite spots. "I can understand that." She smiled when Valerius mentioned the sea. "Does that also mean you enjoy the lake? Or are there other spots around the castle you like to spend time at?"
Valerius found that he liked listening to Kiara talk. He chuckled at her question. "The lake is a nice spot," He agreed. "Some nights I like to go up and sit in the towers to watch the stars." He admitted easily. "What about you? Anywhere you like to go besides the gardens?"
Kiara smiled without even realising when Valerius mentioned watching the stars up in the towers. It wasn't something she'd immediately think of when looking at him and it was nice to get to know him a little better. "Not specifically." She offered with a small shrug. "Unless the common room counts? That and the gardens are by far the places I feel most at ease at."
Valerius chuckled. "There is a charm to the common room. You meet the most interesting people there," He said, thinking of Magne with a small smile. "The fire is definitely cozy. Its easy to curl up with a book and take the occasional nap." He paused as they came to a bench. "Would you like to sit down?"
Kiara could understand how someone like Valerius would manage to meet new people in the common room. He seemed far more sociable than she was. Like he was ready to talk to anyone who sat next to him. Her? Not so much. Although she had met Gaby there, which should count for something. "If you want, sure." She smiled when they reached a bench. If it were up to her she could keep wandering through the garden for much longer, even if by then they would've passed every part thrice already. But she was happy to sit.
Valerius chuckled, and sat down, leaving her plenty of space to sit beside him even as he laid his arm along the back of the bench. "So, Kiara," He gave her an easy smile. "What are you doing for the Yule Ball?" He began, deciding to think of what would be the best way to ask her as his date- perhaps just a straightforward question?
Kiara sat down next to Valerius and looked at him in surprise when he asked her about the yule ball. It wasn't something she had spend much time thinking about other than assuming she would be attending it on her own like usual. "Oh, uhm, I don't know. I normally just go by myself and see who I run into." She replied honestly (and perhaps a little oblivious).
Valerius smiled and picked a nearby flower, holding it out to Kiara. "Well then, would you like to be my date instead?" He asked, giving her his most charming smile. "I would be absolutely honored to spend my final ball with someone as beautiful and kind as you," He murmured.

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