Y37 Hufflepuff Practice S2

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (25)
Their loss against Slytherin had been a harsh one, but after planning with Abian and the team's clear commitment last year, Elliot was determined they could still salvage their season. It would have been nice to get Hufflepuff into the finals, but second place was nothing to sneeze at and as long as Elliot stayed focused he could see their path to victory. "Hey guys, welcome back," He said, giving the team a small smile as they gathered out on the pitch. It was early enough that there was still a thin layer of dew on the pitch, soaking into Elliot's quidditch robes as he checked over the gear before they were ready to start. "Sorry to throw you back into practice so soon, but we only have so much time before our final game this year. Let's focus on shaking off the holiday dust and getting back into shape," He said, glancing at Abian before going ahead and releasing the balls. They'd covered everything already last semester, now they just need to put their plan into action and win this game.

OOCOut of Character:
No arrivals today, just go ahead and get into playing. Practice will run for about a week and half until the game starts~
Lillith was excited to play quidditch once again after the break. She had gotten a lot of flying practice in and had even tried to do a solo game of impromptu quidditch at home, hanging upside down on her broom and had gotten oddly, a good number of goals in. So once the practice had started she went up to the goals and tried to get a goal in right-side up. It didn't go through and instead hit the edge of one of the hoops. Maybe she had gotten used to being upside down.
Elliot smiled when Lillith immediately shot off towards the goal, glad to see she'd kept up her enthusiasm for the game after the break. Her shot didn't make it, but he still hoped everyone could keep up that momentum for the rest of practice as he turned his own attention to finding the snitch.
Connor was filled with nervous excitement at the thought of the next Quidditch game, as hard as it was to push down his fears. While he still felt guilty for the fact that Hufflepuff wasn't in the championship, a new match meant a chance to prove himself, and he couldn't wait to get out on the pitch and show his teammates what he was made of. He nodded once when Elliot spoke before kicking off, flying into action and searching the pitch for bludgers.
While Tilly had missed Samoa and was happy to be home with family over the break, she found herself missing the pitch, too. She was glad to be back.

Tilly had overeaten her latest meal and could really feel it as she smacked her first bludger of the semester. She felt sluggish and full. Determined, the beater readjusted her bat and took a deep breath. Her next hit would be more successful than that.
Stifling a yawn, Elliot stretched his neck as he began circling pitch, looking for any sign of he snitch. He had to flinch at the sound of the beaters bat connecting with a bludger, but it seemed he was in no danger for now.
Hunter grabbed the quaffle after Lilith failed to score. He flew to the opposite hoops, dodging bludgers and trying not to fly into anyone else. He tried his luck and aimed for a hoop and watched as the quaffle flew right through it. "That's how you do it" he said looking to Lilith and sticking his tongue out to tease her.
Flying near hoops, Elliot grinned when Hunter managed to score. That was the sort of playing they'd need for their upcoming game.
Abian gave Hunter a thumbs up as he managed to score. Then he tucked the quaffle under his arm and flew to the hoops himself, attempting to score as well. He'd practice passing later, but it was fun to try scoring too. He grinned as the quaffle sailed through the right hoop.
The chasers were already on a roll and Elliot hoped it was a good sign for their upcoming game. He glanced over at Lucas to check on the other seeker before moving across the pitch to continue searching.
Connor flew towards a bludger, putting all the muscle he could into it as he swung his bat hard at the ball. He groaned in frustration as his shot flew wide, completely missing everyone else on the pitch. He was hardly a fan of hitting his teammates, but he really needed some successes right now to bolster his confidence.
There was another crack and the sound of a bludger zipping across the pitch, but Elliot was glad he didn't need to dodge anything just yet. Practice was hectic enough trying to catch the snitch and watch out for the team without adding bludgers to the mix, as much as Elliot knew he needed to work on that.
Connor flew a slow lap around the pitch, taking in the positions of the players and balls as he planned his next shot. Maybe he just needed to be more tactical about the way he played...
Amy grinned as the others tried to score. It was nice to be back on the pitch after the holidays. Deciding to give it a little time before she tried to score, she caught the Quaffle as it was thrown back into play, flew around the pitch, and passed it to another chaser.
The morning was already starting to heat up and Elliot could feel himself start sweat as he circled the pitch, the sunlight hot on the back of his neck.
Tilly hit nothing.
Speeding up some as he scanned the pitch, Elliot enjoyed the cool breeze, keeping his eyes peeled for the snitch.
Lillith scrunched her nose jokingly as Hunter stuck his tongue at her. She watched as Abian scored and cheered and caught the quaffle that Amy passed to her. Lillith decided to attempt for another goal and this time it sailed right through. She grinned in satisfaction.
Connor flew towards a bludger and swung his bat again, groaning as he hit it at the wrong angle. His bat barely clipped the ball and it spun away from his teammates harmlessly.
The chasers were still playing great and Elliot smiled as Lillith managed a goal as well. He attention was drawn away from the hoops and the celebrating chasers and towards a flash of gold near that end of the pitch. Speeding up again, Elliot took off after it.
Third time was not the charm. Tilly wondered if she would be better off picking up Muggle basketball instead.
Hitting the other end of the pitch, Elliot could tell he was on the tail of the snitch. It banked sharply and Elliot followed it upwards, trying not to lose sight of it against the morning sky.
Tilly circled the pitch and looked for a bludger she could actually hit.
Tilly's first success crashed straight into @Elliot Briar. She waved at him apologetically and flew on.
Connor winced as he saw Tilly's bludger hit Elliot, but he also saw the ball coming closer to him. He swung and sent the bludger off on a new course, hoping he could hit the other seeker. His shot flew past Lucas though, instead hitting Hunter. "SORRY!" Connor called out quickly, wincing at the impact.
@Hunter Robinson

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