Peeps Plots

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Hi hello it's me

So I know this is the time of the year to throw out an sign for plots wanted. But now I all have it still under control and would love to throw especially my current students in for plots. If you like to plot with someone else or one of my adults, please let me know. But I think I will mainly focus on the students below.

June Davenport

3rd Year Slytherin 🐍

Needs: Rivals in class/outside, more ''friends'', professors to bond with, future crushes, romances, people who look up to her or despise her and older students to hang out with.

June knows what she wants to do this year. She has been having the worst break ever which you can read here. But that makes her even more determined than she already was, and she is not backing out from becoming the best student Hogwarts has ever seen. Throwing herself in schoolwork as an way of copying. I'm curious to see how she will respond, but I think she will show her true nature some more when someone crosses her or annoys her. But she stays the snake herself, and the perfect student in the eyes of people who matter. So she will play the role of her life. But her revenge feelings are bigger than ever to the people who have hurted her.

She has been interacting with a lot of people. But I would love for her to have something close to her next to Tempest. June would not see someone as an 'friend' that quickly. Since she only trust herself, but if she has an interest in someone that is an start.

Travis Simons

1st Year Gryffindor


Needs: Kind of everything. Some close friends who he can prank/have fun with. Enemies, model students who hate him for possibly housepoints deducting.

Travis I'm gonna sort this year and he is an excited muggleborn from The Netherlands. He is having a blast so far with finding out he has magical abilities. He is an likeable person, someone who you will hear when he is in the room. I can see him being kind of a class-clown, not taking stuff too seriously and wanting to create nice memories and joke around. When someone tells him something is off limits or don't want him too do, that is an open invetation to him to try it either way. Since he is very curious. Travis is confident and an social guy, who makes easily contact with people around him. He has the greatest passion for music and see's himself as an famous singer/performer in the future.

I don't mind boys or girls as friends around him. Would be nice to have some boy-gang who prefer the same things as he. But I can see him being an flirt in the future so to have an nice relationship with girls and him being eyecandy would be fun as well when he get's older.
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Ahhh hello Jamie!!

I only have one character to offer to you, but I would like to offer Fiona for Travis! I quite enjoyed their little interaction at the haunted mansion, so I'd be quite keen to do more threads between them! Fiona is defs up for mischief, so they can totally do mischievous things if you are up for that!
Ahhh hello Jamie!!

I only have one character to offer to you, but I would like to offer Fiona for Travis! I quite enjoyed their little interaction at the haunted mansion, so I'd be quite keen to do more threads between them! Fiona is defs up for mischief, so they can totally do mischievous things if you are up for that!
Heyy Maria!

I liked them so far as well. I am curious where they both will end up. But we can for sure throw them together in a topic where they do something mischievous. We can start something after sorting? I already have discussed an train topic with someone else. So any idea's?
Hello :hug:

I have Miro who is also a first year Gryffindor and I think both he and Travis would get along well, and it makes sense they would be friends of course because they share a dorm!\

I do have an rp idea in my mind where Miro is setting up his bed/bedside table etc on the first night at hogwarts, he still needs to sleep with a nightlight so it could be funny if this is how a conversation starts with Travis :)
Hey! I know I'm kind of flaky and terrible at remembering RPs, buuut I could offer maybe Audrey to look up to June? She's kind of abrasive and maybe not as outright harsh as June but I think she was impressed by her at the speedy friends event and has a similar sort of drive to stand out. Since they're not in the same year and house they wouldn't be directly competing which helps. though she might get stuck if anything comes up with Oz as she'd be like hey I'm the only one who can pay him out.

Also/alternatively I have my firstie Miranda to possibly befriend Travis? She's grown up around muggles mostly so she'd be understanding of him being unfamiliar with magic and would be keen to learn more about where he's from. I kind of see her as a 'one of the boys' kind of girl and even though she's a Ravenclaw she's not going to have an issue with messing around in class since she's not that worried about grades.
Heyy Maria!

I liked them so far as well. I am curious where they both will end up. But we can for sure throw them together in a topic where they do something mischievous. We can start something after sorting? I already have discussed an train topic with someone else. So any idea's?
That's all good! I don't have any particular ideas in mind yet! I'll try and have a think, but if you had any ideas lemme know!

If you wanna do another June and Fraser interaction I would be 100% game.

For Travis, can offer a couple of things, either of my first years, Apolline whose a gryffindor who can get frustrated with him and tell him to be serious or Helios whose a hufflepuff and could tell him to not do certain pranks etc. I don't know if they'd be friends, in either scenario but that could also be fun.

Let me know if you'd be keen.
Hello :hug:

I have Miro who is also a first year Gryffindor and I think both he and Travis would get along well, and it makes sense they would be friends of course because they share a dorm!\

I do have an rp idea in my mind where Miro is setting up his bed/bedside table etc on the first night at hogwarts, he still needs to sleep with a nightlight so it could be funny if this is how a conversation starts with Travis :)


Yess roommates! I believe they are the only Gryf boys so far? So I'm really up for them to be good mates if we see they are a match. But Travis is not the most difficult person, so I'm sure they get along. Let's do that what you suggest! Love it. Would you mind start something?

Hey! I know I'm kind of flaky and terrible at remembering RPs, buuut I could offer maybe Audrey to look up to June? She's kind of abrasive and maybe not as outright harsh as June but I think she was impressed by her at the speedy friends event and has a similar sort of drive to stand out. Since they're not in the same year and house they wouldn't be directly competing which helps. though she might get stuck if anything comes up with Oz as she'd be like hey I'm the only one who can pay him out.

Also/alternatively I have my firstie Miranda to possibly befriend Travis? She's grown up around muggles mostly so she'd be understanding of him being unfamiliar with magic and would be keen to learn more about where he's from. I kind of see her as a 'one of the boys' kind of girl and even though she's a Ravenclaw she's not going to have an issue with messing around in class since she's not that worried about grades.

Hey Camilla!

Haha no worries. I shall try and help with that. Audrey and June would work I think! June had some interest for her with the speedy friends event. And she would appreciate her seeing the importance of study and all. If June know the connection between her and Oz she would perhaps even use it, and be smart about it. But she is kind of carefull with her words usually, so that shouldn't be a problem I guess. Would love to throw them together.

Miranda x Travis: Also keen for that! I'm up for him to get to know a lot of different people. And he would appreciate it that she knows about muggle stuff. Sounds good to me!

Perhaps we can both take on one, and discuss an bit in which kind of situation we want to throw them?

That's all good! I don't have any particular ideas in mind yet! I'll try and have a think, but if you had any ideas lemme know!

Sure! Thanks! I will do the same


If you wanna do another June and Fraser interaction I would be 100% game.

For Travis, can offer a couple of things, either of my first years, Apolline whose a gryffindor who can get frustrated with him and tell him to be serious or Helios whose a hufflepuff and could tell him to not do certain pranks etc. I don't know if they'd be friends, in either scenario but that could also be fun.

Let me know if you'd be keen.
Hey Emzs!

June x Fraser: Yes I'm up for that! I guess he is kind of neutral to her, in a way she doesn't understand the quidditch obsession and all and thinks it's dumb. But she likes the attention she gets and don't think he is so worse, so for them to perhaps get to an next level would be nice. And to hang around some more. Good to have him at her side. But I'm curious how he feels about her.

Travis x Appoline: That's fun, he is very easy going. So would be interesting to see how he would react to that. He is def gonna visit some forbidden places or do something in class so... I guess he would feel like she is no fun if she would act like that.

Helios x Travis: He would be enthiosiastic about those stuff and try to make people feel that way too, But he wouldn't force someone. But for him to get to know more people and from different houses I'm all excited for!

We can perhaps do June x Fraser and Helios x Travis first? And perhaps when lessons start etc or when it's a good moment we can do the other? I don't mind which to start, so you can choose if you would like.
Hey Emzs!

June x Fraser: Yes I'm up for that! I guess he is kind of neutral to her, in a way she doesn't understand the quidditch obsession and all and thinks it's dumb. But she likes the attention she gets and don't think he is so worse, so for them to perhaps get to an next level would be nice. And to hang around some more. Good to have him at her side. But I'm curious how he feels about her.

Travis x Appoline: That's fun, he is very easy going. So would be interesting to see how he would react to that. He is def gonna visit some forbidden places or do something in class so... I guess he would feel like she is no fun if she would act like that.

Helios x Travis: He would be enthiosiastic about those stuff and try to make people feel that way too, But he wouldn't force someone. But for him to get to know more people and from different houses I'm all excited for!

We can perhaps do June x Fraser and Helios x Travis first? And perhaps when lessons start etc or when it's a good moment we can do the other? I don't mind which to start, so you can choose if you would like.

Sounds good. I'm happy to start the HeliosxTravis one, if you do JunexFraser?
Hey Jamie! I have Benicio, my 2nd year Puff (It still feels good to be able to say I have a 'Puff now :D ) who I could see having a crush on June and being annoying about it. I'm totally fine if she's not into him and has to break his little second year heart. :p
Hi Jamie! I feel like Aroha and Travis could potentially get along well. She's quite social too, she likes music though she doesn't have much of a talent for it (she's at least not tone deaf, but her singing voice is, yknow, average). She also likes exploring places, including places she probably shouldn't. So we could do something with either of those two, or maybe have them meet in the common room since they're both Gryffindors.
Sounds good. I'm happy to start the HeliosxTravis one, if you do JunexFraser?
Great! I will and place the link once I'm done.

Hi Jamie! I feel like Aroha and Travis could potentially get along well. She's quite social too, she likes music though she doesn't have much of a talent for it (she's at least not tone deaf, but her singing voice is, yknow, average). She also likes exploring places, including places she probably shouldn't. So we could do something with either of those two, or maybe have them meet in the common room since they're both Gryffindors.

Hey! She sounds great and I guess Travis would really like to hang out with her. Meeting in the common room sound good to me don't have one there yet. I can start something for them, place the link here when it's done :)

Hey Jamie! I have Benicio, my 2nd year Puff (It still feels good to be able to say I have a 'Puff now :D ) who I could see having a crush on June and being annoying about it. I'm totally fine if she's not into him and has to break his little second year heart. :p
Hi Cyndi! First thing I would love to rp with you, since we never seem to have one student in the same year. xD But that is not even neccesary indeed. So I'm all up for that! June kind of is not the biggest fan of Hufflepuffs... But if she gets attention and see's some use in someone she would not mind and would be fun to see how she deals with that. Someone carrying her books for her if he would be so crushing or something would def be something June would have fun with. But we can see how it goes? Do you have any preference where or how they meet?
Hi Cyndi! First thing I would love to rp with you, since we never seem to have one student in the same year. xD But that is not even neccesary indeed. So I'm all up for that!
Yay! And yes, I'm all up for him carrying her books and running errands for her xD No preference on my end! I'm happy to have them meet wherever June frequents. ^_^
Hey! She sounds great and I guess Travis would really like to hang out with her. Meeting in the common room sound good to me don't have one there yet. I can start something for them, place the link here when it's done :)
Sounds good to me! Might take me a couple of days to respond since I'm a busy this weekend but I'll be there!
Yay! And yes, I'm all up for him carrying her books and running errands for her xD No preference on my end! I'm happy to have them meet wherever June frequents. ^_^
Haha sounds good. I can start something gonna think of an place. And you find the link here when it's done!

I know you already know about Genesee for June stuff but Travis :r

Oh yes ofcourse! We can both perhaps start one? I don't mind which.

Sounds good to me! Might take me a couple of days to respond since I'm a busy this weekend but I'll be there!
I'm having some I need to start. And try to spread them a little with starting, so no problem. I'm not sure I will post it this weekend, so just go with the flow :)

Yess roommates! I believe they are the only Gryf boys so far? So I'm really up for them to be good mates if we see they are a match. But Travis is not the most difficult person, so I'm sure they get along. Let's do that what you suggest! Love it. Would you mind start something?
Sounds good!! I have some free time in the upcoming week so I will try to start it then and send you the link :D
I just have two characters for you rn but let me know if you think of anything more!

TJ & Travis: Outside of the obvious fact that they are Gryff boys and roommates, I think they would actually get along decently. It wouldn't occur to TJ to prank Travis first but if Travis pranked him, TJ would retaliate (not meanly) because he doesn't necessarily want to be outdone. TJ is a bit of a dork but he just likes to have fun. They're both muggleborn so figuring it out together too.
Zora & Travis: I feel like they could go one of two ways. Option one is that they're friends and she tries to make him happy by doing troublesome things when they're together which she secretly cleans up when she's alone. Option two is that they barely interact. Maybe as I develop Zora more that might change but that's where I'm at right now anyway. If you have thoughts please let me know! She's a people pleaser, loves gardening and "doodling" as she calls it.
I am happy to start whichever, perhaps I'll start Travis x Gen and you can do June x Gen? :)

Great! Sure will do.

I just have two characters for you rn but let me know if you think of anything more!

TJ & Travis: Outside of the obvious fact that they are Gryff boys and roommates, I think they would actually get along decently. It wouldn't occur to TJ to prank Travis first but if Travis pranked him, TJ would retaliate (not meanly) because he doesn't necessarily want to be outdone. TJ is a bit of a dork but he just likes to have fun. They're both muggleborn so figuring it out together too.
Zora & Travis: I feel like they could go one of two ways. Option one is that they're friends and she tries to make him happy by doing troublesome things when they're together which she secretly cleans up when she's alone. Option two is that they barely interact. Maybe as I develop Zora more that might change but that's where I'm at right now anyway. If you have thoughts please let me know! She's a people pleaser, loves gardening and "doodling" as she calls it.

Fine with both! We can see how they match. There is one in the boys dorm which you are welcome to join. But we can both start one also? I don't mind which.

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