Let's Give This A Go?

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Professor Noel Waldgrave

DADA 1-4 | Loyal | Friendly Professor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Alder Wand 13 3/4" With Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Hey! I doubted to do this since there is so much plot development going on. But whatever let's go with the flowww! (sorry I'm so bad at tables, messed up)


Giselle Rosenberg (First Year)

This new baby is the sister of Gabriel and Sofia. Giselle has lost her mother at young age. Her mother died in a quidditch game by a high fall of her broom after getting hit by several bludgers. Giselle hates beaters because of that and wants to demonstrate against them on Hogwarts. She has a short temper and usually looks out for herself. Giselle can be agressive too when people irritate her or challenge her.

Looking for:
Everything! (DRAMA) She will not like much people. But her mood can change by the day or hour. Not sure how friends will go but a few close friends who have the same interests would be fun. Romantic stuff I'm not really planning yet.
No final yet

Christina ''Chrissy'' Holmgaard (Second Year)

Chrissy is trying to find her identity. She wants to be like her cousins, but see's a lot more differences everytime. Chrissy is more adventurous and less vain than the rest of the blonde cousins. She likes quidditch and is going to try out this year. She will sure go on some adventures again this year.

Looking for:
Everything is welcome. Friends, enemies, possible love interests. She could use some more plots. Perhaps girls who like EVELYN clothes and come to her.
No final yet

Noël Waldgrave (Fourth Year)

This cutie pie is my only boy student atm omg. He is an friendly boy who can't stand bullies and acts against them as an knight to protect the weak. He is loving playing as chaser in the Gryf team and spends a lot of time with his study. As he already knows what he wants to become later on. He is starting to notice girls more and is developing an crush on a girl this year.

Looking for:
Everything is welcome he has some few friends he spends time with but more are always welcome! Love interests or girls who have a crush on him. He already has one enemy Eric Holland but more are welcome.
No final yet

Lauren Davenport (Fifth Year)
Well this girl has a lot going on ofcourse. She had told her best friend the truth about the abuse by her parents. She is opening up more and is trying to find a way to get help. But she is scared as hell. Trying to trust adults and see who she can trust. Lauren though is still not following classes but Divination. And playing as beater which she really likes.

Looking For:
She is very closed off but she could use some more fun experiances, an nice adventure again. Or practice for quidditch, enemies or people who make her mad which she still can be very much. Romantic interests will be hard, but everything is welcome. Professors or an headmistress are welcome too.
No final yet

Isabelle Walden (Sixth Year)

I kind of neglected her. Isabelle loves fairytales and her favorite is Beauty and the Beast. She likes reading books and painting. She has had some interactions with people and has dated Vader for a while, but she is a bit heartbroken still because of the sudden ending. Feeling fooled by him. She has dyed her hair in her natural colour again, since it hadn't made use in her confidence, she figured being blonde would but not.

Looking For:
Everything really. Friends! Romantic interests, enemies, people who make her feel confident again.
No final yet

Athena Holmgaard (Seventh Year)

This girl will have a lot drama this year. She is dating Derek Tahana now the ex-boyfriend of her cousin Emilia. Which can give people an negative image of her. She feels emotional because of the fight with Emilia, but decided to choose for herself this time since she never had an boyfriend before and feels happy. Athena doesn't really know yet what to do with her future so will be a bit searching for that this year.

Looking For:
Drama seekers! People who side with either Emilia or Athena perhaps. Friends or younger students who would like to bond. People who like EVELYN can come to her as well the cousin of..
Final set


Hope Thompson (Fifth Year)

Hope is my Ilvermorny student. She is sorted into Pukwudgie and plays as the seeker of the Ilvermory Quidditch Team. She is an friendly girl who is very sportive and kind to her opponents. She lives in America and has a younger brother. Also she is a muggleborn.

Looking for:

Friends! Pen Pals from other schools, students from Ilvemorny to interact with. Love interests.

No final yet

Amelie Marchand (Seventh Year )

Amelie has been going to HNZ and was sorted into Ravenclaw. She is one of an triplet. Both of her sisters are in Gryffindor. But Amelie decided to go to Beauxbatons after her second year. Closer to home and to her family, since she lives in France. And she didn't liked the time on HNZ that much. She is a very curious and nosy person who likes to know a lot and an answer to everything.

Looking for:

Everything! Friends from Beauxbatons or from around. Love interests. Anything is possible!

No final yet


Alice Rosenberg (Fifth Year)

Alice is the younger sister from Therese and is an student at Hogwarts Scotland sorted into Hufflepuff just like her bigger sister. She choose for this school because it had more of her interest. Perhaps I will try and transfer back, but not sure yet. Alice is a very kind person and makes easily contact with others. A big love for plants and Herbology.

Looking for:
Everything! Friends from Hogwarts Scotland, pen pals, love interests. Name it!

No final yet


Claire Beaumont (Hogwarts Nurse, 39 years)
Claire is one of the Hogwarts Nurses. She is always dressed in pink and loves to spoil children, since she didn't had one of her own. She is widower her husband died a few years ago. Claire lives in France and went to Beauxbatons. She loves to care for people and is an hard worker.

Looking for:

Anything! Plots in the Hospital wing, plots with professors and other staff members to make friends, an new romantic love interest.

Evelyn Manning (Owner of 'EVELYN' Fashionbrand, 21 years)

Evelyn is running her own company which is beginning to be really succesfull and she will continue with growing. She is back in New Zealand with her boyfriend Lucas with their own place, and wants to spend more time with her friends there. She will host an big housewarming/welcome back party soon. Because Evelyn likes to celebrate stuff big.

Looking for:

People who like to work at her brand, internships are also welcome for students. Collaborations with other stores or company's. Making more friends, or enemies. Fans of her brand! Everything is possible.

Final set

Liam Waldgrave (Beater, 18 years)

Oh man this boy graduated and started to play professional quidditch as beater at Thundelarra Thunderers. He is still a big flirt but is developing some feelings for one girl. But I would love to see how he deals with attention from others. He has moved in with his cousin Gabriel and lives in NZ now.

Looking for:

Girls who can test him or which who he can flirt a bit, enemies, fellow quidditch players. Anything!

Espen Mans Manning (Traveler, 21 years)
The twin of Evelyn is back from traveling around the world and wants to do something in his life. Searching for a job as bartender a.t.m. He had kind of been lost and is a bit jealous of how Evelyn her life looks right now compared to his. He is finding an appartment in NZ for himself. Espen has a quick temper but is changed over the years. An friendly boy who don't let gets messed with him. Social kid who needs a little bit love in his life.

Looking for:

Love! An girlfriend or romantic interest for him. And friends to hang out with around NZ.

No final yet

Cheryl Campbell (Chaser, 20 years)

Cheryl is a former Beauxbatons student and chaser of that team. She was also the co-captain of the team. Now she is an professional quidditch player at Holyhead Harpies. Cheryl likes both man and womans, so that makes her bisexual. She lives in England at the moment, having her own appartment. Cheryl is sporty and easygoing.

Looking for:

Love interests, both girls or man are fine. Friends or other social contacts.
No final yet

Sofia Rosenberg (Co owner of shop, 20 years)

Sofia is the sister of Giselle and Gabriel and the oldest child. She is the co-owner of Rosenbergs Interior shop in Sweden. The shop of her father were she helps him out. Sofia has Thantophobia the fear of losing someone. She is doing some better after therapy but doesn't want to leave her father. But deep down wants to do something else in her life. She is an flirty person.

Looking for:
Love interests, some flings, an boyfriend perhaps who has patience with her. Friends everything!
No final yet

Other persons:
- Beaubelle Waldgrave
- Gabriel Rosenberg
- Elizabeth Wespurt
- Evangeline Campbell
- Gabriella Davenport
- Therese Rosenberg
- Charlotte Harper
- Jorgen Manning
- Thyra Manning
- Bryon Davenport
- Cathryn Holmgaard
Jamieee :wub:

We should do a separate thread between Giselle & Emori, I think they would butt heads a lot,right now I don’t see them being friends but maybe in a few years :p for the drama though.

Christina & Thalia: They could be friends! Thalia is fairly naive, quiet and shy, hasn’t changed much since last year and she won’t for another year or two I think. She needs a couple friends though this year specifically for the drama that I have planned for her with others.

Noel & Chloe: I had this idea. I wanted Chloe to crush on someone, and I think he’s the perfect person haha. It would make for some good drama if he doesn’t like Chloe back. Kind of like a crush triangle.

Noel & Thalia: similarly, I think Thalia could have a crush on him from afar although she would never approach him about it. She would be pretty shy around him at first meet. Or they can be friends too, slightly weird at first since she’s two years younger than him. We could always just see about this one, but throwing the idea here.

Isabelle & Artemis: they’re in the same year so probably know each other from class and stuff, Artemis is also pretty neglected so I’d love for them to be friends ^_^

Athena & Arielle: they’re roommates! I think they could be friends, and Arielle could potentially take her side when they affirm their friendship. I can also see Arielle fangirling over EVELYN clothes.

Liam & Grace: since they’re now both beaters on the same team, I think they should rp! Potentially flirt, though Grace will find him annoying because she usually never forgets a face and she remembers that Quidditch match between Slytherin and Beaux.

Let me know what you think!
Okay so asides from what we already have going I have some moreeee

I’ve got Archer Thompson who could perhaps be a friend to Amelie?

I’ve also got Peyton Wright who might be something for Espen? She’s 20 if I’m not mistaken. Peyton’s a musician and in general is a fun person to be around. She does have a tendency to get hurt because she likes to see the good in people and can be unaware to their true intentions. I think someone like Espen could make a good friend to her but I’d also be up for something more if you want.
Hey Jamie, we already talked about some ideas in my PD but I'm going to see if I can think of anything else.

First thing that came to mind was Giselle and Emma butting heads. She just tried out for beater, and if she saw Giselle protesting I can't imagine it ending any other way than a fight.

We talked about Isabelle and Alice, and I really want to do that :wub: with Ava leaving Hogwarts for next year, I feel she'll be a bit lonely. Isabelle could be a good friend for her.

Also Sofia and Tristan, I liked their thread xD we can definitely say they had a fling after that encounter, and maybe occasionally meet up again? If you want to. I could see them having a casual thing.
Jamieee :wub:

We should do a separate thread between Giselle & Emori, I think they would butt heads a lot,right now I don’t see them being friends but maybe in a few years :p for the drama though.

Christina & Thalia: They could be friends! Thalia is fairly naive, quiet and shy, hasn’t changed much since last year and she won’t for another year or two I think. She needs a couple friends though this year specifically for the drama that I have planned for her with others.

Noel & Chloe: I had this idea. I wanted Chloe to crush on someone, and I think he’s the perfect person haha. It would make for some good drama if he doesn’t like Chloe back. Kind of like a crush triangle.

Noel & Thalia: similarly, I think Thalia could have a crush on him from afar although she would never approach him about it. She would be pretty shy around him at first meet. Or they can be friends too, slightly weird at first since she’s two years younger than him. We could always just see about this one, but throwing the idea here.

Isabelle & Artemis: they’re in the same year so probably know each other from class and stuff, Artemis is also pretty neglected so I’d love for them to be friends ^_^

Athena & Arielle: they’re roommates! I think they could be friends, and Arielle could potentially take her side when they affirm their friendship. I can also see Arielle fangirling over EVELYN clothes.

Liam & Grace: since they’re now both beaters on the same team, I think they should rp! Potentially flirt, though Grace will find him annoying because she usually never forgets a face and she remembers that Quidditch match between Slytherin and Beaux.

Let me know what you think!


Giselle x Emori: Sounds good. Giselle doesn't like her indeed at the moment, but that can change for sure. We will see. But i'm keen for this!

Christina x Thalia: I'm curious for the drama haha. But I think Chrissy can give her a bit of confidence maybe. This sounds good.

Noel x Chloe: Noel likes Chloe for sure as his friend already. They both play quidditch so that is nice too. I like this idea. He would hate to hurt her, but her crushing on him is something nice. And he likes one person atm but we don't know what the future brings!

Noel x Thalia: Haha also welcome! Liam would be proud of him haha. I'm up for meeting younger persons as well. But it would be fun if she had a secret crush on him.

Isabelle x Artemis: Sure. I think Isabelle is a very different person than her but we could try them out!

Athena x Arielle: This is fun too! We can see they had some off screen time together before. I'm up for them to be friends.

Liam x Grace: Yeah this is hilarious. We can for sure let them train together or something and indeed be like wtf your in the same team?

We can see which one to start? And divide them? Which would you like to do? @Artemis Pourroulis

Okay so asides from what we already have going I have some moreeee

I’ve got Archer Thompson who could perhaps be a friend to Amelie?

I’ve also got Peyton Wright who might be something for Espen? She’s 20 if I’m not mistaken. Peyton’s a musician and in general is a fun person to be around. She does have a tendency to get hurt because she likes to see the good in people and can be unaware to their true intentions. I think someone like Espen could make a good friend to her but I’d also be up for something more if you want.


Archer x Amelie: I would love that. We can try them out for sure. Hanging out on Beauxbatons perhaps?

Peyton x Espen: This seems fun too. We can see how they match at first but I think Espen will like her. If there is no romantic connection we could always have them as friends.

Which one should I start? @Chloe Thompson

Hey Jamie, we already talked about some ideas in my PD but I'm going to see if I can think of anything else.

First thing that came to mind was Giselle and Emma butting heads. She just tried out for beater, and if she saw Giselle protesting I can't imagine it ending any other way than a fight.

We talked about Isabelle and Alice, and I really want to do that :wub: with Ava leaving Hogwarts for next year, I feel she'll be a bit lonely. Isabelle could be a good friend for her.

Also Sofia and Tristan, I liked their thread xD we can definitely say they had a fling after that encounter, and maybe occasionally meet up again? If you want to. I could see them having a casual thing.

Hey Daph!

Yeah some I'm gonna post soonish ;)

Emma x Giselle: Love this and drama haha. I'm sure Giselle will make a lot of more fights with her protests. So this would be fun. At the first match Giselle will be ready with banners and will hang protests around the school. Perhaps while hanging some of that papers they run into eachother?

Isabelle x Alice: Yeah indeed! They match good together and I would love her to have an friend like Alice. Was I going to start this or? I forgot haha.

Sofia x Tristan: Yeah loved them. Sofia definitely feels good around Tristan. I'm totally up for this! They both are just big flirters.

Shall I start one for Emma and Giselle closer to one of the matches?

Giselle x Emori: Sounds good. Giselle doesn't like her indeed at the moment, but that can change for sure. We will see. But i'm keen for this!

Christina x Thalia: I'm curious for the drama haha. But I think Chrissy can give her a bit of confidence maybe. This sounds good.

Noel x Chloe: Noel likes Chloe for sure as his friend already. They both play quidditch so that is nice too. I like this idea. He would hate to hurt her, but her crushing on him is something nice. And he likes one person atm but we don't know what the future brings!

Noel x Thalia: Haha also welcome! Liam would be proud of him haha. I'm up for meeting younger persons as well. But it would be fun if she had a secret crush on him.

Isabelle x Artemis: Sure. I think Isabelle is a very different person than her but we could try them out!

Athena x Arielle: This is fun too! We can see they had some off screen time together before. I'm up for them to be friends.

Liam x Grace: Yeah this is hilarious. We can for sure let them train together or something and indeed be like wtf your in the same team?

We can see which one to start? And divide them? Which would you like to do? @Artemis Pourroulis

I always somehow end up offering quite a few characters of mine =))

Yeah Isabelle and Artemis are almost like opposite people ahaha. But maybe we can find a way around that so they could be friends.

Dividing them up is probably the best option. Should we do Noel & Chloe (I’ll reply to that thread soon!), since you posted the thread and maybe Chloe starts to feel something for him like maybe halfway through the semester (so week 3-ish?). Maybe do a second thread for them after this one. I mean, she has a final but haven’t discussed when her and her final are getting together I don’t think. So there’s time :r

Because there are quite a few we could do Liam & Grace, Athena & Arielle, and Isabelle & Artemis, maybe a second thread for Chloe and Noel first and do the rest afterwards? What do you think?
Hey Daph!

Yeah some I'm gonna post soonish ;)

Emma x Giselle: Love this and drama haha. I'm sure Giselle will make a lot of more fights with her protests. So this would be fun. At the first match Giselle will be ready with banners and will hang protests around the school. Perhaps while hanging some of that papers they run into eachother?

Isabelle x Alice: Yeah indeed! They match good together and I would love her to have an friend like Alice. Was I going to start this or? I forgot haha.

Sofia x Tristan: Yeah loved them. Sofia definitely feels good around Tristan. I'm totally up for this! They both are just big flirters.

Shall I start one for Emma and Giselle closer to one of the matches?

I'm good waiting with Emma and Giselle a bit. It might be influenced with whether or not Emma makes the team or not.

I could start something for Isabelle and Alice!

And maybe we can do Sofia and Tristan again in a while, I just wanted to ask if we could say they had the occasional fling in the meantime :p

Archer x Amelie: I would love that. We can try them out for sure. Hanging out on Beauxbatons perhaps?

Peyton x Espen: This seems fun too. We can see how they match at first but I think Espen will like her. If there is no romantic connection we could always have them as friends.

Which one should I start? @Chloe Thompson

Sounds good! Perhaps you could do the beaux one and I could start the other?
I always somehow end up offering quite a few characters of mine =))

Yeah Isabelle and Artemis are almost like opposite people ahaha. But maybe we can find a way around that so they could be friends.

Dividing them up is probably the best option. Should we do Noel & Chloe (I’ll reply to that thread soon!), since you posted the thread and maybe Chloe starts to feel something for him like maybe halfway through the semester (so week 3-ish?). Maybe do a second thread for them after this one. I mean, she has a final but haven’t discussed when her and her final are getting together I don’t think. So there’s time :r

Because there are quite a few we could do Liam & Grace, Athena & Arielle, and Isabelle & Artemis, maybe a second thread for Chloe and Noel first and do the rest afterwards? What do you think?

I agree with everything! And it would be fun if Chloe joins the open thread indeed. Good to know!
I can start Athena and Arielle in the bedroom or common room. If you want to start the Grace & Liam we can later do an Chloe and Noel?

I'm good waiting with Emma and Giselle a bit. It might be influenced with whether or not Emma makes the team or not.

I could start something for Isabelle and Alice!

And maybe we can do Sofia and Tristan again in a while, I just wanted to ask if we could say they had the occasional fling in the meantime :p

That makes sense.. if she doesn't make it will be different. But than again if she likes quidditch and stuff she can still be irritated. But indeed let's wait! Cross my fingers for her!

And that is fine!! For Sofia and Tristan fully agree. We can do them soonish for sure!

And fine if you start the Isabelle and Alice one.

Sounds good! Perhaps you could do the beaux one and I could start the other?

Sure gonna add it on the list!
I agree with everything! And it would be fun if Chloe joins the open thread indeed. Good to know!
I can start Athena and Arielle in the bedroom or common room. If you want to start the Grace & Liam we can later do an Chloe and Noel?

Yep sounds good! I can start Grace & Liam soon :)
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