Unsorted Character Things

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
Helllooo! I just wanted to display some of my unsorted kids so far as I wanna develop them a little before they go into Hogwarts. I won't put much info, as they are only unsorted characters and I don't really know much about them yet. I know not everyone has unsorted children, but here we go hehe


Eliza Reynolds
Y43 | Half-Blood | Aesthetic

Marley Pattinson
Y44 | Unknown | Aesthetic

Fiona Burke
Y45 | Mixed-Blood | Aesthetic
Eliza will be sorted next year! I haven't done much with her yet since she's a freshly new character. But so far, she's a half-blood (her absent mother, is a muggle and her dad is a wizard). She grew up around a lot of muggle movies and muggle culture. She's a huge movie buff and has a high interest in comics.Marley is a character that I have had for a while. She's a very special character to me lol! Marley is a very creative and curious child. She loves to make jewellery as well as paint from time to time. Marley is a witch but it doesn't know her blood status. She is adopted by Jess' character, Killian Taylor.Fiona is also a character that I've had for a while, but I haven't really done much with her yet. Fiona is loud and loves to cause trouble. She is quite the tomboy and prefers sports unlike her sister, Molly. Fiona is the younger sibling of Nolan and Molly. She is the youngest of the four children.

Mercury Ascot
Y46 | Mixed-Blood | Aesthetic

Paisley Harrington
Y48 | Muggleborn | Aesthetic
Mercury is an introverted child. He is very quiet and shy. He is a huge bookworm. He loves to read. Mercury also likes jigsaw puzzles. It's one of his favourite things to do. He also has a huge passion for science and astronomy. Mercury is the youngest child out of the two siblings. He is the younger brother of Charlie's character, Jupiter.Paisley is a freshly new character, so I don't really know much about her yet. She's quite young right now, so there's nothing much at the moment, though I am happy to do something if anyone has a character that young. As she gets older she'll be into a lot of retro stuff and music (Her aesthetic would explain it a bit better)

These are my unsorted characters so far! I am open to anything so far!

I would also like to add that I am open for my characters to have siblings (For Eliza Reynolds and Paisley Harrington) - So if you ever wanted to make a character and wanted to offer a sibling, I'd be forever grateful! The personality and name of the sibling are all up to you!

I am also planning to make a character to sort in for Y47 (The character's name and face claim is already sorted) but I had this idea of them having a twin being sorted with them! (Twin brother preferred) So if you wanted to do twins with me, lemme know! I'd be happy to do that! Again, the personality and name of the twin are all up to you! I have an idea of the family background but your ideas would also be appreciated! I also had an idea of them having a younger sibling too, so a younger sibling spot is also open!

If you want more info about anything, please don't be afraid to lemme know!

I am also open to making a whole new family or offer any siblings if you need or want any!

Please PM me or message me on discord/skype about the sibling/family stuff hehe!

Thanks all! I hope you all have a fun and safe day! Happy Plotting!!

In Love Hearts GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
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Hey Maria!

I haven't made my kid for Y48 but I do have him planned. His name is Doyle Mooney and he's a muggleborn and according to Paisley aesthetic board she is too? Maybe? If she is, I could be down to make him early and have them be childhood friends. His aesthetic is here if you want to check it out. But he also like old things and taking them apart so he can put them back together again, and just collecting junk in general lol. Feel free to shoot me a message if you want to know more about him and we can maybe plot something. Let me know what you think!
Hey Maria!

I haven't made my kid for Y48 but I do have him planned. His name is Doyle Mooney and he's a muggleborn and according to Paisley aesthetic board she is too? Maybe? If she is, I could be down to make him early and have them be childhood friends. His aesthetic is here if you want to check it out. But he also like old things and taking them apart so he can put them back together again, and just collecting junk in general lol. Feel free to shoot me a message if you want to know more about him and we can maybe plot something. Let me know what you think!
Hi Kadi!!

Yes, Paisley is in fact muggle-born (There was a mix-up on my end with my spreadsheet) Oooo I love the idea of them being childhood friends! We don't have to rush into anything now, but I would love to do this in the near future! Paisley is into old/retro things, but not very interested in the mainstream stuff lol. I feel like they'd get along for sure! Ill flick you a message sometime and we can discuss things and get to know the characters a little more hehe! But I am definitely down for this!

For Eliza, I have Fraser Fergusson. He is quidditch mad, everything in his life has been quidditch so he just loves it. He's not particularly bright (again his one and only passion is quidditch) but he's loud and energetic. Very friendly sort of kid. Happy to do something with them?
Heyy :)

if i'm not mistaken I am sorting a character in Y44, Noah Cosgrove, so I'd love for him to have a friend or two before going to Hogwarts! I think him and Marley would get along really well, as he's also curious and adventurous, and always gets excited at the idea of making new friends. We can probably throw em in a plot together and see how they interact?
Sorry for the late replies! I completely forgotten about this, it had slipped my mind, oops!


For Eliza, I have Fraser Fergusson. He is quidditch mad, everything in his life has been quidditch so he just loves it. He's not particularly bright (again his one and only passion is quidditch) but he's loud and energetic. Very friendly sort of kid. Happy to do something with them?
Hi Emzies!

Oh!! I would love to do something between them! Eliza isn't particularly bright either bahaha so I'd like to see where that goes. They are both loud and energetic, so I'd like to see what their dynamic is like. Eliza only has little knowledge of quidditch, so she might think of a bizarre rule and thinks that's part of the rules of quidditch.

Defs interested in this duo!

Heyy :)

if i'm not mistaken I am sorting a character in Y44, Noah Cosgrove, so I'd love for him to have a friend or two before going to Hogwarts! I think him and Marley would get along really well, as he's also curious and adventurous, and always gets excited at the idea of making new friends. We can probably throw em in a plot together and see how they interact?
Hi Clara!

Oooo!! Love this! I think they'd be good friends! Marley loves making friends too. She's quite energetic and she too is curious and adventurous. I would like to see what their dynamic is like for sure!
Yess, I think so! Do you want to start a thread or should I?
I believe I have some kiddies the same ages we could do something with!

Jupiter + Eliza: Well you are handling his brother so you know all about Jupiter, haha. BUUUT what jumps out is the whole bog on comics thing so I could totally see the two of them nerding out over comics or something like that.

And then I also have Rowan + Mercury: My kid is another quiet one but is obsessed with wands and wand making and probably knows more about it than any reasonable 7 year old. But he is friendly enough and I think he could probably get quite interested in astronomy as well. He's good at letting other people talk about stuff so he picks up a lot of information from just listening to other people.
Yess, I think so! Do you want to start a thread or should I?
If you could start something, that would be great! No rush hehe :D

I believe I have some kiddies the same ages we could do something with!

Jupiter + Eliza: Well you are handling his brother so you know all about Jupiter, haha. BUUUT what jumps out is the whole bog on comics thing so I could totally see the two of them nerding out over comics or something like that.

And then I also have Rowan + Mercury: My kid is another quiet one but is obsessed with wands and wand making and probably knows more about it than any reasonable 7 year old. But he is friendly enough and I think he could probably get quite interested in astronomy as well. He's good at letting other people talk about stuff so he picks up a lot of information from just listening to other people.
Hi Charlie!

Jupiter + Eliza - omg yes!! i think we spoke about them a while ago but we didn't really do anything at this stage, which is totally cool, but im defs still keen to do something between the two!! i can defs see them bond and nerding out over comics!

Rowan + Mercury - i also think these two would get along! mercury is quite shy (very introverted) so it might be a little awkward at the beginning which i'd love to see hehe! mercury loves to learn about new things, always keen on learning new things, so i think he wouldn't mind learning about wands either - i can defs see them exchanging information about different things as well

Also would love to do some more Jupiter and Mercury threads whenever, i really enjoyed the first thread, makes me giggle all the time! I have a couple of thread ideas hehe!

Lemme know what you think, and I'd be keen to do the threads at anytime hehe :D
Hi Charlie!

Jupiter + Eliza - omg yes!! i think we spoke about them a while ago but we didn't really do anything at this stage, which is totally cool, but im defs still keen to do something between the two!! i can defs see them bond and nerding out over comics!

Rowan + Mercury - i also think these two would get along! mercury is quite shy (very introverted) so it might be a little awkward at the beginning which i'd love to see hehe! mercury loves to learn about new things, always keen on learning new things, so i think he wouldn't mind learning about wands either - i can defs see them exchanging information about different things as well

Also would love to do some more Jupiter and Mercury threads whenever, i really enjoyed the first thread, makes me giggle all the time! I have a couple of thread ideas hehe!

Lemme know what you think, and I'd be keen to do the threads at anytime hehe :D
Jupiter + Eliza: Yessss I do kind of recall talking about it but we never got around to doing it so I think that needs to change, especially with them both shipping off to Hogwarts next year ( which it getting ever closer O<O). Maybe we could do a thread now so they could meet pre-Hogwarts? It would be nice to have friends before going to school

Rowan + Mercury: With two quieter characters it's always going to be awkward at first until they actually get to talking about something, hehe. But yes I could see them just sitting there and talking about their different interests. And he is totally open to chatting about wands and different cores and woods. Honestly, he is such a nerd for the subject thanks to his father.

But absolutely I am always down for sibling threads I totally want them interacting more! So if you have ideas hit me with them!
Hey Maria.
I swear i have started replying to this like five times but never quite getting far enough to post.

I have @Ivy Cullen she is seven and i believe will be sorted at the same time as mercury. she is the youngest of the Cullen children and has been doted on quite a bit by her older siblings, especially her brother when he has not been at school, but there is also a big age gap between her an her siblings (she was a bit of a surprise baby) so has had a lot of time as a child living like she was an only child.
I am still figuring her out. but i feel like she is a little sassy, and enjoys sports but I think she also is rather girly i am really not sure much on her personality. she does do scouts and i am happy for her to be friends with either mercury or fiona.
Jupiter + Eliza: Yessss I do kind of recall talking about it but we never got around to doing it so I think that needs to change, especially with them both shipping off to Hogwarts next year ( which it getting ever closer O<O). Maybe we could do a thread now so they could meet pre-Hogwarts? It would be nice to have friends before going to school

Rowan + Mercury: With two quieter characters it's always going to be awkward at first until they actually get to talking about something, hehe. But yes I could see them just sitting there and talking about their different interests. And he is totally open to chatting about wands and different cores and woods. Honestly, he is such a nerd for the subject thanks to his father.

But absolutely I am always down for sibling threads I totally want them interacting more! So if you have ideas hit me with them!
Jupiter + Eliza - Yesss we defs should do something between them! Did you wanna start something or shall I?

Rowan + Mercury - Defiantely! Is Rowan in the scouts by any chance? Maybe we could have them meet after a scout meeting or something and then go from there?

Yay!! I'll message you with an idea or two about threads between the sibs when I can! hehe

Hey Maria.
I swear i have started replying to this like five times but never quite getting far enough to post.

I have @Ivy Cullen she is seven and i believe will be sorted at the same time as mercury. she is the youngest of the Cullen children and has been doted on quite a bit by her older siblings, especially her brother when he has not been at school, but there is also a big age gap between her an her siblings (she was a bit of a surprise baby) so has had a lot of time as a child living like she was an only child.
I am still figuring her out. but i feel like she is a little sassy, and enjoys sports but I think she also is rather girly i am really not sure much on her personality. she does do scouts and i am happy for her to be friends with either mercury or fiona.
Hi Mia!

Haha, that's totally okay! I do that all the time hehe

Oh! That's totally okay! I'm still trying to figure things out with my own younger characters, so I understand completely hehe! Either could work, though Fiona sounds more like Ivy personality wise, so we can give them a try and see how we go? I'm also happy to try out Ivy and Mercury at some point if you wanted to do that too!
Oh wow how did I miss this topic yesterday when I was responding to PDs, oopsie xD

Anyway I am here to offer Miro Morales-Albertson as a possible friend for Fiona Burke. They appear to be the same age and Miro is similarly very interested in adventuring so I don't see why he and Fiona wouldn't get along and be friends. I am unsure of how they would meet, but Miro will be a member of the Phoenix Scouts, they could possibly meet through this if Fiona will also be a member?

Of course, if they don't meet beforehand they can become friends once they start Hogwarts, if that is easier.
Jupiter + Eliza - Yesss we defs should do something between them! Did you wanna start something or shall I?

Rowan + Mercury - Defiantely! Is Rowan in the scouts by any chance? Maybe we could have them meet after a scout meeting or something and then go from there?

Yay!! I'll message you with an idea or two about threads between the sibs when I can! hehe
Jupiter + Eliza: I could get around to starting to something up for them at some point, aha. Probably once s2 starts just so I can keep organized.

Rowan + Mercury: Yes he is indeed in the scouts so they could totally meet there! A thread after a meeting or even during one would be great!
Hi Mia!

Haha, that's totally okay! I do that all the time hehe

Oh! That's totally okay! I'm still trying to figure things out with my own younger characters, so I understand completely hehe! Either could work, though Fiona sounds more like Ivy personality wise, so we can give them a try and see how we go? I'm also happy to try out Ivy and Mercury at some point if you wanted to do that too!
That sounds great. Would you like me to start something. In the park maybe?
Oh wow how did I miss this topic yesterday when I was responding to PDs, oopsie xD

Anyway I am here to offer Miro Morales-Albertson as a possible friend for Fiona Burke. They appear to be the same age and Miro is similarly very interested in adventuring so I don't see why he and Fiona wouldn't get along and be friends. I am unsure of how they would meet, but Miro will be a member of the Phoenix Scouts, they could possibly meet through this if Fiona will also be a member?

Of course, if they don't meet beforehand they can become friends once they start Hogwarts, if that is easier.
Hi Anna!

Oooo! That sounds good! I would love for Fiona to have a few friends before she heads out to Hogwarts, so I'd defs be keen on this! Fiona is in the scouts, so I can see them meeting through there for sure!

Jupiter + Eliza: I could get around to starting to something up for them at some point, aha. Probably once s2 starts just so I can keep organized.

Rowan + Mercury: Yes he is indeed in the scouts so they could totally meet there! A thread after a meeting or even during one would be great!
Sounds good! No rush hehe!

I can start something for Rowan and Mercury at some point down the line if you wanted me to?

That sounds great. Would you like me to start something. In the park maybe?
If you could start something that would be awesome! :D
If you could start something that would be awesome! :D
Here you go.
Hi Anna!

Oooo! That sounds good! I would love for Fiona to have a few friends before she heads out to Hogwarts, so I'd defs be keen on this! Fiona is in the scouts, so I can see them meeting through there for sure!
Yay! Did you want to work on an RP now, or should we have them RP once they go to Hogwarts?
Yay! Did you want to work on an RP now, or should we have them RP once they go to Hogwarts?
Omg! Sorry for the late reply! Covid has taken a slow toll on me! But I think some time about now would be good! No rush though!
Sure thing, did you want to start an RP or should I? Do you think we could say Miro and Fiona are already friends, and Miro is visiting Fiona's house or something?
Sure thing, did you want to start an RP or should I? Do you think we could say Miro and Fiona are already friends, and Miro is visiting Fiona's house or something?
Ooo yes sounds good! If you are able to start it that would be great! 🙏🏻💗
Ooo yes sounds good! If you are able to start it that would be great! 🙏🏻💗
Sure thing, I'll start it with Miro arriving to Fiona's house, where does Fiona live?
Sure thing, I'll start it with Miro arriving to Fiona's house, where does Fiona live?
Yay! Thank you so much! She lives up in Auckland hehe! <3

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