Zeke Caleb Hamilton

Ezekiel Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Full Name: Ezekiel Caleb Hamilton (Pronounced Eh-Zeke-el Cah-Lehb Ha-Mil-Ton)
Birth Date: November 2
Current Age: 11
Basic Appearance: Zeke is about 4'10'' but a lean but toned physique, a pale complexion, and bizarrely teal eyes. His hair is styled in a shaggy emo cut and his clothing is usually tight; his usual shirt is a t-shirt (usually a band shirt or a shirt with some sort of moody, sarcastic quote on it) and one of his various hoodies. He also has a thing for big, flashy belts. Occasionally he will die his hair an insanely bright color (the most recent being magenta, which faded and was replaced once more with black).
Parents: Mother: Meridan Klara Hamilton; aged 49.
Father: Brody Shane Hamilton aged 55.
Siblings if any: Younger Sister: Arya Alexanda Hamilton; aged 9.
Older brother: Conrad Darcy Hamilton; aged 21.
Oldest brother: Adrian Farrow Hamilton; aged 25.
Pets, If Any: Snowy owl named Lexa. (Pronounced Lack-sa)
Area Of Residence: Sydney, Australia
Blood Status: Mixed

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

- What would their Patronus be? A lion; shows bravery and strength.
- What would their Boggart be? His parents dead.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Dog - Zeke is friendly and has a big heart, but is often reclusive and shy. He wouldn't admit that he was too trusting or introverted to anyone, and when confronted with actually being a good person he usually brushes the person off and feigns being a jerk. Despite his moody and rebellious nature, he comes across as an all around good-guy, and is nice to have around (or so claim the friends he swears not to have)
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Have many friends.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The day Zeke found out his parents bought him an owl. Zeke always had a thing for owls.

Write an example role play by your character:

Looking up at the ceiling above his bed, he noticed the way the moonlight was flickering inn through the window, causing objects placed throughout the room to cast their shadows on the ceiling. To a younger mind, the shadows would appear as semi-translucent monsters doing a tribal dance above him. For Zeke, that dance was always a happy dance, or a dance of celebration or perhaps initiation for another monster. Eventually the monsters got less shy and he could begin to see their colors, their faces, their eyes, and then he could see them completely - in his minds eye. Each were unique and behaved differently - you could never read one based off of what you knew of another. For years, Zeke was fascinated with his monsters, and even began to name them and fantasize about adventures with them.

Of course, those years were past, and Zeke knew now, with nostalgic disappointment that his monsters were merely shadows; shadows like the once that danced before him this very moment. Of course, he still believed that they existed somewhere, and that he had betrayed them and that they were disappointed in him - maybe even angry. This only served to feed his near-constant state of paranoia. With a deep sigh, he rubbed his stomach in small circles in an attempt to put himself asleep.

He awoke two hours later, at three-minutes til one. He stared into space for ten minutes before it became clear that he wasn't going to fall asleep again any time soon, so he rolled off his bed, slipped his feet into his Gir slippers (he loved Invader Zim, and most Muggle cartoons) and sauntered out into the dorm commons, hoping to find another carbon-based life-form with which to converse until he became sleepy again.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Sometimes i wake up and see funny green monsters flying around my room laughing,
it seems like they are happy but you can never really tell, because they all wear masks
they all act different and have different designs and expressions and make different noises
some of them fly and some bounce and some look like snakes and some look like slinkies
i started to name them so i could figure them out and feel a sort of closeness to them
now we're all friends and we go on adventures and whenever i'm sad they show up
that's how it was until i was about ten, because then i realized that they weren't real
the good news is that i've found people are pretty much just like the monsters i knew
so now i make friends with people and we go places and do things and it's more fun
i don't see the monsters anymore but i am pretty sure they are mad at me for leaving
sometimes i feel like they might be following me, so i get nervous and look around a lot
i'm also worried that they have connections in the horde of darkness so i'm a little paranoid
i'm pretty sure that's the least of my worries though, since there might be a chemical spill
then we'd start turning into zombies and i'd have to gather my friends and run away
all i'm saying is that we should all watch our backs, even if you don't believe in my monsters
there are other monsters out there and a lot of darkness, and we can never be too careful
that's what i think, anyways.
Hey Zeke! Welcome to HNZ! I hope you enjoy your stay, and I hope you don't mind me asking a few characters of your character. :)

Ezekiel is an interesting name. What caused your parents to name you Ezekiel? (i.e. are they religious? Family name?)

Does anyone else in your family have teal eyes?

I see you like wearing band shirts. Do you have a favourite band?

As you are a mixed blood, both your parents are wizards, yes? Where were they educated?

What do your parents do for a living?

Are your other brothers both wizards?

There is a big age gap between your older brothers and you and your sister. Any reason for this?

As you are closest in age to your younger sister, are you particuarly close to her?

Are you very close to your parents? (Hence the fear of them dying)

Do you have any idea why you see the monsters?
(Also, I noted that your diary entry says something about you being 15...you might want to check that.)

Ummm, that's some to start with, I can't think of anything else at the moment. :p
Yay! Questions :D

Ezekiel is an interesting name. What caused your parents to name you Ezekiel? (i.e. are they religious? Family name?)
: Well, my parents believed that we were descendants of the prophet Ezekiel (of the bible), or Zulkifli (in the Muslim Qur'an). They told me that my great great grandparents migrated to Australia or something like that. And my dad had this interesting idea of naming me after him.

Does anyone else in your family have teal eyes?
: My aunt does (from my mother's side), but my whole family's eyes are black. My mother's black too, she followed her father.

I see you like wearing band shirts. Do you have a favorite band?
: I'm a mixed blood, and my father had introduced me to many famous Muggle bands. At the moment, its The Cure.

As you are a mixed blood, both your parents are wizards, yes? Where were they educated?
: Both of my parents were wizards. Both were educated at HNZ.

What do your parents do for a living?
: My father works at the Ministry in the Control Of Muggle Artifacts office. My mother writes textbooks for school.

Are your other brothers both wizards?
: Yes. And both have graduated.

There is a big age gap between your older brothers and you and your sister. Any reason for this?
: Me and my little weren't 'planned'.

As you are closest in age to your younger sister, are you particularly close to her?
: Yes we are! She tells me secret she which no else knows.

Are you very close to your parents? (Hence the fear of them dying)
: Yes. I love them very much, and i always dread them leaving me. My parents are the ones that has made me what i am now.

Do you have any idea why you see the monsters?
: No. But my mother said its all in my head. But i honestly think the monsters want to eat me.
hust one point
HNZ has only been around for 5 years therefore your parents can't have been educted here. (it is a common mistake)
i cant think if anything else

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