You see, this girl needs someone

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Spencer Parkinson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
13' inches Hickory Wood with Phoenix feather on the core
... Spencer is currently studying at Durmstrang and is been in there for almost five years now. She has friends but not that quite many, what she needed is some more friends, an enemy, and a love interest. I don't mind them going from Beauxbatons nor Hogwarts New Zealand or Hogwarts Scotland, they must rp with my character...

... About Spencer, she is smart, self-centered, always wanted attention and caring even though she has some bad personality with her, Spencer is still has a good heart. She doesn't care what everyone says to her, she's just true to herself. She might act tomboyish and wear shorts and pants but when it comes to boys she will wear anything girly ...

... If you are interested just reply here and we can talk about anything ...

Maybe Veronica and Spencer could be close friends or something? I mean Ver could help her out at school and stuff if she needs anything and be her mentor as well.

Veronica: is a good at heart person but she cannot always express that the right way or do the right things. She has a weird family background but she is friendly to most of the people. She does not like muggles and muggle borns much because she was raised in such an atmosphere. Her hobbies are swimming,reading, painting and Qudditch. She loves to fly and is seeker in Qudditch team.

So what say?
Eva is a Smart, caring girl who will stick by you no matter what. She loves ice cream and hanging out with friends. She doesn't want a lot of friends just a few close ones, she can count on. Friends come first, then school. She is online Everyday. :tut:

Eva is currently unsorted, but will begin her first year at HNZ in September.
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