You Asked Us To

Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Leonardo had arranged to come to Professor Corrins' office, he knew it had been an ask of all the students, he wasn't especially keen on it, since he didn't quite like the professor and didn't know what he could say, but it was an ask from a professor and Leo wasn't going to turn that down. What if she wrote to his home to say that he hadn't done it or something. So, here he now was. He straightened his tie, adjusted his robes and made sure his hair was sitting right. He approached the door to her office and knocked lightly, not saying anything just taking a small step back and waiting. His hands clasped behind him. He didn't know how to act around professors at this school. his grandfather would want him to treat with respect and to never ask questions unless the professor gave him an opportunity to and to always address them formally. He knew however that Professor Corrins' was more relaxed and friendly, which was why he didn't know if he liked her. He wasn't sure how to be around a professor like that.
Mallory was in her office, going over some paperwork, when she heard the knock on her door. "Come in," She called, setting her paperwork aside and summoning over her tea tray. She picked up her cup, cradling it. She smiled as the door opened and she saw Leonardo standing there. "Mr. Orr, hello! Thank you for coming, please, have a seat," She motioned to one of her chairs. "And please, shut the door. My dear Maxim would love to try to run out," She smiled affectionately at the hairless pest that was already eyeing the door from his position on her bookshelf.
Leonardo opened the door and walked inside. He greeted the professor with a little nod of his head. He shut the door behind him and then took a seat in the room. He was sat straight in the chair, his hands on his lap and he was trying to hold the professor's gaze but wasn't really managing to. He didn't say anything, expecting the professor to do the speaking, she had asked for this, he didn't know what he should say, if anything. The professor would be able to know what to say, would be able to tell him what this should be about.
Mallory smiled softly. She could feel the boys tension from here. "So, Mr. Orr. Thank you again for stopping by. Would you care for some tea?" She asked, getting up and walking over to make herself a cup. She returned, honoring his request, and sat down again, cradling her cup. "I'd like to talk with you about what you'd like to get from your charms lessons." She told him, sipping her drink. "How are you finding classes?" She asked, smiling at him.
Leonardo shook his head, "No thank you ma'am." he only drank tea for divination, and did not enjoy the taste at all. He was sitting straight in the chair, his gaze lingering firmly on the professor and his hands on his lap. He had been taught how to respect his professors, and even if this professor probably wouldn't mind informality he wasn't about to do it. "My classes are going well Professor, I am maintaining an EE average in my classes and are working towards trying to push that to an O by my OWLS," he wasn't going to mention how he wasn't doing well in divination. "I will work hard, as hard as need be, and can do extra reading or revision over the break, if my work slips,"
Mallory smiled softly and set her tea aside. He was very polite. "Oh, darling, that wasn't what I meant," She told him gently. "I wanted to know if you were enjoying classes." She gave him a warm smile. "I like to offer personalized study plans for my third and fourth years. If you're bored with your charms lessons, I do offer advanced lessons, or private tutoring. I tutored Jordie for a bit, he speaks very highly of you." She told him. "I also offer texts for courses not taught at school. I like to offer assistance for whatever may interest you. I have Quidditch history, math, English, a few other odds and ends. Is there anything you may be interested in?" She asked him, cradling her tea again out of habit.
Leonardo frowned as the professor called him darling. No one had ever called him darling. To his father he was always Leo, to his grandfather he was always Leonardo, never anything else. He had a nickname but no pet name, no terms of endearment in the Orr household. Perhaps if his mother was alive, she might've called him darling, but she wasn't and the only person to call him that was his charms professor. He was a little confused by her words, not sure why a professor would care if he was enjoying his classes.

"Professor...," he spoke quietly, when he thought he could be she continued and he stopped himself. He couldn't imagine why Jordie would speak highly of him. When she finished, he shook his head lightly. He liked quidditch, he played quidditch but he wasn't sure if that interested him as something to study. Leonardo opened his mouth to speak, but seemed to think twice about it and immediately closed it back over. He glanced back at his hands, closed his eyes briefly. "I'm not at school to follow personal interests, I am here to study the necessary subjects. If you have tips on how best I should study, I welcome them. Otherwise, there's nothing else to discuss....," Half the words Leo said were directly lifted from his grandfather. They were said in a serious and monotone voice. Leonardo had looked up at the professor fixing her with a serious expression.
Mallory was surprised by the serious tone the boy took. She considered him, thinking. "Well... if that's what you really believe, then alright..." She murmured, before continuing. "Mr. Orr, if I may... is that what you believe, or is that what you were told?" She asked gently. "I don't mean to pry... I just know what its like to have high expectations and standards put onto you." She gave him a soft smile. "I would like you to do me a favor," She said, and opened her desk drawer, pulling out a leather journal. A flick of her wand, and his name was inscribed in a flowing calligraphy on the bottom left corner. She took it and slid it across the desk to him. "I'd like you to start keeping a journal. Even if only for five minutes a day, please take the time to sit and write out something. It could be anything, and I won't ask to see what you've written. This is a private journal meant only for you." She told him. "Your magic is tied to your emotions, and as you're growing and reaching adolescence it can be a very emotional, confusing time. I'd like you to get into this habit, so that you always have a safe space to put down your thoughts."
After being referred to as darling, the professor being formal with him felt like he'd failed a test. Sure, it was likely because he was being formal, but he felt bad. Leonardo gave a little shrug to the question and then shook his head. He wouldn't mention who but he really didn't think his grandfather had high expectations of him, he just had some and leo was already not meeting them. He glanced at the journal that she gave to him and nodded along. He wasn't sure how this would help him overall, emotions were tricky for Leo sure, but writing things down? "And this'll help my charms?" he asked, he was sure that it was necessarily for that, but if someone asked that would be what he said. "Can I leave it at school between semesters?"
Mallory smiled warmly, nodding at his question. "Among other things." She told him. "Mr. Orr, I care about more than just the grades you make in my class. Growing up is hard, especially when you're tossed into a private school at a young age for a majority of the year and expected to raise yourself." She sipped on her tea. "My office is always open to you. It can be for questions about any of your subjects, or it can be just that you want away from the crowd or to see my cats or that you want someone to talk with."

Mallory considered him a moment, running her finger over the lip of her tea cup. "Of course you can. If you would like I can lock it in my desk for you," She offered, before setting her cup down. "Leonardo, might I ask you to humor me a moment? I have something I'd like to discuss with you." She smiled warmly. "First, is there something you do like to drink? Or would you like a snack?"
Leonardo gave a little nod, he wasn't sure why she was saying such a thing, this place was better than his other education experiences. He liked being around other people, and though he wasn't the most friendly person but it was still nice. He didn't think he would use the office for anything, and wasn't too sure what to make of the professor so he didn't know how much he would talk to her. "I'll maybe keep it in my trunk..," he wasn't sure. But he felt it would be better to not have it. He frowned a little, he'd been hoping to go now, the question was like making him a little nervous. "No thank you ma'am," he answered, not wanting to prolong it by having a drink.
Mallory could tell it might take a little bit of work to get through to Leo, but she was determined to try. She smiled gently at him. "Alright," She folded her hands on her desk. "In Russia, there is a very wealthy, powerful wizard named Maxim Korrinov. He is a stern man, proud, as strong and as cold as a Russian winter." She watched him closely. "He values success, skill, and perfection above all else. He has high expectations, ones that must be met. He married a beautiful woman, but a quiet one that bent easily to his iron will."

Mallory sipped her tea, steadying herself. "They had three children. The eldest, Dimitri, he was the heir to Maxim's business and his fortune. The pressure on all of his children was immense. No cost was spared. They were trained by the most expensive tutors, raised under his unbending command." Mallory let out a soft breath. "Dimitri was brought to his father one day, and told he was to marry the heiress to one of Maxims' rival companies. It was a business move, and Dimitri was expected to comply. And when he protested, he was thrown out of the home, shunned and cut off from his fathers house."

Mallorys voice was gentle, and she lowered her gaze. "Dimitri lived his life for his father. He did everything he was told, tried his best to meet an impossible standard. And he was miserable for it. Do you know where he is now?" She looked up, a warmer smile on his face. "He lives in a small apartment, working in a pet shop and happily pursuing the man of his dreams. Dimitri was cut off, cast out, and yet he has never been happier." Mallory studied Leo, hoping he understood.

"I feel like I can see him in you, Mr. Orr. That invisible hand that is clasped around you." She glanced away and then back at him. "I want you to be happy, Leonardo. The path you take, the future that awaits you, I just want to be sure that it's a choice you make for yourself and not for someone else."
Leonardo listened to the story the woman was telling, understanding that this was meant to be a story in which he saw himself in the person she was talking about, but their situations were different. He wasn't very wealthy, they were comfortable, his father wasn't really around to be stern and proud, it was his grandfather who wasn't russian but English. He didn't remember his grandmother and he didn't remember his mother but both had supposedly been wonderful. He was an only child, the man she was talking about was one of three. It wasn't the same. His grandfather had not a care for who he least he didn't think he did. As she finished, Leonardo forced a small smile on his expression, it was false and faded quickly. "I am happy Professor," he replied and there was a little truth to it. "Can I go now....I have quidditch practice....," he said, he didn't, but he needed to get out of there.
Mallory supposed she wasn't surprised; she hadn't expected Leo to just immediately jump on board with what she was trying to tell him. She worried for the boy, but she supposed there wasn't too much she could do. She would just have to keep an eye on him, try to help if she could. "Of course," She gave him a kind smile. "Just remember, my office is always open to you if you need it." She promised him, unsure if his pride would keep him from returning on his own.
Leonardo nodded, and he stood up. He glanced at the professor one last time. "I'll remember Professor," The boy then just headed out of the professor's office, not glancing back once at her. Not wanting to think about any part of that conversation.

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