Yet Another Summer

Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Estrella had been absolutely elated when her grandfather had allowed her to bring Lily back to the Herrogard for the summer. With Sophia gone, days and nights at the manor could be incredibly dull. Even though the place was large and held a lot of interesting things to uncover she found herself increasingly tired of digging through books and different rooms. And, while she admired them all, Sarah, Persephone, and Pjotr, the house elf responsible for managing the library, could not hardly be called adequate companions.

She felt a spoiled brat almost as she moved around the Herrogard attempting to find her grandfather, hoping that he would be in the spacious library. The sixteen year old was forever grateful to have Lily over to stem some of her boredom with being stuck here, but oddly enough, a homesickness wrenched her heart that had not before occupied her. She wanted to return to the States, if just for a few weeks, and see her family again. She wanted to be around the lakes again, the woods, the rolling hills she had been raised on. She hadn't seen her immediate family for years and felt guilty for barely ever writing them. For this reason she was attempting to find Valcan, so that she could ask him for this small favor. With her ascension into sixth year her chances of making visits were ebbing away. Soon, as an adult, she would most likely be tied down with a job and find it even more difficult to visit her family members. With a sigh she looked around, hoping that Sarah might be on her side. Valcan would be less likely to argue if she was backing the idea up.
Valcan was not entirely pleased at the moment, having just feasted his eyes on the family tree. The fresh ink had indicated a new arrival in the family. Tristan's end was becoming crammed with bastards, although this time he would have to say that the kid's mother was a better choice on his son's part. He might just have to pay a visit to the Dolohov residence, but he figured he would talk it over with Sarah first. The old man was still incredibly angry with his son, knowing that nothing short of violence would occur if they crossed paths again.

He was wearing his reading glasses, attempting to stem his frustration by getting lost in a book. He noticed that they had slid down the bridge of his nose, but he took no care to adjust them. Most were not aware that he had an affinity for reading, busy life put aside. The man sat in the comfortable armchair at the far end of the library, enjoying the novel before a crackling fire and a glass of wine beside him. He had left his granddaughter and her friend alone for the most part, not finding much reason to be spending time with teenage girls.
Sarah was wandering around the castle, looking for Valcan. She had a few ideas for somethings to do with the girls while they were here to bend both of the girls more to their side. Lily seemed to be a bit overwhelmed, especially since this is the first time that she had been not only Norway, but to a castle this large. She smiled softly as she thought of the way that the girl looked around a bit wide-eyed, but tried to conceal it.

Entering the library, she walked softly across the floor. She noticed the glass of wine next to the chair by the fire -- one of Valcan's favorite spots to sit and relax. Crossing quickly, Sarah slipped up behind the man, reaching around and taking the book from his hands and settling herself into his lap, her head leaning on his shoulder, in a position that they had relaxed in many, many times. "Hmm, so what are we reading tonight?" she asked, taking the glasses off his face and placing them on hers.
Valcan started as the book was taken from his large hands, only able to chuckle as he realized that it could be only Sarah. With a smile he placed an arm around her, blinking at her as she took off his glasses and placed them on her own face. "They look good on you," he murmured in his thickly accented voice. Glancing back at the title, he said, "Oh, it's just something I found. Astronomy in the western world." Astronomy was not something that utterly interested him but it was something to read.
Sarah smiled as she relaxed back into Valcan's arms. "Ah, sounds, um, utterly boring." She closed the book and dropped it onto the floor next to the chair. Raising her free hand, she stroked his scruffy cheek before placing a soft kiss on his lips. As she pulled back, she spoke softly. "Love, I had an idea for the girls while they are here. Since Lily has never been here before, or any of Estrella's friends for that matter, I was thinking we really should take them out shopping a few times. Maybe even to London for a day? I think it would win Estrella over to your side a bit more if she had a bit of freedom with her friend." She stroked his cheek again, staring into his ice blue eyes hopefully.
"It's more engaging than one might think it is," Valcan chuckled, "I'm having a hard time getting through parts of it though." He made no objection as she dropped the book onto the floor, returning her kiss with obvious enthusiasm. His hand trailed teasingly down her back, looking back to her with a grin. Playing with her hair, he listened to her, thinking about her suggestion for a moment. "I suppose that that would not be too far fetched. London you say? I should be able to find some time in my schedule to work that out." He smirked- as a Minister of Magic, he could pretty much take off any day he wanted, with a few exceptions. As long as he got his job done it didn't matter.

He sighed a bit. "I think it is a good idea. I'm still not convinced that she trusts me," he said quietly.
Estrella smiled at Lily as she moved around a bookcase, glancing at the titles on the shelves. Half of them were in a language that she didn't understand. A library so large was the Ravenclaw's dream, or at least, it was something that left her in awe as a devout reader. She knew that Lily was still getting accustomed to being in such a big place. "I hope that we can go-" she said quietly, "I haven't been to the states in so long!" She was not entirely sure that Valcan would say yes, but it was worth the try.
Lily was absolutely stunned at the size of this place. She was scared to wander out of the suite of rooms she was sharing with Estrella alone out of fear of getting lost. She was very happy that Estrella knew where she was going around this place. Looking around with wide eyes, she was still taking in all that was the library. It was larger than anything she had ever dreamed -- even the one time she had visited the Library of Congress in Washington DC. She followed Estrella, wondering if there was anything muggle in here or if it was all magical. "So, is there any chance that there are muggle novels here? If not, I might have to pick some up when we get to the states, provided that we get to go."
Estrella chuckled a bit at how consistently stunned Lily was at the Herrogard, although she couldn't say when for the first time she had come here she had been any less flabbergasted. She shrugged her shoulders, stopping as she heard a voice. Was that Valcan and Sarah talking? Grinning, she shrugged her shoulders, and replied, "You know, I have yet to find one, but there's bound to be a muggle novel or two lying around here someplace. Pjotr- the house elf in here- would probably know." She had never really talked to the grizzled old house elf, who usually kept to himself. "Oh, I do hope we get to go. I mean, I love going to new places and all- but it'd be nice just to stay home for a few days, you know?"

Leading Lily towards the end of the library, she said, "I think that's Valcan." Two voices. "And Sarah maybe?"
Still looking around the massive library, Lily followed Estrella down the aisles between the enormous shelves. When she spoke, she stopped and listened. She heard the voices, and made out one of them talking about shopping. "Did I hear someone say shopping?" she whispered to her friend. "Think this is a good time to interrupt them and ask about Minnesota? Or should we leave them alone after what you walked in on over break?"
Sarah was starting to get other ideas of what to do besides talk in the library. Closing her eyes at the feel of Valcan's hands in her blonde hair, she inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent of his skin. "I was thinking of planning a trip to London for two weeks from now. Will that work for your schedule?" she asked as she caressed his face with her hand, trailing her fingers along his stubbled cheek. "I think you are making great strides in building trust with Estrella again. Allowing her to have some freedom this summer is going to help that effort. Letting her bring her friend is helping too, even if it is a Potter," she added with an eyeroll. "Is the girl really relation of that annoying prat?"
Estrella laughed, "Only you would pick up that word." With a joking grin she started to pulled Lily towards the source of the voices. "This should be a good a time as any if they're talking of going out." She couldn't catch what else was being said but figured she would make an appearance anyways. Shrugging, she added quietly to her friend, "Well- they shouldn't have any more secrets to hide, should they?"
Valcan smirked as he buried his face on Sarah's neck, pulling away and continuing to twirl her hair. He was beginning to have thoughts that did not involve the public air of the library. "That should work out," he murmured. "I'll make someone make it work, in any case." Smirking, he gazed back at Sarah with his ice blue eyes, revealing intention that she could know only too well.

"Potter? Possibly. Doesn't seem to be glory seeking in any case, so I have no problem with her," he replied with a frown. "My, I've just stopped hearing stories about that stupid boy. And he probably made the Auror offices by default." He was amused by Estrella's friend's reaction to the Herrogard. For someone who had not grown up in it, the manor always proved to be quite overwhelming.

He paused for a moment, looking to Sarah. Hearing voices, he froze, unsure whether to remain as he was with Sarah on his lap or stand up.
Sarah began to feel a bit warmer when she noticed the look in Valcan's eyes, knowing full well what that meant. She stared into their depths, hoping to convey her desires back to him. When he started to talk about their guest, she realized that this girl was nothing like her possible relative. "I guess we will have to find out from her. Might be a good person to have on your side if she is related to him. She really is awestruck here isn't she?" she added with a giggle.

She placed her hand over Valcan's heart, feeling the warm heartbeat there. Her back stiffened as he reacted to the voices they heard approaching. She leaned over, kissing him quickly on the lips, then moved to the luxurious leather sofa that was next to the chair. Settling herself in, she picked up the glass of wine that was on the table between them, sipping it with a smirk to Valcan.
Estrella approached the couple nervously, fighting the urge to plant herself right in front of the crackling fire. The spaciousness of the Herrogard caused it to be quite chilly. Not too few mornings, she found herself having no will to leave the warmth of her bed, knowing the cold that awaited. She shivered a bit as she stood, walking to the side of the chair.

Blushing a bit, she felt that she and Lily had intruded on something between the couple. Deciding that she didn't want her mind to run astray with any disturbing thoughts, she gathered herself and asked with a lump in her throat, "Bestefar, would it be possible for Lily and I to go to the States sometime during break?" She hoped that at least Sarah would sympathize with her. She just knew that she wanted to get out, and Lily, although she was still awestruck by the Herrogard probably was too.
Valcan knew only too well what Sarah was thinking, quite eager to get out of the library and into a much more promising situation. He occupied himself with rubbing Sarah's shoulders as she talked, a devious smile present in his expression. "She could be some sort of distant relation." He thought about it for a moment. The Potter boy was definitely against any interest that he and his colleagues may have, so it would be useful to the group if they could get a familial relation on their side. How to go about that, however, was above his head at this point in time. Chuckling a bit, he replied, "Indeed. Although, is not every newcomer like that?" He looked knowingly to Sarah, remembering the first time she had come to the Herrogard. People of wealth, however, never had the reaction of those who had grown up in- smaller establishments.

Receiving Sarah's kiss, he smirked as she seated herself on the sofa nonchalantly, sipping at his wine. The man was usually finicky about anyone else touching his food or drink, but Sarah was the exception. Turning his attention to the girls, he listened to Estrella's request, his lip twisting into a frown. He wasn't sure whether he should be saying yes or no, looking to Sarah. "I don't know. Is there any specific reason you want to go there?" He didn't want to seem the authoritarian parent that he had been, although he figured that as her guardian he also had every right to know what she was going to be up to, especially under his watch. She's not yet seventeen, he had to remind himself.

((Hope that wasn't too bad of a godmod. ;) ))
Lily hoped she was not speaking out of turn, but she decided to help plead their case. "Well, Strella was hoping to take me to visit her aunt and uncle in Minnesota for a few weeks, and I kinda was hoping that my boyfriend and his dad could meet up with us there. I really want to check out that huge mall that is in Minnesota. I have a huge thing for shopping and I think Blake and Josh would have fun there too." She was not sure if Estrella told her Grandfather that she was dating the son of a friend of his, but it was worth dropping the names to see if he reacted at all to them. "I have never been to Minnesota, even though I grew up in the next state. My family never went much of anywhere. That and I love shopping." She grinned, hoping that the two adults would at least think it over before telling them they couldn't.
Thank you, Lily, Estrella thought to herself, giving her friend a grateful smile. Hopefully, the girl had just rescued their case, considering how bad Estrella's throat was catching up. Turning to her grandfather, she coughed a little bit, and added, "I really like being here- I really do, Bestefar," she started, "But I haven't seen my family in a really long time, you know? And it'd be nice to do some shopping, I agree with Lily." Her expression pleading, her large eyes trailed to Sarah and then back to Valcan. "Would you consider it? We'd both be really grateful." She hoped that her grandfather could hold on to some inkling of understanding, to remember what it was like to be a teenager for once and to feel something, if not sympathy. The Herrogard was a nice place, but it was too cold. The two Ravenclaw girls needed to get out and do something fun.
Valcan's eyebrow raised just a hint as Lily brought up a Josh. Could it be the Joshua he knew? He thought that he had heard something about the man having a son, but he couldn't be sure. "Joshua Hanson?" he inquired, wondering if this was indeed whom the girl was speaking of. He was still unsure how to respond. If he didn't let Estrella and her friend go, she would lose trust in him. He glanced to Sarah, hoping that she would have some sort of opinion to offer. It didn't seem entirely unreasonable to let her see her family, although if he she or her friend were to be lost or hurt, he would be accountable. If Josh would be around though- that may be a different story. "I would have to think about it a little more," he replied quietly. The request was sudden, although he wasn't sure to find it unexpected or not.
Lily's eyes brightened up a bit at the realization that Valcan knew Josh. That meant that they had a better chance of getting their way.

"Yeah. Josh Hanson. I am dating his son, Blake. I think Josh would be cool with meeting up with us for some shopping and I know Blake would love to hang out there and I am sure that Josh would pretty much do anything that Blake wanted to do 'cause they are still forming a bond between them at this point 'cause Blake's mom took off on Josh when she was pregnant and he was on a work assignment of some kind and--- sorry, I'm rambling," she stopped short, realizing that she was saying all sorts of things that really did not matter to the situation at hand. "I tend to do that when I get excited." Lily's cheeks colored, and she smiled a bit awkwardly. She barely knew these two and here she was spilling her guts to them.
Estrella could not help grinning broadly at Lily, who possibly had just convinced Valcan to let them go. Oh, what she would do to get out of this place. She liked living in it but being confined within the walls did nothing for her short term sanity. She looked to Valcan hopefully, her eyes wide as Lily basically recounted Blake's life story. Figuring that Josh being around might alleviate whatever uneasiness Valcan possessed about letting them go, she shifted on her feet as she waited to see if Lily's shot would get them anywhere.
Sarah took in the girl's discussion silently, gauging the reaction of each of them. As Lily started rambling on, she held back laughter and simply smiled instead. She sipped from the glass of wine in her hands, then moved to set it down. Turning to look at Valcan, she asked, "Is that the Josh that is Estrella's godfather?"
Valcan had not spent much time around teenage girls. He had been around his sister, Larkana, back when he was young, and had had a teenage daughter of his own, but Brunhilde was definitely not what one could be considered 'girly.' At least, not in the sense of today's teenagers. She had always acted mature for her age, and thus the Potter girl's outburst left his head spinning. The old man wondered if he had ever read or heard so many words used in one sentence.

"Indeed, it is," Valcan replied, "And I suppose that if he is going to be in the states too- in case anything goes wrong," he gave a pointed look to the two girls, "You could have someone to look out for you." He sighed a bit. "It is only fair to let you guys go. How soon do you want to go? Will your family consider it rude to show up unannounced?" Valcan had been raised with proper etiquette, although he had no idea about muggle standards.
"Oh, thank you Bestefar!" Estrella exclaimed excitedly. If he hadn't been such a seemingly unnapproachable person she would have hugged him. "This means a lot to me- well, us, I would say!" With a broad grin she stated, "Well, as soon as you'll allow." Laughing, she said, "Carl and Maggie? No way. They won't care at all."

The Ravenclaw girl couldn't help smiling broadly at her friend. She hadn't seen her mother's side of the family in so long, she nearly felt guilty about it.
Lily squeeled like a little girl when she heard that they were allowed to go. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" She smiled wide, and jumped on her friend, excited to go close to her home for a bit.

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